Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Postpartum Depression or Baby Blues

Hi everyone! My baby girl will be 3 weeks this Wednesday coming up. And i think im loosing my mind. I feel so anxious about everything! Im so terrified about SIDS and im always checking on her. We all know that having a newborn we have like 3 hr sleep at night. Like yesterday she went to sleep at 5am and she was ...


Baby blues are overshadowing everything

Almost 8 days PP. I was so happy the first few days of my baby girls life but since coming home, the baby blues have really set in and I’m struggling to cope with them. I would give anything to go back to how I felt right after she was born. Mostly all I’ve been feeling now is lonely, sad, terrified, and isolated....


what would you do? (neglect, mind games, court)

you're chronically disabled, solo mommed, no babysitters or relatives for 7 months you find out your bd is dating ur hs bully she confides to u that he hid you and your pregnancy from her, so "as revenge", she took out her birth control, got pregnant, and miscarried. u get kicked out of ur house because the landlord...



I need someone too talk to so bad. Me and my baby daddy literally just decided to end things and he’s asleep next to me and I’m bawling thinking all these crazy thoughts. He never has anything to do with me anymore, says he can’t force love. Gets so angry when the baby cry’s and tells me he wish he never met me. But...


Postpartum non- sexual orgasms

K. This is weird. I have a massage vibrator and since becoming a mom, I use it to have relaxing orgasms… meaning I don’t necessarily think about sex to O. Rather, I can climax just thinking about taking a nice long shower and feeling super clean, taking a nap on a beach, breathing fresh mountain air and getting exer...


Mom guilt

What helps you avoid or get over it?



Does anyone else struggle with concentration and memory since having a baby? I just had an argument with my partner who was short-tempered with me as I’d asked him the same question “4” times. I don’t remember doing that, and maybe I didn’t, but it’s not the first time he’s said it and I’m starting to feel something...


Is something wrong with me?

Why is it that whenever I get into an argument with my husband, I get so mad that I start to mentally plot leaving the relationship. I use to be so communicative but I feel like he has shut me down to the point where when we argue, I just go mute and give him the silent treatment then do everything myself (which I...


Mat leave coming to an end

Does anyone feel anxious,sadness and worry about their mat leave coming to an end ? I’ve had the best year of my life with my little girl just me and her but spend my evenings in tears at the thought of it all coming to an end😓


Unsolicited Opinions

Anyone else tired of people opinion you didn't ask for 😮‍💨 like I'm normally fine with it, but today oml I got so many comments on how my daughter ears are pierced. And when did I get them done and why would I get them done.. first it's none of their business and second I chose to do it so if they want it pierced…


Prenatal depression

I’m going to be speaking to my midwife tomorrow but I think I have prenatal depression. I’m very worried about the knock on effect it may have on my baby. Anyone going through this? What’s helped you?


Sibling or Not

My bf doesn’t want another baby, but I do one day I’m really anxious about getting pregnant again cuz I’m worried it’ll ruin us. My bf doesn’t wear condoms so we do pull out most of the time. Last month he randomly decided he wasn’t gonna which I didn’t mind him doing he even asked me before hand but now there’s a ...


How do y’all get back in the babymaking field I’m traumatized 😂😂

I reallyyy want more kids later in life but not with my bd. At the same time I’m terrified for things to not work out with my future husband/2nd bd. I can’t go through the trauma I went through with my daughter again… I’d rather die. For those of y’all who relate, how do you deal with the fear of having a 2nd bd p...


Bad memory after having a baby

I’m getting really REALLY frustrated with my boyfriend at the minute. He keeps calling me a liar for things like me recalling something in a conversation inaccurately, and it’s upsetting because I’ve explained before how I’ve seen this shift in my memory since having my baby 10 months ago, I’ve become a lot more for...


does it sound like i need to increase my meds?

does this sound like i need an increase or do i just need a break i find myself so short tempered, even towards my little ones (never ever physical) and i hate myself for it. i get overwhelmed and stressed so easily sometimes i find myself having feelings of hurting myself just to get the frustration out somehow! ...


Postnatal depression?

My baby is nearly 8 weeks old and I’m still feeling so overwhelmed and so emotional at times. There are times when I can’t stop crying. I’m struggling to navigate life with a newborn and a toddler. I have a constant overwhelming feeling to tidy and organise. I feel like I’ve lost myself and I just feel sad and somet...


Baby has turned!

And I feel so much relief! Baby has been transverse for ages, I've been in tears recently because I was so uncomfortable with him in both my hips and bulging out my sides when I'm asleep. I had really had enough and there's no way he had anymore growth room in that position. Well he must have realized this himself y...


Hair loss

Anyone else still experience hair loss at this stage. I don't remember it being this bad with my first but this time around every time I shower or put my hand through my hair I feel like I pull a handful of hair every time. Getting me down a bit now and was just wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same thing?


Worried about first baby!

Hi all, I’m feeling really anxious about the birth this time round, I think because I’m worried about leaving my eldest who will be 20 months. He’s very much a mummy’s boy, I’ve never left him overnight before, only for the odd evening out when he’s already been in bed. I’ve not long stopped breastfeeding him so he’...


Mom guilt…

I’m 25 I have 2 kids a 4 year old girl and a 22 month old boy and currently pregnant with my 3rd and I have this overwhelming fear that I’m a crappy mom. I’m constantly dissociating and just don’t want to do anything with them which is soo crappy idk why I’m not sure if it’s because I’m pregnant or what like I want ...


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