Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.


Positive or evap ? As looks very thin


Tell me I’m not seeing things 🤣

13dpo I’ve had 2 hcg strips look this faint this morning! ( top test ) the bottom one is LH just for fun as I found out i was pregnant with my first due to LH rising😅 going to buy an early clear blue this afternoon


Just confirming

This is 100% negative right? 12dpo and not had any period symptoms, I’d usually have mild cramps a few days before


Line eyes

I can see faith line is it positive ?


Is this real!?🌈

I’m about 10 dpo and 3/4 days away from my period. Had a MMC in December and haven’t had a slight positive test since then…don’t know what to do with myself😅😭


Is this a positive test?

Hi I’m really confused with the clear sign pregnancy tests, the first photo looks negative but the second photo underneath the ‘max’ line has a faint line but is this just standard being there? Any help much appreciated thank you x sorry didn’t realise I could only add one photo so I’ve added the photo where it show...



Took a blue test earlier today, and it looked positive, so I went out and bought a digital and a pink dye test. The pink dye test to me clearly looks positive, but the digital is negative 😫 9dpo today.. bbt chart is still rising and looks OK but I don't want to get my hopes up. We are trying for baby #2, and I…


TW: TTC after miscarriages. I feel like I've got issues in my head.

I had a miscarriage in Oct then another in Feb. We've been TTC again. I do have a 4 year old. For the past 3 days I've had an increase in white, milky discharge which feel like it's just dripping out. There's no smell to it. I'm due on my period in a week. Pregnancy test is negative. But this is unusal for me. I fe...


Evaps? Help!

Hey everyone, I have a very complicated pregnancy history and my PCOS has also been really hard. I recently started TTC via AI donations done at home. I had one donation on the 4th and one on the 5th. I’m due on my period today. I took a test this morning after having a vvvf (possible false positive) on Monday a...


Faulty test?

Took a test this morning and it already had a horizontal line when I opened it. It gave me a strong positive but I am wondering if it was a faulty test or if it is a real positive. I’m overthinking and don’t want to get my hopes up. I also want to be sure before I tell my partner


How long did everyone keep taking progesterone after a positive test?

I had a natural FET on 31st May and have been told to take the progesterone until it runs out which is Monday. Feeling mixed emotions as I can’t wait to stop them but then worry my body won’t produce enough on its own 🤷🏼‍♀️


Am I pregnant or had a silent miscarriage

I’m currently 9 days late, I’ve had 3 positive tests ranging from the 3rd of June to the 6th of June but now I’ve had 3 negative tests, doctors won’t give be bloods as I haven’t had problems in the past, what shall I do, am I pregnant?


Tested Early

Hey all! Excited to be part of this group! I currently have fraternal twin 13-month-old boys, and just test positive at 10 days post ovulation today (meaning I’m around 3 weeks 3 days pregnant). I am sooo sooo sooo excited for another little one, but I’m scared I could be having twins again because I tested positive...


13 DPO Line Progression

Hi everyone🙂 I am currently 13 DPO. What do you think of the line progression so far? The test from this afternoon seems darker compared to the one from this morning. Has anyone else experienced that? My cycles are pretty irregular, but I know I had my peak on CD 35 and tested positive on CD 46. How do you…



Is this a real positive? 14 dpo with an early detection. 🤗


Faint line?

Hey! Bit stressed is this a positive or a negative? I’m 7 weeks and 9 days post partum.


Dye stealer

How far along were you when you got a dye stealer? I was breastfeeding l so my cycles were unpredictable. We weren’t TTC at the time and when I test from a gut feeling I got a faint positive on 5/21. I’ve been watching my line progress and today I got an obvious dye stealer. We go on 6/19 for a dating scan but I’m r...


I am seeing a shadow many people here said they see it too.

If its positive how long will it take to become dark. Please the below images also in the comments.


Ectopic pregnancy or random period????

Hey you guys I have a mild concern and no one to really talk to... I started nexplanon in November of 2022. Prior to that I hadn't had a period since my post partum period in 2020. Here it is 2024, still no period and I still have my implant. Here's where it gets weird. About a week and a half ago I started crampi...


Late period?

I’m 10 days late and having negative tests results. Has anyone else been through this, I have a period tracker that’s never wrong and I’m worried.


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