Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Hip pain

This is my second pregnancy and since 10 weeks I’ve had hip pain on both sides, sometimes it is just tingling and numbness but other times it is a really deep pain. I am struggling with sleeping, I have been trying to keep walking, doing pilates to keep active. The midwife has said to just take paracetamol but I don...


Hips feel like I’ve slept on the floor

I am flipping over from side to side constantly in the night but I’ve got to a point where my hips hurt so much, they almost feel bruised where I’ve led on them. Is this normal pregnancy pain and I just need to try and make myself a bit more comfortable or do I see a dr about it, is there anything that can be done?


Looser poops?

So since Sunday I've been having looser poops, today definitely feels a bit more close to diarrhea. Bit worried as normally constipation is the norm for pregnancy and when you look it up it can be cause for concern. Are others experiencing same? Am 7 weeks



Anyone else really struggling with insomnia? I didn't have this in my first pregnancy!


False starts

So I’m 39 weeks and ready to have this baby! Haven’t had a VE but dr said baby “well engaged” over a week ago. Every evening I get “tightening” which spreads across my belly until it’s all rock hard and is uncomfortable, last night it was bad enough to wake me during the night and very painful, not regular though....


Commute to work

Hello mums! I am 35 weeks and starting to feel like taking more rest🙂 I commute to office once a week with a flexible work arrangement but that one day is also looking pretty much of an effort since last week 😟 I travel for an hour changing 2 trains and with a bit of walk- probably because of efforts? Not sure How…


26 weeks pregnant with 2nd child and feeling contractions

So because I had a baby 16 months ago I know what a contraction feels like and I know what braxton hicks feels like too and I'm 95% sure I'm feeling contractions.. anyone had this before?


Scared of the dark

Anyone else kiddo suddenly became afraid of the dark? My son woke up last night screaming that it was dark and tonight I practically had to turn the night light on bright because he kept saying he is scared of the dark.


Restless leg syndrome

Pls some advice on how to get rid of it! It’s driving me crazy


Partner snoring & pregnancy insomnia

Anyone else struggle with this? Feel I can’t take it anymore. Between getting up at 3am for the toilet.. then my partner snoring when I’m trying to battle against pregnancy insomnia- it’s a lot 🤪 It’s got to the point we are sleeping separately - he sleeps on the sofa and I can still hear him from upstairs 🥲


TMI symptom

Is anyone having diarrhea? Sorry I know that’s so gross 😭 not consistently but my stomach is so sensitive that if I eat any fast food or spicy food I get diarrhea. My last pregnancy I was able to eat whatever I wanted so I’m not used to this.


Sensations down there

I’m 28+3 weeks… Does anyone else keep getting a weird feeling down there? Kinda similar to the same feeling if you were to bite into ice cream and you get that shock in your teeth when it hits your nerves … Only way I can think describe the pain / feeling 🤣 I had a speculum examination Saturday night and it has…


Over it🙃

I’m 34 weeks tomorrow and I know that some pelvic/vaginal pain and pressure is normal, but how much is to much?? I can hardly walk without it hurting so bad. And lifting my legs is excruciating (like lifting my leg to cross them) it feels bruised and sore, even wiping hurts extremely bad🙃 I also have pain in my…


Can you feel pregnant before you are able to test?

I might be pregnant but am unable to take a test yet since it’s too early. Is it possible to feel pregnant and have symptoms such as headache and sore breasts before you even are able to see a positive result?


Is it weird I feel weird I'm not pregnant

Baisicly a while ago I lost my virginity and then my period disappeared wich was normal for me idk why it goes missing for months but then my stomach started hurting for days so I started panicking thinking I was pregnant and I didn't wanna be because I'm young but I did the test like 6 hrs ago and it came back nega...


shortness of breath

Hi everyone i am 11 weeks and 3 days and i am just worrying as i feel really jittery and shortness of breath. has anyone else experienced this??


36 weeks and so fed up!!

36 week and 1 day. Honestly I’m so fed up. I feel huge, getting out of bed is like a military operation. I’m hardly sleeping I’m so uncomfortable. My bladder pressure has been utterly horrendous for the past 6 weeks I’d convinced myself I had a UTI, but I don’t. It hurts when I walk, so I can’t walk far. I get ra...


Has anyone gone into labour without a bump drop?

Im 39 weeks today and baby has been engaged for a few weeks now, the midwife doesn't think I was going to drop much due to how far babys head is down but I'm just wondering if anyone went into labour without an obvious bump drop? I'm soo ready for them to come now but defo no drop yet 🙈



Is it kicking anyone else in the backside?! Brought it up to the midwife at my 16 week appointment and all she said was “oh that’s early” I’m popping rennies like they’re going out of fashion and it seems to be brought on by absolutely anything!


Terrible feeling

I can't stop crying about hyperemesis yesterday I went for iv fluids. I'm jealous of people who can eat normally. I'm so depressed 😔


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