Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
Does anyone know if a 6 week post csection doctors check up is offered in Northern Ireland
I had my first (and last) c-section yesterday, what a great experience. I was extremely nervous and scared about it. The worse part was my nerves tbh. Everyone talked to me the anesthesiologist never left the room and my partner was there the entire time. (There was a mirror like effect in the light so I got some sc...
I am almost 36 weeks and today I received my date for my elective C section. It's 40+6 which feels very late to me. I was expecting it to be 39+?. I'm terrified that I'm going to go into labour early and have to wait around for an emergency C section or progress too far along to have one at all (they've warned about...
My waters went this morning (10 hours ago) and have continued to come out since then, I’m having pains in my low back/stomach with tightenings but they’re definitely manageable for me even though they seem to be somewhat consistent. I’m timing as much as I can but will I genuinely know when it’s time to go to the ho...
Like I’ve thought maybe this is the start of labor so many times cuz I’m dealing with them almost 24/7 now lol.. like had them every single night the last week and woke up this morning and I’m still experiencing them but they don’t feel like they’re coming and going in a rhythm like actual labor so idk 😅 also feel…
i had my daughter via emergency c section 2 years ago and chose an elective c section for my second. I had a bit of a traumatic birth with my first and looking for some comfort if you had an elective c section and made it to the date, can you explain how it went?
Anyone gotten an ECV? What was ur experience? Did it work, did you go into labor after?
I’m a first time mum to be and had a long journey to get here. I am considering asking for a c section - the thought of complications with vaginal makes me so anxious. Any advice on vaginal vs. C section? Is the c section recovery as bad as they say?
Timed contractions for over hour last night, the first 3 were exactly 5 mins apart, then went to 7, then went to 8.5, then got closer again, then got father again it was just too inconsistent to go in even though they were all a minute long and very noticeable. They ended up stopping and I was able to go to bed arou...
Hi there! What’s the essentials for postpartum to put in my hospital bag?
I had a sweep yesterday (I’m 38+1) and was 2cm, I’ve had tightenings and cramping ever since and lost my mucus plug earlier and have now just had a “bloody show”. Could this be a sign labour is near? I know you can never tell but my partner is self employed and ideally needs to work as much as possible before hand a...
Has anyone had a smaller baby? I'm a bit worried :(
I had an appointment for a sweep today, but unfortunately my cervix was still closed so she couldn’t do the sweep. Has anyone actually had any labour signs after a failed sweep though? I swear I’m having cramps now but not sure if I’m just thinking into it.
I’m currently torn between these options… With the MLU - do you have to book in? I had my 34week midwife appointment on Monday & asked about a home birth to find out a bit more.. she said if I’m interested she can come out and visit me in 2 weeks and we can get things / paperwork etc started. I know a lot of wome...
Hi all. I'm due in June 2025 and currently registered at Royal London. I have been pretty happy with my care so far, but starting to freak out a bit at the prospect of giving birth there due to some of the reviews I've read and experiences people have shared. So, I'm considering switching to Homerton, but first want...
Hello, due to a few reasons I will be having a planned c section at St michaels for my baby due in June! Just wondered if anyone can tell me what to expect etc, how many weeks were you when you had it etc . Thanks
I finally have the date for my elective c-section on Monday at 41 weeks, so my February baby looks likely to become a March baby 🥹 I was just wondering if anyone has any tips or advice for c-section or the recovery? Starting to feel very real now!
Since yesterday I’ve had little bits of snot like discharge coming out, not lots just two lots of it does this mean labour is close?
We live in london and we don’t own a car. I am giving birth at st. Thomas’ in May and was wondering if i can take uber after birth without a car seat? Or do i need to bring a car seat if we plan to take uber back home? I am sure many people in london don’t own a car so if you can share your experience that will be ...
Baby is due on the 21st April, I’ve had a previous c section and I’d like another (having a vbac scares me due to uterine rupture) I don’t want to go into labour naturally and I don’t want to have an emergency c section, do you think they will book me in around the 37 week mark to make sure I don’t go into labour? I...