Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Ectopic pregnancy or random period????

Hey you guys I have a mild concern and no one to really talk to... I started nexplanon in November of 2022. Prior to that I hadn't had a period since my post partum period in 2020. Here it is 2024, still no period and I still have my implant. Here's where it gets weird. About a week and a half ago I started crampi...


Late period?

I’m 10 days late and having negative tests results. Has anyone else been through this, I have a period tracker that’s never wrong and I’m worried.


Am I seeing things?!

Am I only seeing something because I want to so bad? Ok back story, I have been to a fertility doctor and they did all of the necessary tests on me and my husband. Everything came back perfect except my progesterone. I tested negative twice last month. My last period was April 22. On Monday I started spotting dark ...



I haven't used OPK since 2018 before I conceived my son. Is this positive?


The wait

Is driving me crazy! I’ve never been pregnant so I’m like this has got to be what it feels like but the damn tests are still negative. I mean to be fair it’s been three days so… 😅😫 I’m up every night at 3 or 4 am bc I’m starving. I want to just lick a block of salt. My body just has random pains everywhere like I…


Clear blue tests

Anyone else’s clear blue digital go blank after 24/48 hours and no longer display the ‘ pregnant ‘ sign?



I’m 12 dpo but according to my app today was suppose to be the start of my period, but no AF yet. So I thought I’d take a test, pretty sure it’s negative, but what does everyone else see? I didn’t use first morning urine.


12DPO positive what is the next step.?

I got my positive test yesterday on easy at home strips and today on the digital. Been trying from last 3 years. I am 12DPO today. What is going to be my next step. Shall I call NHS for the blood test. Or wait for another 2 weeks and then call them.



Hi guys! HELP PLEASE! Not sure what I’m doing lol does it look like I peaked? I feel like the lines are much darker in person. It looks like it was pretty dang dark and started to get lighter again. Was this likely my peak? Thanks!


Implantation bleeding

I got what I HOPE is implantation bleeding this morning and have had cramps since. I took a test and it’s negative. How many days after implantation do you typically get a positive? I’m 8dpo.



So I am 11DPO today… and I’ve just had a hunch that I’m pregnant all along. Plus my boobs are killing, had cramping on and off, metallic taste in my mouth for a day or so! I’m impatient (don’t come for me lol) so I’ve been testing since like 9DPO and ofc negative after negative as returned! I did a clear blue on...


Daily Testing

Are you guys doing daily testing? I feel it will be more anxiety provoking as I have read that a positive is a positive and they are not meant to be used for tracking pregnancy. Wondered what other people’s thoughts were?


Line progression - preparing for chemical

This is my first pregnancy and I’m 4+2 weeks. I’ve been tracking my line because I’ve never been pregnant and I’m anxious and been TTC for so many years. Yesterday (15dpo) my FRER was lighter but my easy at home was progressing so I thought it may be a faulty FRER test. But today (16dpo) easy at home looks slightly...


Trying for a second baby

Hi muma’s So my husband and I are trying for a second baby. It’s been about 3 weeks or so since we had unprotected sex and my period is late 2 days now. Due to my patience 🤦‍♀️ I already spend some money on pregnancy tests and they all came back negative 😞 Is it too early to test? I don’t remember how soon after I…


5 days late

I was due on Saturday,still no sign of AF. Tested Sunday and BFN! - what’s the chances of me actually being pregnant? TTC baby #2 so 🤞🏻


OPK just out of curiosity

Just out of curiosity I used an OPK to see how dark it would be. My period is due tomorrow or the next day or two. I did this one other time and the first line was a lot darker right before my period. Does this mean anything. Preg tests are negative.


Does these look positive ?

Not sure if these are evaporation lines all though the lines appeared in less than 5 mins of taking it .


Evap line?

I'm really confused. I've been on the mini pill for 2 months now but last week I had some slightly pink discharge with abit of spotting. Over the past 3 days I've felt really nauseous all night and have to eat as soon as I wake up or I'm close to being sick. I've had loads of cramps too. But tests keep coming back...



There is pink to the line but it’s not picking up on the camera.


Positive outcomes?

Anyone have only very very very faint lines still at 13dpo and had positive outcomes? 😊 I just had a chemical last cycle and am really dreading that I could be having another.


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