Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.

Nursing Bras

Hello, I’m in need of nursing bra recommendations. Preferably not too expensive. Also, when did you buy yours? I’d love to have a couple prior to giving birth, but I’m worried about size changing issues! Thanks in advance!


Baby only sleeping on chest

My baby is 5 months old now and in the past week he won't sleep in any way unless he's on my chest. Not even with dad or in his swing. I haven't been able to sleep properly all week & not sure why this has randomly started. Any tips on how to make him stay asleep when I settle him?



Anyone else’s 2 year old snore so loudly? I don’t know if this is normal or not but he is doing it frequently


Sleep deprivation

Hey mamas, How does everyone deal with sleep deprivation? My baby turned 3 month but because she has acid reflux and was colicky, it is impossible to make her to sleep in moses basket, pram or even co-sleeping. She only sleeps in the hands. I'm trying to make her to sleep in a pram and sometimes it works and someti...


Dream feeding

My baby is now 9 weeks and is sleeping 8pm until roughly between 2-4am (varies each night) then wakes again around 5, then 6:30am. Sometimes there’s an additional wake/feed depending on first wake. I’m wondering what experiences people have had with dream feeding? I go to bed at 10pm, so would be feeding at that p...


Baths @ 3 months old

What times / routines do people bath their bubbas? How often also?



Isit just my 14 month old still not walking 🫠


Constipation in 2 week old?

My 2 week old baby hasn’t pooped today and only did yesterday really late on. The day before he had diarrhoea. Is this normal? What can I do to try to help him? Will be messaging health visitor tomorrow


Car Seat

Any suggestions of any shops to look at car seats? I don’t want to just buy one online want to go look at them. My 2 year old has learned to get herself out of her current joie one.



So I’ve noticed my little boy is starting to gain his own routine and getting tired at 19:00 and getting narky. So far I’ve fed him on demand so he feeds every 3 hours I exclusively pump so I normally put him to bed at whichever feed falls between 18:00-20:00. Obviously, each day his feed is different times dependin...


How long does it take to put your little ones down at night time?

Hey everyone, Just wanted to find out how everyone else does bedtime routines. My little one is three weeks and five days old and since she’s been born she sleeps great in the day, but come in the evening, she’s awake for around 4 to 5 hours and we just can’t get her down. Usually this is around 8 o’clock she wi...


Baby in pain after feeding

Is anyone else's baby really uncomfortable after feeding? We're trying to keep her upright feeding and burping often but after feeding she seems really wriggly and uncomfortable and hard to settle. She's also vomited quite a bit of milk up twice in the past week. Could this be reflux or a cows milk allergy? Any tips...


Single parenting without burnout?

I always do this. I burn myself out so badly. I get these awful migraines that make me throw up repeatedly until I'm in the hospital. How do other people manage this?


Baby hits head in cot

So to get started my little girl is 6months and can sit up fully and pull herself to stand. The issue I'm having is that my little girl keeps whacking her head on the cot whether she is in a sleeping sack or not she gets herself up sitting or standing and will end up falling and bumping her head quite hard. This...


Really hurt from my toddlers behaviour.

My toddler adores her grandmother (my mil) which is fine I have no issues with that but she adores her so so much to the extent that when she leaves her presence, she will start wailing and sobbing like she’s never done before. As though she’s genuinely heart broken. Calling her name and everything. It hurts. She do...


Bed for 11 month old

My baby is turning 11months in a few days, and we still don’t have a bed for him! He co-sleeps in the night and during the day, he still naps in his next to me which miraculously still fits him. I don’t know what type of bed to buy because I’ve seen too many videos of babies climbing out of cribs and having a harsh...


Milk Bottle Recommendations

With Leo turning 1 in a few weeks, what bottles are people changing to for cows milk?


Daylight savings

How are our little ones doing with this time change? I feel like my babygirl has been extra fussy and tired.


Mum rage

Hey. Anyone else with 2 or more children get extremely over stimulated?That mixed with lack of sleep plus exclusively breastfeeding get so angry at the smallest things!?!? I get so raged like my blood boils. I have an almost 3 year old and 4 month old and I have little to no patience atm. I feel terrible about it. ...


Bath time

What are people using to bath their child. My boy is 7 months old, so I brought him a new bath seat where he sits up in but it’s ridiculous and is not effective. I would use his bath seat from a baby but he just sits up in it. Please some help as going mad with this bath seat.


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