Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Loss

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Loss.


I had my surgical management miscarriage four weeks ago on Monday. I decided to track ovulation out of curiosity haven’t had my period yet and thought I was due. However, it’s showing I have ovulated today is this normal?


Second miscarriage in 3 months :(

I feel lost will this happen a third time..


No heartbeat?

I had bleeding last night maybe enough to fill a pad but not enough to bleed through. Went to the women’s hospital, and they tried doing an ultrasound and didn’t hear a heartbeat. Then they decided to do a transvaginal ultrasound, ofc they couldn’t tell me anything. Took forever to call me and then the nurse pract...


Missed miscarriage baby #2 10 weeks and 3 days

I went last week for my first ultrasound at a free clinic couldn't find a heartbeat.The next day I went in for a blood draw. Today I went in for another ultrasound and to meet my ob. Still no heartbeat but my HCG levels are still high and normal. My body is not aware yet that the baby is dead. No cramping no bleed...


rainbow baby?

how soon after a miscarriage can you become pregnant?


Early miscarriage

I had what i thought was my period on 1st feb, it was extremely light and only lasted 2 days and was about 2 weeks late but I didn’t think anything of it Fast forward to monday (24th) i’ve started bleeding again and very heavy soaking through 3 pads a day and passing a lot of clots, ive never had a period like this ...


Had a miscarriage early Feb, however I still have insane back pain, had a negative test shortly after MC bleed, is this normal?

It's so frustrating, I'm trying to get back to work. I am due my period soon,but the back pain has been very persistent since MC. 🙂‍↕️


Coping with missed miscarriage while having a toddler

I (24) ended up going to the er yesterday morning after passing a clot bigger than a quarter while having some mild cramping and bleeding. I thought I was 12+4 with baby number two, but after waiting 6.5 hours, we found out that baby had passed at 9+2. I have an almost 2 year old and I don’t want to say looking at h...


Shorter luteal phase after MC

Anyone else’s luteal phase changed after a miscarriage? I’ve had a MMC early January at 10+2 weeks, 28 days later I’ve had my first period, so this was my first proper cycle since. My luteal phase used to be 12 days, so started my period 13 days after ovulation. I’m currently 10 or 11 days after ovulation, and my...


Constantly checking pants !

Girls I’m nearly 5 weeks pregnant and had miscarriage previously. I don’t know about anyone else but I am constantly checking my pants expecting to see traces of blood because I’ve told myself I’ll miscarry again :( is anyone else like this . It is consuming me at this moment in time to a point I’m really genuinely ...


Painful cramps weeks after miscarriage

I had my miscarriage 2 weeks ago yesterday and haven’t bled since. I didn’t really cramp at all with my loss. 2 weeks later I have such bad cramping😩 anyone else experience this? I’m not ovulating either.


Miscarriage?? Please reply

I’m about 4/5 weeks does this look like a miscarriage? No pain just bleeding


first MC

Hi I had my first miscarriage and it's been a week. I have so many questions and Idk where to start as I've just been so sad but I thought I'd start here. It's been a week and I'm still testing positive but I finally finished bleeding. Is this normal?


D&C or cytotec

Discovered at my 12 week ob check up today that we lost baby 3 weeks prior. Since my body hasn’t recognized the miscarriage yet, I was given the options of cytotec pills or a D&C. I’m torn because the idea of being put under and having surgery scares me, but I don’t know if I could emotionally handle thebleeding so ...


Anyone else??

I stopped bleeding after a miscarriage on the 4th December and still not had a period. I’ve had some signs like the odd period pain/feeling hormonal but that’s about it. I went to the GP and they didn’t seem to concerned and said let’s ’watch and wait’ for a month until we do anything. Anybody else taken this long. ...



I’m 5 weeks and 4 days. I went pee this afternoon and wiped and there was light pink blood. Since then nothing. I have a little cramping but nothing out of the ordinary. Is this a miscarriage? Of course I’ll be calling the dr tomorrow


Being there for a pregnant friend after a miscarriage

One of my best friends (7+ yrs) just told me she’s pregnant! I just had a miscarriage so I’m having a hard time accepting the news and being excited for her. I feel so selfish for not being excited. I literally burst into tears when she told me. This will be her 5th while we’ve been trying for our second. Any one el...


Tests after miscarriage

So I had a miscarriage (missed) at 6 and a half weeks. Didn’t start bleeding until 10 weeks. This is my 6th day of bleeding. My tests are still super strong/ extremely dark Is this normal?


Is this medical negligence?

Two years ago I had a stroke. I was 29 years old at the time and it happened on Christmas Day. My parents rushed to call the ambulance and they said they would be 45 minutes. They then took me in the car which took around 15 minutes. Once I got to the hospital I wasn’t triaged by a nurse until 15 minutes later (I wa...


TW: Possible Early Miscarriage

I went for a scan today and my OB couldn't find a full sac, only thickening. So I'm either earlier than I thought or it's an early miscarriage. I kind of figured with my tests. So getting HCG taken today and Monday and a scan Thursday. If I end up miscarrying or not, I want to wish you all healthy and easy pregnan...


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