Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.

Bedside Crib

I currently has snuzpod 4 for my 3 month old nearly 4 months and I weighed him yesterday and he is 19lbs 🫣👀 and the weight requirement is 20lbs. I have a travel cot but wanted to know if there’s anyone that’s had to change sleeping crib and what you’d recommend?


How many pumping sessions per day?

I am almost 7 months pp. Wondering how many sessions I should have in a day, and for how long?


One nap a day

When did your baby go to one nap a day?


Settle in basinet

My LO is 8 weeks old, we go to bed at 9pm, feed and in the cot for 10pm ish. She will sleep fine until around 1am, wake to feed but will not settle back in her cot after this time, she always wakes up and cries anything from 30 seconds to 10 mins after being put back. I’ve tried waiting for her to be in a deeper sle...


Increase supply

Hi, I'm 6 month pp and ebf. When I pump I barely get anything. I would like to express milk to add to solids. How do I increase supply? Is this a reflection of my milk supply?


Any suggestions?

I’m just wondering if there’s anything that would help increase my milk supply



My little ones 3 months and struggles with a size 1 teat ..should i be concerned (We use mam bottles)


Fenugreek to increase milk supply?

Is Fenugreek proven to increase milk supply? Also is it safe to take whilst breastfeeding? And has anyone used it and seen any benefits?



Little one is 3 months and 2 weeks and has never been great with sleeping. He has always loved to contact nap day and night, but eventually we managed to get him to go down at the side of us as long as we are touching him, and then he wakes and have to do it again. Last couple of days he just fights naps and if he d...


Stressing about milk for the plane

Hi! We are flying in a weeks time and I still have no idea what to do with the whole bottle thing. We make her bottles with cool water but I’m guessing I can’t take a whole cold flask worth of water through security? And apparently jf if I take a pre made bottle through they take ages testing it. Ugh we fly at 6.10a...


If he cluster feeding it just becoming a Velcro baby

Anyone else had the issue where your baby isn’t hungry but acts like he is at this point he is using my boob as a dummy but if he falls asleep on it and I pull away he gets upset I can’t even shower or clean I have tried quickly replacing it with a dummy but he instantly knows only doing the dummy in sugar water wor...


Does your newborn sleep well?

I read there’s no evidence that newborns sleep better when on formula but I am just wondering how it’s for your babies? Wondering if they’re sleeping quite well at night (long stretches) and if they sleep in next to me/ cot or on you?


Nursery drop-off tears 😢

How long (ie days/ weeks) did your little one cry for when being dropped off at nursery? My little girl was fine for the first week,but has screamed inconsolably for the last couple of weeks at drop off.She seems to be fine during the day (they send pictures) but the mornings are so tough! I know every child is di...


In a 3 hour rotating trap

I feel like I’m always trapped winding my baby. He’ll have his bottle and it’ll take 3 hours to wind him til his next bottle is due. Or, I’ll hold him up for an hour but he still spit up once I put him down. I feel like I can’t get dressed in the morning or go to groups or anything. How do I deal with this please? A...


Baby bed time question

My baby is 7 weeks old, when I put her to bed she usually goes down very quickly because room is dark, white noise, no tv etc. However she has been going to bed when I do around 10:30pm. I am wanting to try put her to bed earlier, around 8pm - does this mean I have to go to bed at 8pm as well to be in the same room...



To anyone who’s started nursery and babies have now settled, we are on our third week and my baby is crying his heart out when I hand him over. Screaming and screaming! I know this can be normal but it’s very hard and makes you doubt your doing the right thing. His now realised I am leaving and wasn’t this bad last ...


Biting and pinching

My little boy is 11 months and has just started to bite and pinch while breastfeeding. It is so painful! Does anyone have tips for how to approach this? I don’t want to react and make it a game to him as he knows he’ll get a reaction but he also needs to know it’s not allowed. Any tips welcome! X



Hi everyone this may be a long post but I need some advice My boy is 10 weeks old today and when he was newborn my partner was absolutely brilliant I had a emergency c section so I wasn’t able to do much Recently it feels like I’m fighting a losing battle I get up during the week to do night feeds and early mo...



My 8 month old is constantly constipated and sore. Any suggestions please? He has 3 meals a day and 3 bottles. I thought his constipation would ease by now but he still struggles. He is on aptamil comfort since birth which used to help his constipation but not now. He also has water after every meal


Baby constipation

I think my little girl is constipated. She’s been trying to poo nearly 2 days she keeps pushing and pushing and pushing and nothing is coming out. She’s had pouches of prune yet still nothing what else can I do to help her? We have done bicycle legs and massage her belly yet still nothing is working She’s nearly...


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