Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Women's Health.
Which one should i get the one the dr prescribed is not in stock
Hey I’m only 9 weeks but have had a uti for a week or so and been on antibiotics but doesn’t seem to want to go away, has anyone else had this and everything be ok?
Hi ladies, I’ve recently started the progesterone only pill (it’s been a week) and today I suddenly felt nauseous, sick, palpitations, headache with dizziness. The common symptoms are headache and dizziness so wanted to ask if anyone else has had these symptoms with this certain pill! What symptoms have people had i...
I don't have much luck with birth control. ~ The implant made me bleed constantly and made me suicidal. ~ I'm allergic to the patch. ~ I can't use the ring or coil. ~ Injection made me bleed constantly. ~ Currently on the mini pill and again, bleeding constantly and very heavy. The only one I've not yet trie...
Is anyone else finding they feel the need to go for a wee more often but when they do, it’s just a trickle? The only time i have a ‘proper’ wee is first thing when i wake up, but the rest of the day is no more than a tablespoon each time i swear! I’m not sure if it’s baby laying on my bladder or whether it’s a uti...
What are we using for contraception? Rubber doesn’t feel the same, and I was on the pills pre-pregnancy but I feel like it messed with my hormones too much. Shit scared of falling pregnant so quickly so I need to use something!
Anyone experienced longer cycles after getting off of birth control postpartum? I stopped taking BC about 6-8 months ago and my period was super regular while I was on the BC but since I’ve stopped taking it my cycle is like 45 days??
I've lived here for 4 years. It's white tile. I've owned the same mop the whole time. For no apparent reason, after I mopped this week, the floor doesn't look clean. I've mopped for 3 days in a row now and it still looks shitty. I've detail cleaned the mop head, and felt it with my fingers. There's nothing wrong wit...
Hey ladies! I’m 12 weeks PP from a c-section. How soon did you get on birth control? Which one did you choose and why? Pros and cons?
I’ve been prescribed domperidome for two weeks. I’m curious do I need to taper off if I’m only doing two weeks and if so how did you wean off them?
I recently had my testosterone levels checked(22 yo female- mother of one who’s 6 months old almost 7) I’ve always had menstrual issues, that being said they have always put me on birth control to fix the issue. I was on the depo from 8th grade up till I graduated senior year. Anyway my testosterone is very low and ...
My little one is 9 weeks old and I recently went on birth control about five days ago, I have never been on birth control before. Me and my husband did the deed yesterday and just wondered how effective birth control actually is in the first week. No judgements just advice please
I found out mid September that I have a 1.2cm ovarian cyst on my right ovary. Everyone I’ve talked to has said that I’d need surgery for it and it definitely has me terrified cause I want more kids. The soonest I can get in my gynecologist office is December unless they have sooner days I can come in. This came abou...
Anyone on the injection for contraception? What are your thoughts. (UK)
I've been on progesterone ( cyclogest) 2 every night before bed since 10dpo I'm now 8 weeks and think I'm getting thrush? Not sure what to do? Anyone else had this with cyclogest.
Am I supposed to have periods when I’ve got the mirena coil in, or is this the one that stops periods? TIA
Did anyone else have anxiety being on Mirena (bc) I feel like my anxiety has been worse and I haven’t had a panic attack in about two years. Since I have been on it I’ve had multiple, had it put in, in may. Going to call Monday to get it taken out I have never been on BC before due to being anorexic (scared it would...
Currently down to 1 pill a day. Just nervous and was wondering if anyone else was in the same boat? Thanks :)
anyone else needing to use the toilet more for number 2?
Before pregnancy I was soo against bc. Now that we have our little guy, we really don’t want to get pregnant again. My birthing experience was a little traumatic for me. At my 6 week appointment I turned down bc but now we don’t want to have sex. I need a bc that won’t cause to much acne(I have a clear face and in t...