Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
I got induced last time at 42 weeks and this time in overdue again by 4 days. I’ve had loads of signs but it just feels like it will never happen on its own and baby is already measuring 97th percentile so I’m under a lot of pressure to get it out. They’re also assuming I have developed late gestational diabetes b...
Hi mama's, where you offered induction because of GBS? I tested positive and sincerely unsure if I should accept induction. I am 36+4
Anyone been sent home with slow labour but cervix hasn’t dilated and waters haven’t gone? 37 +3 weeks.
What’s people’s experiences with having an elective c-section with second baby after having emergency this first time round?? Unsure on what I want to do this time round as have to consider my 3 year old aswell
My c section has been booked for the day before my due date, but what happens if I go into labour before my c section date?
For anyone wanting another baby, how long are you waiting before trying after a c section? I know it’s recommended a year to 18 months but just wondered
Anyone have any feedback on the birth centre? Anything at all, would love to hear about the bthing pool rooms as well ❤️ feeling anxious as had my first in Dorcehster.
I had an emergency c section 16 weeks ago (first baby). I struggled to have sex during pregnancy and we’ve done it twice since giving birth and both times it’s been so painful and I was expecting it to get better but it just hasn’t. Has anyone else experienced this? I also have found it so painful to pass bowel mo...
Hey Mamas! What snacks are you all packing/have you packed?
So I have my baby four months ago and was just wondering if anyone else has tenderness between their scar and their bellybutton area! What I call the bit of my belly! I’m not sure it’s from six weeks of blood thinning injections or it’s just where all the muscles are healing where it was cut! It’s odd because the sk...
Those of you that had a bloody show/mucus plug before you had your baby, how long did it take to go into labour? I've just lost mine (christ, what an experience!) And have been told I was 2cm yesterday and I've been having irregular contractions for 4 days, and been told my waters are literally bulging. I'm being ...
Sorry this is TMI.. I’m currently 16 weeks and for the last day or so I’ve felt considerably ‘wetter’ down there - now I’m panicking it could be amniotic fluid cause it just feels different than normal. Has anyone else had this or am I being over dramatic?
Just woke up and genuinely feel super gross... nauseous and back pain but no contractions. I don't know if I'm just feeling yucky because I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant, if I slept wrong last night or if this is the start of something. My water broke I'm the middle of the night with my 1st before contractions started,...
Just wondering if you get another c section, do they cut over the first scar or make another? Based in Australia if that’s any different haha!
I’m booked for a c section with a consultant on 7th November - could she come early? Is it possible at week 37? Currently have the flu so was hoping for a bit longer to recover.
FTM here! I’m due 11/7. However I had a membrane sweep early Wednesday morning (almost 48 hrs ago) & late last night it appears that my mucus plug came out? Would this be considered a “bloody show” ? Should I expect labor to happen soon? Any other membrane sweep success that happened after the 24 hr window? I just k...
Just wanted to know if anyone has experienced this or if it’s normal? So not long after I had baby I was experiencing liquid in my knickers which has to be urine as that is what it smells like. I did have a catheter after I had baby so wasn’t sure if it was due to that and my body repairing. Anyways I’ve just ha...
Hello ladies. I’m currently 7 weeks pp after c section and was wondering if anyone knew when it was okay to start doing some exercises and if anyone can recommend someone on youtube etc that I may be able to follow? 😊
Has anyone ever heard of being induced due to stressful circumstances going on? It has been mentioned to me but I can’t find any info, so wondering whether to ask my midwife but thought I’d see if anyone has experienced this first.
What week did everyone lose their mucus plug and how soon did you go into labour after that?