Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.
Does anyone’s nearly 8 month old clap their hands? it’s so cute , she’s been doing it for a month now
Is there anyway of knowing if baby is breech at 25+5?? Past two days I’ve noticed that movement has felt lower, like more in my bottom than up top as normal? I have an anterior placenta - first time mumma💗
Nbr but the doctors aren't really helping. I literally cannot stay awake, I'm so grateful my toddler is trusted and my house is baby proofed. I could be sat on the sofa and next thing I know an hours gone by. I've had every blood test every 3mo for a year and the only thing what's came up was low b12 and low vitamin...
I’m 31+3 and suddenly the pregnancy fatigue is unbelievable 😂 I literally can’t get through the day without a nap or two now!! Anyone else?
Hi! I usually use my treadmill 6-7 times per week and I jog/walk on it. My right hip has recently started hurting pretty bad so I skipped yesterday, and this morning I was fine for about 30 minutes and had to quit (I usually do 3.3 miles and it takes like 45 minutes). Anyone have any advice on how I can heal it? T...
Just wondering if anyone has had severe bleeding 9 weeks pp? I went to see my Gp 3 weeks ago when I was losing large clots and she prescribed me transemic acid to slow the bleeding down, it did work but I have never actually stopped bleeding, went to the docs again yesterday as it’s “dripping constantly” filling a s...
I’m in week 33 and all of a sudden just so tired! I hear it’s quite common, but wondered how everyone is feeling in third tri? I also had some period like cramps last night. Have eased this morning, but I wondered if those were Brixton hicks or if that involves your full belly?
May have to cave and ask for tablets 🤮
I’m 16+1 today and feel completely normal, which I am grateful for after a lot of sickness, but it’s just thrown me completely. I’ve got my 16 week midwife appointment next week and I’m dreading it, in case when they do the Doppler they can’t find anything. I have no reason to think anything is wrong other than lack...
Hi Last night I started to bleed. Wasn’t heavy at all and was just red/pink I went to the assessment centre and they gave me a scan and everything was fine. This morning I’ve woken up and went to the toilet and before I started to have a wee blood just came out of me and filled the toilet. I really don’t know wha...
I'll be 16 weeks tomorrow with my 2nd baby and I'm still falling asleep at every chance. I mostly work from home and find myself falling asleep or dozing at my desk multiple times a day. I should be going into the office a couple days per week and the stimulation in the office might help me stay awake but I'm scared...
Last night I was laid in bed tossing and turning, I turned over and got the worst cramping pain in my lower leg. It was honestly one of the worst pains I’ve ever felt. My body started to shake due to how painful it was 😂 it didn’t last long but it really took my breath away, I had to tense my muscles and it…
I had a headache at 10pm last night. Took Tylenol and it hasn’t gone away. I’ve been up every two hours because the pain is excruciating down my neck. Has anyone experienced this strong of a migraine?
This is my second pregnancy and since 10 weeks I’ve had hip pain on both sides, sometimes it is just tingling and numbness but other times it is a really deep pain. I am struggling with sleeping, I have been trying to keep walking, doing pilates to keep active. The midwife has said to just take paracetamol but I don...
I am flipping over from side to side constantly in the night but I’ve got to a point where my hips hurt so much, they almost feel bruised where I’ve led on them. Is this normal pregnancy pain and I just need to try and make myself a bit more comfortable or do I see a dr about it, is there anything that can be done?
So since Sunday I've been having looser poops, today definitely feels a bit more close to diarrhea. Bit worried as normally constipation is the norm for pregnancy and when you look it up it can be cause for concern. Are others experiencing same? Am 7 weeks
Anyone else really struggling with insomnia? I didn't have this in my first pregnancy!
So I’m 39 weeks and ready to have this baby! Haven’t had a VE but dr said baby “well engaged” over a week ago. Every evening I get “tightening” which spreads across my belly until it’s all rock hard and is uncomfortable, last night it was bad enough to wake me during the night and very painful, not regular though....
Hello mums! I am 35 weeks and starting to feel like taking more rest🙂 I commute to office once a week with a flexible work arrangement but that one day is also looking pretty much of an effort since last week 😟 I travel for an hour changing 2 trains and with a bit of walk- probably because of efforts? Not sure How…
So because I had a baby 16 months ago I know what a contraction feels like and I know what braxton hicks feels like too and I'm 95% sure I'm feeling contractions.. anyone had this before?