Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Anyone experiencing tantrums. At the moment I’m experiencing crying and screaming if I do something to her she doesn’t like. Eg. Changing her nappy. Clothes. Wiping face and hands. Trying to do her hair.
Hiya! Any mummies who have colics babies? Mine is 6 weeks and 3 days and we are struggling so much with her it makes me cry 😥 I hate seeing her in so much pain. Last evening between 7-8 pm she was crying hysterically and didn’t stop until I put her in the bath which settled her 🥺 I spoke today with my HV and…
So my little one is four months old and we do a baby led routine during the day following his sleep cues for naps, then a bedtime routine with dinner, pjs and a story and settle down to watch lullabies by 7. When and how did everyone get their babies into a bit of a more predictable and stricter routine including wh...
My 8 week baby girl has struggled with a little reflux since birth, she was combi fed for 3 weeks and then we switched to Aptamil formula and she feeds really well. She is struggling badly from 5pm/8pm with bad colic, crying/screaming for hours and nothing will soothe her. We have tried everything, different wind...
When did your period return postpartum for those who are exclusively breastfeeding directly at the breast (not pumping)?
When did Everyones baby crawl?
Did anyone else or is anyone experiencing their 6 week old baby just wanting to be held constantly. She previously would go in her Moses basket when she was asleep but recently she just cries within 5 minutes of being put in there. Then when I pick her up and cuddle her she settles, so she doesn’t need feeding or na...
Baby boy is 9 months, got 8 teeth that sometimes make it painful. He's been waking 2-4 times in a night. Not sure weather to try to change to formula yo see if this will help his sleeping (I know no proof of that). He doesn't always seem happy or full after a feed. Been offering solids but he's not been taking m...
Hello, is anyone else’s little one walking perfectly fine using furniture and a walker but will refuse to take your hand and walk alongside you, he will literally collapse to his knees !
My baby is almost 11 months old and is currently resisting both naps. We were doing wake at 6:30-7 with first nap 9:30 for 30 mins and 1:30-3:30. Now he takes up to an hour to go off or refuses altogether. He will only do contact naps and will not go off in the buggy. Any advice or people going through the same thing?
Baby didn’t actually sleep until 2am last night. She was screaming or playing. Please tell me I’m not alone 😫
We need to start baby proofing kitchen cupboards and cabinets in the living room, does anyone have any good ones they've used which go inside the cupboard door and don't damage the wood either?
My little boy has just turned 4 weeks and he was so fussy all night and has been fussy all day today, won’t let me put him down. He’s not even so much crying, I mean he lets out little moans and groans here and there. He’s still drinking his milk and plenty of wet and dirty nappies. He feels warm but wouldn’t say he...
My almost 3 week old little boy is formula fed and appears to be feeding little and often which is fine.. but recently he's clearing 4oz bottles and then an hour later crying for more. Is this normal?
So my boy is 13 months and I’ve been trying to wean him off formula (slowly reducing the amount on formula in his bottle and topping it up with more whole milk). If it has formula in he will drink it, however I’ve been trying to get him to drink straight whole milk and he absolutely refuses! I want to eventually get...
My daughter has a sickness bug and was sick about 5 times last night, so obviously had very little sleep. She usually sleeps through so a lot less sleep than she's used to. She's now been napping for 3 hours.. do you think leave her as long as she needs or wake her at some point, dont want it affecting her sleep ton...
My little guy was forced bottle fed only by the NICU and me finding it awkward trying to learn to there. And it was also fortified for calories. Well home, he latched immediately. It was super easy for us. Thank goodness. I’d originally been very strict on my pumping schedule and was an over supplier. And he was st...
Looking for a reasonably priced travel stroller. Looking at an ickle bubba and kinderkraft one but reading mixed reviews
Has anyone discovered a good sippy cup for the use of milk? My EBF baby won’t take a bottle and will only use a sippy cup/beaker so having to forget the bottle now. I’m confused as surely it’s going to take her so long to drink all of the milk from the beaker. Any advice would be lovely ☺️
Whenever my baby cries I tend to him ASAP either by breast feeding or other comfort - my mum came round this morning and said if he’s fed, clean nappy and winded, to just let him cry for a little while before going to him as this won’t harm him, and I’ll never get anything done otherwise. Is this okay, or could this...