Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
Does anyone else experience this? I am 27 weeks pregnant and I find my underwear wet every day, it’s not a lot of wetness to go through the underwear but the underwear it’s wet - I am forced to change it 2-3 times per day as I find it uncomfortable. Anyone else have this?
I was under the impression that 37 weeks was considered full term, but after my son's 2 week appointment, the doctor said 38 weeks is what they now consider full term. Has anyone else heard this? Honestly, I feel this would fit more with my 37 week son, just because of how he has struggled to learn to eat. He defin...
I’ve just got home after 8 hours in triage following high blood pressure and a growth scan. I’m due 3rd March and baby is measuring in the 92nd percentile with an enlarged tummy 😣 they’ve given me 3 options - do nothing and risk baby getting too big, be induced which may not work or schedule a c section. I am…
So i had a c-section 11 months back. I had a bit of back pain after this, but it could easily be put down to daily routine. I'm now 10 weeks pregnant, and all around, my epidural area feels weak (unsupported) and honestly, this has been the worst backpain ever. Some days I can barely walk. I'm beginning to think thi...
I am being induced in 2 weeks at 37 weeks pregnant. My previous baby was spontaneous labour and I’ve no idea what to expect this time round. If you were induced, what was your experience?
So I had my first prenatal appointment today & they said since in my first pregnancy I had shoulder dystocia & the chance of developing preeclampsia again, there might be a chance for me to have a C-section. When I heard this I wanted to cry bc I’m so scared of c sections especially after the stories I hear about th...
Hello! I'm wondering if you're able to share your experiences of having a C section at Queens hospital. What should I expect on the day, during the procedure and after? What was the care like? Any tips? Thank you!
Hey just to give anyone the heads up if you have a c section so you don’t have to feel the pain I did 😂 I went to get my dressing removed on day 5 after a c section and I was told to keep my dressing bone dry when leaving the hospital I was also told at the pre op appointment to not shave down stairs at all. Long…
Hi all! I get induced on Monday at 38 weeks because baby has gone from 13th to 6th percentile! For those who have had inductions before, is there anything extra I should take to the hospital with me given it could be a lengthy process 😊
What is it like to have a C-section and I don’t mean afterwards I mean the actual C-section and having baby handed to you all of the stuff! I have had two babies vaginally so this will be my first C-section and I am absolutely terrified.
I have really bad anxiety about bad hospitals and need help finding a good one that will put my mind to ease that I’m in safe hands 🫶
Hi guys! First time mum to be 🤰🏼 I’m looking for advise really on c-sections. I would like to know the positives and negatives if anyone is happy to share x
Does anyone have any recommendations, to help relieve pelvic girdle pain. I googled but there’s soo many out there and it really hurts.
I’m having really bad shortness of breath as my c section approaches. I’m so scared, I think I’m going to have giant panics when the day comes. I’m so scared something bad will happen 🥺 what should I do/think? Is this normal?
Been feeling more pressure and nippy down there when moving around mostly when walking. Is this par for the course for the next few weeks or a sign that labour could be on its way in the next few days? I’m 37wks
Has anyone had experience of a maternity debrief at Colchester hospital? How did you organise it and was it a phone call or in person? Thanks!
Any tips for minimizing the appearance of a c section overhang? I’m almost 8 months pp and had an emergency c section- due to baby girl’s positioning my scar is lower on one side then the other and the overhang is way worse on the lower side. 🙃 Feeling lopsided and not loving the poofiness above my scar. Any…
Currently 36 weeks with a toddler and wow this has been a ride! 😴
Anyone had a long induction and then emergency c section and then got pregnant again? How did you decide on either planned c section or vbac? Were you worried vbac would end in another emergency c section? I'm assuming planned c section recovery would be better than failed induction and emergency c section recovery?...
I’ve been booked in for induction next week (getting the balloon) and I’m feeling a bit anxious. Could anyone who has had it tell me if it is painful or just uncomfortable? Is there anything you wish you knew before getting it done?