Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

Feeling back to normal

I don’t mean to brag but I’m really impressed with my C-section recovery that I’m feeling a bit of impostor syndrome. I’m just over 2 weeks post partum and I’m on my feet, walking with no pain, I’ve stopped taking painkillers because I don’t feel I need them, my bleeding has pretty much stopped and my scar is healin...


Mums in Aneurin bevan health board which birth unit have you chosen?

I live 9 minutes away from ystrad and have right up to this point thought the grange is the best option - purely for the what ifs and the idea of my boyfriend having to travel up behind us if something was to go wrong. Now at 35 weeks I’m beginning to think I’m overthinking and questioning why I would choose a hospi...


Hospital Bag Help!

I’m now 31 weeks pregnant and I’m stressing on what to put in my hospital bag. What sizes should I take? Do I need sleep suits and vests? Or only sleep suits or? What size nappies? Do I need ready made formula bottles if I plan on breast feeding? If so how many? What should I take to prepare for breast feeding? As...



Getting induced tomorrow so nervous as this is my first baby first time mum I’ll be 42 weeks 1 day


Induction related complications

Is it true that being induced almost means complicated birth or interventions needed and section route taken eventually? I'm being induced at 38weeks but worried if it'll lead to more trouble so should I just let my body just wait and do it's thing?


2nd c section

I fell pregnant 8 weeks after my emergency c section , I know I am most likely going to have to have another c section due to the risks (I am going to try push for an induction but of course if I need to I will have a cs). I’m just wondering if the pain/healing is different with the 2nd c section? Especially this cl...



Has anyone experienced leaking colostrum with a bit of blood in it? Just taken my breast pad off to see it's got a bit of blood soaked in there too. Should I be concerned?


Membrane sweep

How many weeks do you have to be to have a membrane sweep done? I’ll be 37 weeks in 2 days and thought about asking my OB for one. & before yall get on here saying 37 weeks isn’t full term. I’m already 2cm dilated and I been in prodromal labor for DAYS. It does not feel good having these painful contractions with no...


3rd c section

Me and my husband are thinking about having another baby, but we keep mentioning about a c section and the risks of having 3 of them. I've had one emergency and then a elective section. Has anyone had more then 2? What was the recovery like and what do they say the risks are for having a 3rd one?


Is there something wrong with me? For some reason I get overly wet during sex since I had a c section 8 weeks ago

In the first few weeks after my c section sex was completely normal and then from about 4 weeks it’s almost unenjoyable because it’s too wet. Has this happened to anyone else and if so is there anything that can be done? My partner is being lovely but I’m starting to find it really embarrassing.



Anyone decided to have an elective c-section? I’m 90% sure I want an elective c-section. I had a non elective c-section with my first. But I’ve found family/friends asking me what I plan to do. I would love to just confidently say what I’m doing. But I find there are a lot of opinions forced on you. So I’m not sure ...


Car seat & hospital bag

When should I go about installing car seat and packing hospital bag? Currently 25 weeks and baby girl is growing sooo fast measuring 2 weeks ahead😅


IBCLC Croydon

Hi all :) Has anyone used an IBCLC in Croydon? Do you have any recommendations? Thanks!


Surgery & periods

Hello I’m just looking for a bit of advice, I’m due to have my 1st laparoscopy tomorrow and I’ve just come on my period, I’m unable to contact anyone as day surgery isn’t open on weekends , does anyone know if my surgery will still be able to go ahead ? Thankyou in advance 💗


Must have a for after a C-section

I'm opting for an elective C-section this time round (not until June), and I'm wanting to be prepared. I obviously won't be able to drive for a good few weeks afterwards and my husband only has a provisional license so won't be driving anywhere either, so I want to have a good stock of things in that I'll need to sa...


GWH induction

I’m being induced at GWH tomorrow. I know I can pay for a side room postnatally, but does anyone know if this is an option for the induction as well? I really don’t want to be stuck in a bay!


Hospital bag

I’m due to give birth in march and im trying to think what i need for my hospital bag… clearly can’t remember everything 😅 I feel like I’ve forgotten so much!!!


Hospital Bag

Although I’m already all packed, I want to know what are some tangible things you took to the hospital that truly calmed you or helped you through contractions?


Newborn white discharge, am I cleaning her properly ?

I feel so bad that I may not have been wiping my little girl properly but I’ve just noticed as I’m cleaning her poo that got everywhere that in her private parts it is full of white stuff but deep in the creases. Is this normal at 3 weeks old?? or am I to blame? It’s never happened with my other girl but maybe this...


C section anyone recently?

Anyone had a c section in the last week. i had my beautiful baby boy yesterday via planned c section, and it would be lovely to speak to other mums going through the same recovery ❤️


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