Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

3 month old teething?

I don’t know my newborn seems to be showing signs of teething? Isn’t it too early? She’s got that rash on her chin, she’s doing this weird thing with her lips where it’s like she’s tryna suck on them she’s clearly having some discomfort. She’s not too interested in feeding and sucking on her hand.


Potty training

Is anyone else little ones not potty trained yet? My daughter has suspected ASD (awaiting assessment to confirm) and we are finding it such a hard hurdle! We have tried multiple times and the aggression (toward herself and others) we are met with is so hard to manage. For reference she has very limited language and ...


3 wetting accidents in 3 days

Our daughter has been toilet trained since July and took to it amazing with only a few accidents the first week. She been dry overnight since around the same time. But recently she has been leaving it too late to go the toilet and ends up wetting herself. We've had 3 accidents in the last few days and probably 8 in...



How long does the first set take to cut through? Also how long does teething fever last? We’ve are on day two of fever



My LB seems to be teething hard atm, he’s 15m. Has top 4 front teeth and bottom three front teeth. But this time round he seems to have a runny nose and feels quite hot. Not sure if this is normal for teething or if he’s just ill on top?


Do u think it’s an infection?

Anything I can use for her lips ? She doesn’t let me take a better picture but it’s little seslen and white idk what happened :/


Need advice about my 2 month old!

Ok maybe it’s the fact I wasn’t able to get to any classes or read any books but I’m at a breaking point because my son is 2 months old and he’s teething but it’s not just teething. He can roll from his back to his stomach and from his stomach to his back. He will scream until I hold him up so he can try to take ste...


Potty training: HELP

My toddler is just turned 2, is now being potty trained. She absolutely is hating it. Her tantrums have became worse. She can’t say words yet and I understand her frustration playing into the tantrums but I’m also dealing with dad being impatient and yelling at times back at her or just to himself because he can’t h...


Teething tips

My 14 month old has 9 teeth he’s been getting them back to back since he was 6 month I feel so awful because he’s just miserable and we give him Tylenol but he still seems like he’s in pain and other thing that I can do for him preferably non medication I’ve heard that green onion and celery are good has anyone trie...



How do people know when their little is teething? Like how do you know it’s teething and not just part of being a baby/development. For example, putting EVERYTHING in their mouth or being more wingey than usual, dribbling…


Potty shot?

Hey guys don’t really no what I’m seeing but is this a potty shot? If so what are we thinking boy or girl 💕💙 TIA x


Potty training- just not ready?

Hi all. My lb is 2.5yo. A lot of his friends are currently potty training. I've always been of the opinion I'd do no pressure and go with him but I am feeling a bit more pressure each time someone else tells me their little ones are potty training. He's had a potty around for a long long time (recently put it away a...


Potty Training

So my daughter is almost 4. She's an only child and we live with 11 people in the house. This includes my dad, his partner and their 3 kids. 9, 4, and 3. She was almost completely potty trained by 2, but then regressed. Now she's refusing entirely to pee on the potty. She'll sit, but hold her pee, and when she gets ...


Teething help

What are people using to soothe teething?? My LO doesn't have any teeth through yet but he's really suffering the past few days he's gone off his food and everything which isn't like him and wakes up every hour crying due to the pain & dicomfort😔 I've been giving him Calpol once in a morning and every night before…


White gums

Has anyone's 4 month old baby got white gums , the lady who has my baby says he's teething and the white on his gums is a sign.... my other children have never had white gums even when they were teething i have done research on the nhs and it says it thrush


Anyone think their baby is teething?

12 weeks on Monday. Dribbling, hands in mouth, crying like he’s in pain, happier when not feeding but almost chewing on the nipple and I can see two white bits where his two front teeth would come. Anyone else think something similar?


Too many diapers or no?

How often does your 10 month old urinate? It feels like every time i change my sons diaper its got the blue wet line there within 10 minutes. I change it anytime he poops, its full of pee (obviously squishy) or every 30 minutes-1 hour (except naps which is before and after naps). Does it sound like he is peeing too ...


Potty training prep

What do I need for potty training, Potty Travel potty Lots of spare pants Underpants Anything else?


Don't be disheartened if your child hasn't mastered potty training.

It's always one of those monumental milestones that children reach in their own time. I've tried countless times over the year, stop, started, thrown in the towel, got an odd wee here and there. Skid marks on my carpets🤢 But today I took off my son's nappy and just left it off (sore bottom). The potty has been…


Potty training?

My boy will be 2 July 7th. Are y'all potty training yet? What's the best thing to start with? I work full time so naked days are only possible on weekends or evenings. Give me all your best suggestions on when to start and how to start!


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