Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

Pre baby body or better…

Everyone keeps telling me it’s impossible to get back to your pre-baby body or better, is it true?


C-section timings - UK 🇬🇧

Hi. Anyone (in UK) who has had / due to have an elective c-section, how long before your due date was it scheduled for? First pregnancy if that makes a difference. Thanks


Early labor

So baby has been head down prior to 28 weeks (I found out via ultrasound at a shop, never actually felt her turn) apparently she has been comfortable in this position for quite some time. Currently 31W4D and I went back today for another set of 3D pictures and she has remained head down. Does this mean she’ll possi...



Hey everyone- curious your experience- I’m 36 years old, pregnant with my first, and my doc mentioned induction as an option due to my age. No health or other medical concerns, baby is a head down, both baby and I are in good health. Do we think it makes sense dot opt to induce at 39 weeks? from what I’ve read so fa...


Natural Birth?

I was wondering if anyone so far is most likely doing a natural birth? So far my baby has been super healthy which I’m very thankful for. So it’s looking like I will not be getting induced or a scheduled c section unless something changes from now to the next month. I was curious if anyone else is in the same boat w...


Sleeping post c section

Did anyone else find it scary to sleep on your side after a c section? I’ve been sleeping on my back since my section 2 weeks ago and I just want to be able to move freely in bed but when I lay on my side it feels so weird not having a bump to support me 😂 I tried sleeping on my side and woke up with terrible…


Elective c section prep

What prep were you made to do before the c section? Meds? Shaving? Nails (allowed or nah) thank you x


Lump on c section scar at 16 month postpartum

I went to to my gp today and they said it’s hypertrophic which means I need physiotherapy as it hasn’t fully healed from the inside and I will need to have a scan. Is anyone else C-section gone down or is it a lump. Someone describe how there c section scar looks like at 12 month plus ??



I still have things I need to do before my induction date 03/18. But I’m so tired. I wake up tired. My toddler needs/wants to play but I physically cannot keep up. Standing up I get sharp pains in my vagina, pains in my back. I’m so ready for this to be over. Is anyone else not ready? I don’t have the car seat in th...


Due in Apirl delivering in March

She's coming early C section style. I'm going to be a hungry, nervous wreck


Breech at 36 weeks

What will happen if baby boy is breech at 36 weeks?


Packing Bags

When did you all start packing your hospital bags? What did you bring for you and what did you bring for baby? I’m only 25 weeks but feel the need to get them packed asap after just watching 3 people have their babies around 32 - 28 weeks.



so i’m in the bath at the moment, and i just felt liquid fall out of my vagina, but i have no idea if it was my waters, or if i peed myself a little, or if it was discharge 🥲


Push present ideas?

I’ve told my husband I want a ‘push present’ despite whether I give birth vaginally or have a c-section and he’s totally on board with it and going with the flow which I love- any ideas, I’m thinking designer bag, but i keep changing my mind 😅👜🎁🏝️💍🧁


Birthing Placenta (plus size/high bmi)

How was everyones experience birthing the placenta?



Hi, I’m being induced next week at 39 weeks due to having excess fluid which was picked up at my latest growth scan & am having dilapan-s when being induced. Has anyone had these before & had positive stories/experiences from these as I’m a little anxious with this being my first! Thanks 🥰


C-section mums

I need your advice please! I’m being booked in for a c-section for next week due to a significant drop in growth and severe HG but that’s not what’s worrying me. What I am worried about is recovery afterwards. My partner won’t be able to take time off work for paternity leave because we can’t afford it. How did y...


Parking plan @ Queen Elizabeth

OH and I have been puzzling over how to handle the parking situation at QE when labour starts… IYKYK - it’s abysmal 😂 so what happens when we rock up for the birth and all the drop off spots outside the maternity unit are taken up by the cars of similarly panicked new parents, (usually adorned with parking…



Has anyone had the coil but never given birth vaginally, only by C-section? I am considering contraception but want non hormonal. I’m worried it will really hurt as I’ve never given birth



Do we get to full term with gestational, I am on insulin and metformin and I am not keen on being induced, does anyone know ?


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