Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.
My periods are fairly regular (a day or two difference sometimes) but this month I am 4 days late, I done a test at 2 days late, it was negative, nothing has changed lifestyle wise, not sure if I should get another test maybe it was too early or should I contact doctors? Before I had my daughter my period came every...
My periods are very regular, they are usually early if anything… it’s my first time actively trying and I have had 2 negative tests.. When is maybe the latest a test would possibly show positive? When I was pregnant the first time, I had very bad implantation pain and went hospital and the test come up negative an...
Hello ladies, how long did it take for you to get a negative test after a d & c? Mine was 3 weeks ago and still very strong positive 😔
The bottom two I took when I was dehydrated, and I'm seeing a line?? The top one was just me being hopeful but is defo negative. Anyone else see it on the middle and bottom ones??
Do I have line eyes or is this positive? This is 2 minutes after I took the test
My test results came back negative, thank you Lord. Every test I’ve taken so far has been negative and I am so grateful.
Has anyone got a positive pregnancy test 7 days before their period is due? I just bought the 6 day early tests and just feel so impatient to wait another day
Has anyone tested day after period due and it's been negative and then gone on to be pregnant? I can't explain it but I'm never late and have different symptoms than normal this month but negative test 😭😭
Just taken a test this morning and have a very faint line, is this a positive?
Hi ladies I just wanted some reassurance on this evap line? I took the test and was negative after 4 minutes, I saw it an hour later and it looks like this. It’s just an evaporation line though isn’t it? I’ve got myself worried as I didn’t think evaporation lines had colour but it’s not possible to get a positive...
I would only be 2/3 weeks and it looks faint but would you say that this is positive?
Hi I’m 10Dpo and just test a negative… am I out for this month?
It would only be early days and the test is faint so do people agree this is a positive test?
When do people usually get there dye stealer. I'm 13dpo been testing faintly positive since 10dpo when will I start to see them get darker? Picture of tests so far.....
I'm two days late for my period but negative test 😫
Has anyone been 5+ days late for their period with a negative pregnancy test and still ended up being pregnant? I’m hoping it’s unlikely but i have never been this late and i’m having an awful lot of aching and cramping and have done for the last 10 days with no appearance of mother nature 😩
I'm trying to determine how far along I am. I got my first positive last week and I was having some mild cramping this morning. And Google says it's unlikely to get a positive before implantation. So I'm thinking I might be six or 7 weeks. I'm hoping to get a scan next week when I go for confirmation
Will a LH test show positive for pregnancy. I'm 2 days late on my period. I know it's not a lot and my LH test is negative
Tests are sending me insane this month. I used 'Preview' tests and there where giving me half a second line (first photo) very faint. Just bought some 'easy@home' and now theyre giving really faint line. Also tried a first response, same faint line. Due my period in 4days.
I always see that people tested positive at 8,9 or 10 dpo but are there people who don't test even faintly positive until 14+ dpo? Like if I get a negative at 14 dpo but still no period, could I still potentially get my positive in a couple days still?