Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Ugh. Here we go again.

I can’t buy different tests at the moment but my partner and I have had two back to back early losses. I’m so tired. No hcg is in my system last time I checked. Well today at 10dpo and yesterday and 9dpo I had faint lines within the time frame. I’m kind of in denial. I don’t have a lot of money for more tests at the...


Testing positive

So I’ve been having this weird patch on my areola since I found out I was pregnant which was 23 weeks ago. The patch is extremely itchy and has liquid continuously coming out of it that is somehow also dry at the same time where it feels like it’s cracking and burns. The doctors tested it and here are the results. H...


Test question?

Does anyone have any experience with these lines getting darker than the bottom one? Should I keep testing?


1 day late…

1 day late but no positive pregnant test! I’m 13 dpo but didn’t even bother to test today. Yesterday was a stark negative


2 lines?

ive taken 4 pregnancy test 2 in between this one and my first were negative but the first and this one i see a faint line do you?


Pregnancy test

What does this mean?


To call triage or not?

This morning I tested my urine at home a couple of times and it’s showing 0.3 (+30) for protein in there, and about an hour ago I was seeing white floating dots in front of my eyes for about 10 seconds…. But my blood pressure is absolutely fine. Should I call or am I probably ok?


8 day after embryo transfer

Anyone has experience test at day 8 after fresh embryo transfer. This morning first urine I try pregnancy test is come back negative I’m very sad . This is my first round ivf. But still need test again until next week on Friday ( 2 week) but I’m feeling down and not want to test 😭😭😭. I been trying to conceive for…


Do you see a line???

Everyone I’ve showed says it’s positive..


Positive at last;!

This looks pretty certain that the test I will do tomorrow will also b positive Fingers crossed been trying for almost 2 years so I'm super happy!! 😊😁



Does anyone see a faint line is it negative or positive


Pregnancy test

Hello lovelies 😊 So I've had a pregnancy test for the past week every day and I've always had fainted second line ( I've had morning, afternoon and evenings taken them 😅). Although the digital one has come back negative. From yesterday the line started to faint then the last one I've taken it (at night ) came back…


AM vs PM tests

TTC after miscarriage in March. This morning I took the bottom test (day 26 of cycle) and the top two just now. Could it be I was more dehydrated this morning? Or should I be worried that they’re not as strong? I’m obviously in complete denial and need reassurances


Getting a negative

It is so difficult to stay positive when you get negative tests every month. We’re on to month 4 of trying now and it is so mentally exhausting when you feel like you are doing everything right and still not getting what you want. I tried not to get my hopes up but it is just so difficult to stay positive. Any advic...


Indent/Evap line or positive?

Hi guys I’m not sure if this is an indent line or positive test, I had bleeding last week which I’m not sure if it was my period or possibly implantation bleeding. It came before my period was due, was very light and seemed to stop and start again over a few days but shorter than my normal period. I’m thinking it’s ...


Missed period negative test?

Hi ladies I’m 9 months Pp & My period normally falls on the 10th of every month. Like clockwork. Last month (may) it was a few days late and came on the 15th instead of the 10th. This month it’s now the 22nd and no period? It’s so strange as my period is always bang on the 10th of every month except last month whi...


Evap line or?

I know it’s really faint but i can see a blue line???


Can anyone tell?

I missed my period from this monday and i checked on strip after 2days but it was negative. Do you think i need to check it after a week because i hv heard that pregnancyharmones raise after one week or i should see doctor?


12dp5dfet - help

Hello! Looking for some advice I took a test and it’s came up positive ever so lightly. I feel it should be getting darker at this stage ? And it’s pretty much stayed the same these past 5 days. These tests were cheap and cheerful but don’t understand why it’s gotten lighter and not darker My anxiety is throug...


Anyone else 9DPO

What symptoms are you experiencing? Or no symptoms? Hoping for a positive tomorrow negative today 😔


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