Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Evap line?

I'm really confused. I've been on the mini pill for 2 months now but last week I had some slightly pink discharge with abit of spotting. Over the past 3 days I've felt really nauseous all night and have to eat as soon as I wake up or I'm close to being sick. I've had loads of cramps too. But tests keep coming back...



There is pink to the line but it’s not picking up on the camera.


Positive outcomes?

Anyone have only very very very faint lines still at 13dpo and had positive outcomes? 😊 I just had a chemical last cycle and am really dreading that I could be having another.


Need Opinions..

Let me start by saying, I don’t want this to be positive.. So clearly there are two lines, but the test line didn’t show like at all until 10 minutes or more.. In my experience you always have to wait long for these tests to develop, but nothing at all until 10 minutes?


Is this positive or is it an evaporation line?

I don't usually take blue dye tests so havent experienced a proper evap line. This is the 6 day early test. I don't have regular periods so I can't say I'm late for a period, but have been having PMS symptoms and no period yet so thought I'd take a test. Did a normal strip one the day before and negative, then thoug...


Trying for a baby!

So obviously I’m trying not worry about it but we’ve been TTC for 3 months and nothing yet. I have been pregnant before and both times happened within 2 months. Basically what’s the earliest I can get a pregnancy test? My period is due in 8 days. I did a test today (Just in case) but it was negative. Am I testing...


No symptoms but positive?

Anyone get a positive test but with no symptoms? I’m getting towards test day with no symptoms and feeling low especially as we had a low quality embryo. Looking for some hope… ❤️😔


HcG numbers

I’m so nervous. I could be anywhere between 4 and 6 weeks as conceived before having a period after MC. I had some spotting (very minimal) and went to EPU. My HcG came back at 82 and now I’m panicking that it’s sooooo low. I have another blood test booked for 48hrs later but I’m just so worried it’s not going to be ...


Is it possible?

Hi everyone. I got a positive pregnancy test Monday which was the day I expected my period. Last night I started cramping and felt something leak and of course I had a bleed. The bleed was more bright than this but not loads. I feared a chemical but I had one in October and this is different. This morning I’ve wiped...


I think I’m having a chemical

First time having a positive test after 4 years TTC. Line had been progressing since Saturday but this morning the FRER was lighter than 2 days ago but easy at home seems the same. I’m devastated 😞


Pregnancy or PMS

Several negatives test results over a week. Got nausea, aversions, frequent urination, twinges, increased hunger, sore tits (none of which I have ever experienced for pms). It runs in my family to get false negative for at least the first 2 months on home tests. Also was due period a few days ago, its not came yet. ...


Am I pregnant?

I took the first test on the left on Sunday, the test on the right is this morning. My period is due Fri/sat. I've unfortunately had very early losses before but the line has been much more faint. Are these looking promising? ✨💕


II or I

Do you think positive or negative



Hello everyone, I currently have a one year old and haven’t really been trying for a baby but my partner has been asking to try for a long time. Do you think this clear blue test is positive? As I know they can sometimes be a bit awkward. I’m absolutely 💩 myself right now as I don’t know how I’m going to cope. Had…



I have actually never taken a pregnancy test instead always just waiting for me period. Are these always accurate? And is that definitely a positive?



Took the 1st test yesterday PM 5dp5dt , which was negative at first glance, thought it was too early anyway. For some reason this morning I thought I’d check it again and a vvv faint positive?! Heard in the past the LH tests can detect early pregnancy, which came back high on Premom app. Today 6dp5dt and with a cl...


pregnancy test ..

have any of you ladies used FR pink dye and got a vvvfl after forgetting about the test and looking at it way later? i see a faint line but idk if it’s an indent or just from it being old.. 😩



So I’m getting positives on first response(super faint but there) and on my pregmates(showing better than FR) but tested negative at the care clinic yesterday. Any idea why? I’ll attach pics of what the tests look like.


Faint positive for the first time ever!!

Did a test this afternoon and had a faint line. Thought of testing my LH levels, had the darkest line. Is this worrying for any reason? #10DPO #TTC


Can I consider it as a positive result?

12 DPO today, am I allowed to be very happy about it? 🤞


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