Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
Hi everyone! I’m 25 weeks pregnant and still struggling to choose which hospital to give birth in 😩 Because of proximity, I’m currently registered for appointments at the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead but it’s quite an old one and doesn’t seem to have the best reviews when it comes to actual labour. Can you…
Felt pretty good since my op with minimal pain, day 3 and it is more sore and tender, slight itch on right side, patch still on so can’t see wound. Is this normal? I feel like I’m winding myself up with anxiety and thinking I have infection already. No redness/heat or swelling that I can see
Anyone else tired of their underwear being wet allllll the time from discharge lately or is it just me? 🫣😂
During having my spinal block done I felt a twang in my right thigh and my leg jumped out. Since then I have felt pain in my thigh and today I went to kneel down and the pain was too much I fell onto my side. I’m now limping. C section was 16 days ago. Has anyone else experienced this?
Anyone been given their date for a c-section when they had their consultation appointment? I’m 32w and have been booked in to speak to someone on the 12th March about the risks etc so I will be 34 weeks then. Just wondering if I’ll be able to be given a date there and then as I want to be able to tell work and use...
I’m due 21st April and have had these appointments though, does anybody know what the anaesthetic one could be for? I’ve had a previous c section but I’m not to sure thank you xx
I have an induction booked for Tuesday if I don’t go into labour between now & then. I’ll only be having an induction due to being over 41 weeks - all medical and pregnancy is fine. If I do end up going in for an induction what happens? I did ask my midwife this but she didn’t really give me any answers…
Hi there ! Did anyone schedule a planned c section as a back up plan whilst still hoping for a VBAC? Just curious when you scheduled this back up plan if so, and your story if possible - ie - did you end up having a VBAC or planned c section? After speaking to a doctor, the thought of induction as one option is no...
Had my 36 week growth scan and I’ve been told baby is measuring too big - 95th centile and I have too much amniotic fluid. I’ve been booked in for fasting bloods to rule out diabetes and it was suggested an induction might be a good idea at 39 weeks. I’m scared. The doctor went through so many risks of increased f...
due to reduced baby movements, drop in babies heartbeat now and then and previous health issues, I’m due to have baby at 36+6. They wanted me to have baby at 37 weeks but there’s no available slots and I can’t go near 38 weeks as I went into labour with my first at 38+4 and im not allowed to as it’s dangerous for me...
I had my 1st sweep yesterday morning & lost my mucus plug at around 10pm last night. I had slight cramps & twinges during the night but nothing consistent. I'm not sure if this is a sign of labour starting or not - I'm due tomorrow. Did anyone else go into labour after losing their mucus plug following a sweep? If ...
Anybody else’s baby breech at the moment? With my first he was head down the whole time. I’m so worried about ending up having a section! Any tips on turning a breech baby?
Hey, those of you who have had either a planned or emergency c-section, what sort of presents would be nice? One of my friends has just had an unplanned c-section and I want to get her something but not sure if there's any specific i should get her as i haven't had a c section before. Thank you
I recently learned that it's standard procedure to have your vagina swabbed with iodine before your c-section. This was never mentioned to me ahead of the c-section and it isn't mentioned anywhere in my notes. I'm a bit freaked out that this might have been done without me knowing and it's making me anxious about...
Hey mommas! I’m expecting my first baby in April and I'm looking for honest stories about the first few days with a newborn at home. Of course I'm doing a lot of reading and research etc to help me prepare but I feel like I’ve never heard a real story that talks about what happens the moment you put the baby in th...
I've been sleeping on the sofa since getting home from having my c section as laying in bed is too uncomfortable. I really want to get back into bed how are you guys sleeping in bed to make it comfier?
I was lucky and only bled for 4-5 days after my c section but woke up this morning and started again is this normal? Stopped bleeding for around 2 weeks before it started again
I’ve never had contractions or my waters go before, my first baby was breech so I had a planned c section. In some ways I’d rather try for a vbac for the recovery but im also so scared, what if my body labours up to 8/9cm then can’t anymore?! Because my body hasn’t done it before it’s hard to know which birth I want...
I’m planning an elective c-section and trying to choose a private obstetrician. Do you have any tips what to ask about the way a doctor does c-section? Can someone recommend an obstetrician you were happy with? (in terms of the surgery)
I had a c section 5 weeks ago. I know it takes time for the belly to go down after pregnancy but is there any exercises that will help my belly go down more? Ones that aren’t extreme as I had a c section and am still working on getting stronger when sitting up. I want to be more fit by summer so any ideas would help...