Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.
This might be really random but since having my baby I’ve got an awful habit of clenching my teeth all the time. My teeth are getting quite sensitive from it now (baby is 5 months old) and it’s such a habit I can feel I’m doing it when I’m not even stressed. Has anyone else had this? Wondering if anyone has any tips...
Any advice on nighttime potty training? Has anyone done dream wees, and does it help? She's waking up before needing a wee and then struggling to go back to sleep TIA
My little guy is 4 months & im sure he's teething. Any recs on gels/teething toys that will help? Also whatever will help him sleep better at night too. He's been extra fussy & waking up a lot during the night!
Hey all, my 30month is starting to get a little angry, shouting, irritable, sticking her thumb to back of mouth and warm rosy cheeks. Is this teething, she let me have a feel but unsure what I am feeling for, thanks x
So my lg is 3 next month and we have been on this potty training journey since August last year. We had a set back and had to start again after starting. Jump to now. We have been doing the 'no pants' method. She knows when she needs to go, cause she goes and doesn't have any accidents. But the moment I put pants on...
Has anyone taken there baby to the dentist yet? my little girl is 10 months with with teeth and it was advised to go see a dentist but there are so many offices in the area. Does anyone have any recommendations? SoCal OCarea
What are your guys thoughts on chewing gum? I have been chewing extra spearmint. When I get bored so I don't snack
My son lost his left top front tooth on Halloween and his other top front tooth a week ago. I haven't seen any sign of his adult teeth coming in at least for the first front tooth that was lost. Is it normal for it to take a long time for them to come down? He has a dentist appointment on Tuesday. Is this something ...
Is there a time, or do we juatvs5op using it for the little ones when we decide ? I'm just thinking in terms of potty training my 17 month old when he's 18 months but still feel it's warmer to keep on when we r out . Any tips please
At what age is a baby ready to start potty training? Any recommendations for a toddler toilet seat?
Would you say this is a sign of teething he also has runny poop suddenly and very smelly
I’m worried and feeling the pressure of others as my daughter isn’t potty trained yet. We tried before but she was getting upset so left it a while. I get her to sit on her potty now with every nappy change which she is happy to do but she soon wants her nappy back on after. Im feeling like trying again but not sure...
And your toddler has pooped. There is a gas station / travel centre with a men's and women's bathroom. The women's bathroom has no change stall, but the men's does. Your destination is at least another 20 minutes. Do you....
What teething symptoms are your Lo’s getting?
Is this the start of teeth coming through? If so, how long do you think it will be until they cut through? She's currently okay, I can tell she's in a bit of discomfort but it's not affecting her too much yet.
So my 3 year old daughter is pretty much potty trained day and night but when she goes to nursery she’s so busy playing she doesn’t stop for the toilet and this is where the accidents are happening . We have the odd one every now and again at home but nursery is getting silly. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions
Have you started? What's helping you ? Give me tips . Starting my journey MONDAY.
Boy moms, potty training tips? What helped ? What are you trying to?
First time mum here and my little one is 18 months old now and I was wondering when do you start potty training. I understand all children develop at different stages but on average what age should the potty be introduced.
Hi everyone kind of embarrassing but my son just won’t go to the toilet and he starts school soon and I’ve literally tried everything to make him go use the toilet and he just wants he just has tantrums about it and it’s making me feel so stupid and ashamed any tips please