Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

Hospital visitors

What are peopleā€™s thoughts on visitors in the hospital post birth? I personally feel that moment is so special and intimate between myself and my birthing partner (whoever that may be). Also feels a bit unnatural to have extra people touching my baby when I need that time to bond/ establish breastfeeding etc. I know...


I'm in for induction.

Please please does anyone have any positive stories? Ones that also don't end in c section. That's my worst fear for many reason.


Folley balloon induction

Iā€™ve been booked for folley ballon induction on Thursday morning I will be 41+5. Iā€™m currently 2-3cm dilated - was informed folley will be inserted and Iā€™ll be sent back home but if Iā€™m more dilated they might decide to go via different route such as breaking my waters. What are your stories with folley balloon indu...


Date of C section

Hi all - They gave me a date of between 39-39+3 to have the C section, just wondering would they bring it forward at all? Or only on medical/emergency grounds would they do this? Thanks


C section incision

Iā€™m not sure what is even normal at this point Iā€™m 3 almost 4 weeks pp and my incision started off looking good most doctors said it looks great and they could barely see anything. Since Iā€™ve been home itā€™s been healing but it feels so bumpy and hard when I touch it. Not flat like Iā€™ve heard other ppl say. Hoping th...


35+6 lost mucus plug?

I think I have lost my mucus plug this morning, it was quite a large blob but was fully clear with no blood, my belly feels quite tight but I wouldnā€™t say it hurts, just slightly uncomfortable. Iā€™ve put a pad on and nothing else has come out, am I supposed to phone triage?? I donā€™t know what to došŸ˜‚


Excuse my language

But Iā€™ve honestly fuckinh had enough. My contractions have started full on at night for 3 days now and they are really intense and I try not to get excited over it because every fucking time they just stop and amount to nothing. I am SO SICK OF THIS SHIT OMG


First time mum - home birth

Our gorgeous girl Penelope born at home yesterday morning! I said all through my pregnancy that I wanted a home birth which often raised eyebrows with others.. so glad I stuck to what I wanted. Born at 40+4 and sheā€™s absolutely perfect! šŸ’• Good luck everyone ā¤ļøā¤ļø


induction at 12pm todayā€¦ so at 40+2 (yesterday) my waters slowly went, started around 9 am and throughout the day kept thinking I wet myself as it was only small leakages but then after 12pm I started with mild ish contractions/crampsā€¦

Called triage and they asked me to come in so waited for partner to get back from Everton game and went in and confirmed it was my waters and due to risk of infection I need to be induced in next 24 hours if I donā€™t go into active labour naturallyā€¦ so I got sent home and hoped things would progress my contractions s...


C section mums

My baby has just turned two months now and my scar on the outside has healed up nicely but my lower bit of my stomach (internally) feels tender and a bit numb, does anyone have any suggestions or know of any oils or lotions that might help with the abdominal muscles or any non strenuous exercise that are easy to do....


Successful ECV for Breech Babe?

I found out at 36w2d that baby is breech. Anyone have an ECV success story or did your baby flip on their own at this stage or later?


Calling all c section mamas

C section mamas When was the soonest you got pregnant again after a c section? I plan to wait at least the recommended time (not in a crazy rush, and want to get a bigger home first etc) but just curious. What was the pros / cons? Did you experience any trauma / any bad effects from getting pregnant more soon than ...


Elective c section

My elective c section is in the morning and Iā€™ve all of a sudden gone into a panic! Please tell me your happy and healthy storiesā€¦


UCLH: labour ward vs birth centre

I am due in March - 1st baby. I cannot decide between labour ward and birth centre at UCLH. Have any of you given birth there recently and could share experience? Thank you



Currently 4 weeks PP and me and the hubby tried to have sex - I had a section and my scar has healed so I felt ready. But I was soo sore down below we had to stop, has anyone else had this after a section?


C section

Am I the only one who doesnā€™t feel like I gave birth because I had a section? Idk itā€™s such a weird feeling all I wanted to do was push my baby out and feel that instant connection with them but instead I got slapped on a operation table and got cut open šŸ„² idk itā€™s such a weird feeling am I the only one?


Leaving baby

When did you leave baby with anyone other than partner


Badger notes say I intend to give birth at hospital but I said home-birth at booking?

Should I complain?


Feeling back to normal

I donā€™t mean to brag but Iā€™m really impressed with my C-section recovery that Iā€™m feeling a bit of impostor syndrome. Iā€™m just over 2 weeks post partum and Iā€™m on my feet, walking with no pain, Iā€™ve stopped taking painkillers because I donā€™t feel I need them, my bleeding has pretty much stopped and my scar is healin...


Mums in Aneurin bevan health board which birth unit have you chosen?

I live 9 minutes away from ystrad and have right up to this point thought the grange is the best option - purely for the what ifs and the idea of my boyfriend having to travel up behind us if something was to go wrong. Now at 35 weeks Iā€™m beginning to think Iā€™m overthinking and questioning why I would choose a hospi...


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