Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
What will happen if baby boy is breech at 36 weeks?
When did you all start packing your hospital bags? What did you bring for you and what did you bring for baby? I’m only 25 weeks but feel the need to get them packed asap after just watching 3 people have their babies around 32 - 28 weeks.
so i’m in the bath at the moment, and i just felt liquid fall out of my vagina, but i have no idea if it was my waters, or if i peed myself a little, or if it was discharge 🥲
I’ve told my husband I want a ‘push present’ despite whether I give birth vaginally or have a c-section and he’s totally on board with it and going with the flow which I love- any ideas, I’m thinking designer bag, but i keep changing my mind 😅👜🎁🏝️💍🧁
How was everyones experience birthing the placenta?
Hi, I’m being induced next week at 39 weeks due to having excess fluid which was picked up at my latest growth scan & am having dilapan-s when being induced. Has anyone had these before & had positive stories/experiences from these as I’m a little anxious with this being my first! Thanks 🥰
I need your advice please! I’m being booked in for a c-section for next week due to a significant drop in growth and severe HG but that’s not what’s worrying me. What I am worried about is recovery afterwards. My partner won’t be able to take time off work for paternity leave because we can’t afford it. How did y...
OH and I have been puzzling over how to handle the parking situation at QE when labour starts… IYKYK - it’s abysmal 😂 so what happens when we rock up for the birth and all the drop off spots outside the maternity unit are taken up by the cars of similarly panicked new parents, (usually adorned with parking…
Has anyone had the coil but never given birth vaginally, only by C-section? I am considering contraception but want non hormonal. I’m worried it will really hurt as I’ve never given birth
Do we get to full term with gestational, I am on insulin and metformin and I am not keen on being induced, does anyone know ?
How far in advance did you have your pre op for your c section? Bonus points if anyones Uhcw/ Coventry x
Did you still go into labour without losing your mucas plug? Or is this a MUST to happen for labour to progress?
I’m 2 weeks post c section and some days I have no bleeding and other days it gets quite heavy. Is this normal? No clots etc
Hi everyone So I had my date for my c section come through for the 19th March and got to be there for 7am what will the chances of it being cancelled yet were in early morning I’m so nervous it could get cancelled thank you
Please can I just ask all those that have had an emergency c-section AND then further on to a planned what the difference in recovery was like? Why do they say a planned sections recovery is easier?
Don't get me wrong but why are so many people being induced early with no health conditions and not going full term?
Hey there! I’m a first time mom (1month old boy) living in Abertillery He was premature, weighing 4Ibs 10 and has been diagnosed with digeorge syndrome and TOFS Has anyone else been through this or any other similar situation and can shed some light on how to process this. I’m currently a single mom so it’s a ...
I had an emergency with my son and have an elective this time also due to blood issues ive been given my date when ill be 39+4 the same time i had my son! Im Freaking out that its too late on and shell come early can i ask for the date to be changed to earlier or will they tell me no? Due to my blood issue i may not...
Went to triage yesterday as had slight trickles of water coming out through the night but nothing much, was told it wasn’t my waters so just went home. This morning I was making breakfast and felt a lot of pressure and water was trickling down my leg and this has happened now three times this morning, I feel like it...
Anyone else had a c section and can’t feel when they need to go to the toilet? I have no issues passing urine but I just never feel when my bladder is full