Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

Could labour be near?

I had a sweep yesterday (Iā€™m 38+1) and was 2cm, Iā€™ve had tightenings and cramping ever since and lost my mucus plug earlier and have now just had a ā€œbloody showā€. Could this be a sign labour is near? I know you can never tell but my partner is self employed and ideally needs to work as much as possible before hand a...


Baby on smaller side

Has anyone had a smaller baby? I'm a bit worried :(


Failed Sweep

I had an appointment for a sweep today, but unfortunately my cervix was still closed so she couldnā€™t do the sweep. Has anyone actually had any labour signs after a failed sweep though? I swear Iā€™m having cramps now but not sure if Iā€™m just thinking into it.


Midwifery led unit (MLU) or home birthā€¦

Iā€™m currently torn between these optionsā€¦ With the MLU - do you have to book in? I had my 34week midwife appointment on Monday & asked about a home birth to find out a bit more.. she said if Iā€™m interested she can come out and visit me in 2 weeks and we can get things / paperwork etc started. I know a lot of wome...


Would you recommend Homerton?

Hi all. I'm due in June 2025 and currently registered at Royal London. I have been pretty happy with my care so far, but starting to freak out a bit at the prospect of giving birth there due to some of the reviews I've read and experiences people have shared. So, I'm considering switching to Homerton, but first want...


C section @ st michaels

Hello, due to a few reasons I will be having a planned c section at St michaels for my baby due in June! Just wondered if anyone can tell me what to expect etc, how many weeks were you when you had it etc . Thanks


C-section tips!

I finally have the date for my elective c-section on Monday at 41 weeks, so my February baby looks likely to become a March baby šŸ„¹ I was just wondering if anyone has any tips or advice for c-section or the recovery? Starting to feel very real now!


Loosing my mucus plug?

Since yesterday Iā€™ve had little bits of snot like discharge coming out, not lots just two lots of it does this mean labour is close?


No car: Traveling to and from hospital after birth

We live in london and we donā€™t own a car. I am giving birth at st. Thomasā€™ in May and was wondering if i can take uber after birth without a car seat? Or do i need to bring a car seat if we plan to take uber back home? I am sure many people in london donā€™t own a car so if you can share your experience that will be ...


C section

Baby is due on the 21st April, Iā€™ve had a previous c section and Iā€™d like another (having a vbac scares me due to uterine rupture) I donā€™t want to go into labour naturally and I donā€™t want to have an emergency c section, do you think they will book me in around the 37 week mark to make sure I donā€™t go into labour? I...


For mums who have experienced both natural deliveries and c sections which one did you prefer?

I know every single birth is different but just want to know peopleā€™s experiences


What to pack for mamma and baby for hospital?

Iā€™m a first time mom due April 18 and I have no idea what to pack for the hospital other than the obvious things.


Breasts leaking at 17 weeks

There is a clear liquid coming out of my breasts. I know that colostrum can come around this time but should I be worried about the liquid being clear?



Has anyone had a vbac for their third baby?! Is it too crazy to consider. Iā€™m not pregnant yet but Iā€™ve always dreamed of having a ā€˜naturalā€™ birth (call me mad). Iā€™ve had 1 emergency c section and one elective as I tend to grow very large babies (10lbs 4oz and 11lbs 11oz). I at least want to attempt it with the thir...


Vaginal Birth or C Section?!

I know this is absolutely my decision but I would really love some advice as I am stressing myself going from one to the other. I have a very low pain threshold and I suffer with anxiety/panic attacks to the point where I nearly pass out when something doesnā€™t feel right in my body and when I am in hospital as my ...


Elective C-Section

Does anyone know which two days a week that they do elective c-sections at Wigan? Thank you ā˜ŗļø


Braxton Hicks or early labour?! Planned C section next week šŸ˜„

Iā€™ve been having cramping in my back and abdominal tightening for 3 hours as well as diarrhoeaā€¦ Iā€™m due Elective C section next week and Iā€™m just worried if I am in early labour will they operate or encourage a VBAC?


Braxton hicks or early labour!?? One week before planned C section

Iā€™ve been having cramping in my back and abdominal tightening for 3 hours as well as diarrhoeaā€¦ Iā€™m due Elective C section next week and Iā€™m just worried if I am in early labour will they operate or encourage a VBAC?


3 or more c sections

Hello everyone. I had an appointment today with a consultant about my 3rd elective c section in August. Now back when I had my second c section I was told by a consultant that she would personally suggest to have no more than 5 sections. I was like ok, cool we only want four babies maximum so that works well for me....


Early labour?

How can I be sure my waters have broken/been leaking? Iā€™m wearing a pad anyway as Iā€™m prone to a weak bladder so unless I change it frequently itā€™ll be hard to tell if Iā€™ve had a wee leak or my waters have leaked. Iā€™ve also been getting regular cramps for the last three days and my belly doesnā€™t feel as hard as it h...


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