Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

Obstetrician recommendations

I’m planning an elective c-section and trying to choose a private obstetrician. Do you have any tips what to ask about the way a doctor does c-section? Can someone recommend an obstetrician you were happy with? (in terms of the surgery)


What workouts helped your belly go down

I had a c section 5 weeks ago. I know it takes time for the belly to go down after pregnancy but is there any exercises that will help my belly go down more? Ones that aren’t extreme as I had a c section and am still working on getting stronger when sitting up. I want to be more fit by summer so any ideas would help...



What did you do go into labor naturally?


Planned C-section

Looking for planned C-section experiences! I am a FTM and I am booked for a planned C-section this Thursday (was only decided today, was not part of my birth plan so im a bit overwhelmed), due to my BMI and white coat syndrome, I was due to be induced however, baby’s growth has rocketed off the centile chart at my s...


Hospital bag

What bags do people take to hospital? Suitcase? Hold-all? Separate bag for baby?


Injections after C-section

Anyone else on the blood thinning injections after a C-section? I'm really struggling with them and looking at the 3 other boxes of them I've still got left to do is making me want to cry 😭 my partner has a phobia of needles so it's only me to do them; not sure if I'm doing something wrong but they hurt so much…



Baby was due yesterday. My mama said both me (first born) and my brother were born after her due date. I feel like this baby will end up being a March baby


Being induced Saturday

I’m being induced on Saturday my babies measuring big 🥹 I’m a ftm I’m just worried they said they are going to use the pessary induction I’m just wondering how everyone else’s induction went, I’m trying to be strong and not worry❤️ so is my husband but I can tell he’s worried ☹️


Growth hormones

My son was born at 23+5, he is perfectly healthy and just turned 2. He is very short for his age, he’s in the 1%. The doctor has brought up growth hormones, and I don’t know how I feel about it. Does it have any long term negative effects? Is it safe?



I'm being induced on Thursday (39 + 2) due to baby being on the 10th percentile, I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and has any advice on inductions.


Positive induction stories please 🥺

I’m being induced tomorrow night due to baby measuring big (93rd percentile) and could really do with hearing some of your positive induction stories please mumma’s. First time mum here and I’m so scared 😣



Does anyone else have a plan if they don’t go into labor naturally? 39+1 today and I’m going to tell my OB tomorrow that if I haven’t gone into labor by 41 weeks, then I’d like to be induced. I also had my growth scan super early at 31 weeks and I hate not having an estimate of how big baby is at this point.


George Elliot

Does anyone if your partner is allowed to stay with at you George Elliot hospital ? When having your baby thanks


Small baby

Did anyone have a small baby at more or less term and can spread some positivity please. Baby is measuring really small, they don’t seem too concerned but I’m 37 weeks tomorrow so just looking for reassurance about small healthy babies. Thanks


Elective section

For those that had an elective section how long were you in for afterwards?



I have my 36 week appointment tomorrow and my dr is going to do a cervix exam. Did anyone else have this done at 36 weeks? If so were you dilated yet??


Induction at 39 weeks

Hello ladies! When I spoke to my doctor on Friday, she said we’re going to start talking about induction at my tomorrow appointment. I have a Bilobed placenta and they fear a risk of tearing if I go to or past 40. I am curious what everyone’s experiences were with being induced. I do plan to have the epidural. Bu...



I was told my induction date is on the 10th of March and I was just wondering if there’s any moms that went the unmediated route except obviously the Pitocin? I’m tiny and my daughter is small but I’ve heard horror stories about Pitocin can any share any tips, tricks and advice on how to get through those contractio...


Labour experiences

I am due this week and just wondered what people experienced as an early sign of labour? I have tightening of my tummy what I can only describe as severe period pains / the urge to go to the toilet that comes and goes (probably every half hour or so) as of yesterday and increased discharge. Really thinking this must...


Anyone had a hernia operation?

I’m scared I won’t wake up from anaesthetic


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