Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Needing to vent

I am at the five week mark of my pregnancy and I keep worrying about the development stopping and slowing down. I had two losses around this time. The first one stopped around 5.5 weeks when I was 9 weeks and my last one was 5 weeks but I bled the whole time. My hcg numbers have been 200 and 547 but I cannot stop ...


What does it look like I’m having

These are the first pics I’ve taken since I’ve been pregnant and I’m currently 18 weeks and 3 days . Based off how my stomach look what gender does it look like I’m having ? I haven’t found out the gender yet I’m praying for a baby boy 🤞🏽🙏🏽this time I currently have 3 girls .. I have a appointment on the 12th and I…


Any guesses? Is the nub visible?

12 weeks + 5 days, boy or girl


reduced movements

i went to triage for reduced movements and have been booked in for a scan tomorrow is that normal? i’m 36 weeks midwife didn’t say why i was to get the scan


Not baby related, sorry. Just looking for others experiences..

Hi guys, I wondered if anyone has had a LLETS biopsy before, and if so, how long it took for your bleeding to stop? I had one done about 2.5 weeks ago. Unfortunately I got an infection from it too. Thankfully antibiotics has cleared up the infection, however I'm still getting bleeding (fresh bleeding, like from th...



Anyone else had an early scan anxiously waiting for there next scan. Constantly worrying something’s wrong even though I’ve seen a heart beat at 6 weeks.


Boy or Girl 🥰 13 week scan

I think I see a girl but interested to see what everyone else thinks !


Transvaginal scan

I’ve got to have a transvaginal scan to check my cervix on Tuesday. I just wondered if anyone else had had one of these and let me know what to expect as I’m quite nervous 😬


Need some reassurance

My first pregnancy I was so fatigued, constantly dry heaving/nauseous, and so sensitive to smells. This time I have 0 symptoms besides cramping. I know every pregnancy is different but I am worried! I may book a private 7 week scan bc I can’t wait until my 9 week dr. appointment 😵‍💫


Pregnancy of Unknown Location (PUL)

Pretty sure I’m out of the race for a September 2025 baby. Had some minor bleeding a week or 2 ago but it was thought to be normal. This week I’ve had a horrible dull ache (different from pregnancy cramps) right in my pelvis on one side that goes all down my leg. Last night it got so uncomfortable I rang 111, th...


Dating scan

How many weeks will you be at your 12 weeks dating scan? Im booked in for when I’m 13 weeks


Measuring behind

I went for a scan today I should have been measuring 6+3 but when she scanned me I was only measuring 5+1 I know it doesn’t matter to much till 7 weeks and my body can catch up but I had a missed miscarriage this time last year and the same thing happened back then so I’m trying to stop myself from spiralling I’m ...


Reassurance scan today for 6+4.

I know I’m meant to wait until 7 weeks but only dates I could make work with my husband. On a positive note, no bleeding this pregnancy! Last pregnancy I had 2 trips to the EPU already. Please send baby dust! Just desperate to see that teeny tiny heart beat!


12 week scan 🥹

Turns out we're 13+2! Due on 1st August. My birthday is 28th of July and my husband's is 26th July so we're learning to accept the fact that we may be sharing birthdays with the baby from now on 😂 Desperate to know the gender! I'm convinced we're having another boy!


10w scan approaching what can I expect to see!

Please can I see pictures of your 10week scans so I can have an idea what I might see!! I’m so excited!


Placenta previa low lying

Had anybody else been told they have low lying placenta previa? I have just been for a 29 week growth scan and told my placenta hasn’t moved and likely will not now. I’ve been reading up that they will book in a C Section by 36 weeks, has anybody else been through this situation or currently going through this too t...


Pap Smear Test

So Im due my first one. How was your experience?


12 week scan

Hey guys hope your all well. I had my 12 week scan yesterday. I am having triplets 🥳🥳


First scan

I’m so scared. Today is my first scan. I’m going for an early scan as I’m 6 weeks and 4 days. I’m scared they’ll see something wrong or that they won’t see anything at all even tho I’ve had 3 positive pregnancy tests. I just want to know everything is okay so I can start preparing. I think it’s just scarier for me b...



Hi all, hope everyone is doing well💕💕 Following a miscarriage about a year ago, we finally got our first positive pregnancy test 🙏🏼. I follow Flo but have irregular cycles - looking at Flo’s data my cycles vary from 35-50 days. The past two have been 45 days. I had my first positive test on Wednesday 22nd, and…


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