Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
My 7 month old goes to bed at 7-730 pm and sleeps for 3-4 hours and then is up every 2 hours after. His wake up time is 7am, first nap 9:30 am, then between 12:30 - 1:00 pm, last one is 4-4:30 since he gets exhausted. I’m just wondering if I should adjust anything in regard to sleep pressure or his wake windows. Any...
Are you still giving milk before bed?
For the past two days my baby has been eating a crap ton he will be on each breast anywhere between 10-15 minutes unlatches then acts like he’s hungry again right away… online it gives a list but I’m experiencing mix signs from both cluster feeding and decreased output… so how do I know?
My son will be 14 months in a few days. He doesn’t sleep in his crib he sleeps in bed with me ….. still. We have a crib for him but he will scream for hours on in when hes in it. And he screams very very loud for a baby. U can hear him from outside screaming. He still relies on being breastfed to sleep. He doesn’t s...
my 2 yr old daughter never responds to her name, doesn't communicate with us... she does say phrases or words, but it's more repetitive. she does eye contact & is very affectionate & loves to be held & plays pretend with her toys but her doctor has referred her to get tested for autism...
Is it a phase? If so how long did it last? Going into the third week of 5/5:30am wake ups. Like properly awake for the day, will not go back to sleep no matter how hard I try. Nothing seems to change it - different bed times, different overall nap length, the room is blacked out, making sure the first nap of the day...
My lg is waking before 6am every morning at the moment. With around 2 nighttime wake ups for about 20/40 mins each time. I need to break this habit, I’m considering going back to a 3 nap day. Has anyone else experienced this recently? Putting her to bed later hasn’t worked either when I tried that 🙈
Does anyone know an effective way to make LO morning rise time later? LO is 6months. Not sure making bedtime later is possible and we’ve tried this I. Past and makes no difference. But this was when she was younger. Tips welcome. She was a 7am’ish riser now it’s 05:50/6:00am - bedtime is 18:30/19:00. We do follow...
Is anyone using a cup for giving milk ? My little one won't take a bottle and I return to work soon so need an alternative to breast. I'm looking for one that is easy to clean and non spill ideally but would love to hear what you're using.
Morning ladies. What car seat is everyone using at the moment? I need something that is not too complicated to install x
In the newborn trenches with PP anxiety and baby blues around evenings snd night times. Baby won’t go in her bed and is awake all night long cluster feeding or just refusing to go down. My boobs are in agony. I hate myself for feeling this way because I love my baby but I can’t believe this is my life now. I knew...
My baby is 6 months old and is still not rolling. They are sitting up if I sit them up but not able to sit themselves up from laying down. I am seeing a lot of 6 month olds are also pulling themselves up now or showing signs of crawling. Should I be concerned?
Hi, My baby is 3 months old and feeding times are a struggle. She did have a tongue tie which we had cut and has never properly fed in terms of her latch as she struggles to suck. So she will work extra hard. But after every feed we find she is in such distress, she’ll cry and arch her back and just won’t be set...
How do you find time to do projects when you have a baby? I rarely have time to myself and when I do it’s a short amount and I’m just so tired. Anytime I try to do something with the baby she just distracts me and wants to get into the stuff I’m using.
What time do yall normally lay yalls 3 month olds down?
My LO turned 6 weeks Thursday & from Saturday he has been super fussy. If he isn’t feeding or sleeping he is crying… Has anyone else gone through this? It’s almost like he is a different baby all of a sudden
I started getting a head cold and I don’t know what I should take… I know I’ll reach out to my doctor but curious what everyone else takes
My son has been unwell for over a week. Sleep has been so disrupted. But oh my god tonight he’s woken up crying screaming like something possessed. Doesn’t want held/rocked. Won’t lie down in cot. Won’t settle in bed with us. We are currently in our bed with the tv on after being awake since 2am as it’s the only...
Should I just accept that sleep is almost impossible now? I’m 38 weeks pregnant and for the last week or so I will sleep till around 2am and then I’m awake for the rest of the night. I’m soo fed up and tired. Anyone else going through this or got any tips? I feel like I’m constantly rolling around all night as I ach...
I’m stopping breast feeding and my boobs are so sore. They’re filling up so much so quickly. What can I do to relieve the pain and to release the milk?