Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.

18 month old

Hi everyone so my son who will be 18 months next week who would eat anything and everything you gave him suddenly only wants fruit or apple sauce pouches started Monday ish he did get the stomach bug Friday evening but seems to be completely better today every time I try to give him and of his once favorite foods he...


Preferring food over bottles

My baby has declined all bottles since his last at 11.20am today but has eaten his breakfast/a puree/a rice pudding/yoghurt. Should I be worried? I've given him food as I'm worried about him having nothing all day and he's been accepting that/seemingly enjoying that fine, it's just the bottles he's been declining....



Can I ask if you're giving your baby 3 meals a day atm yet, and what they are having for each meal? My LO usually has weetabix or porridge for breakfast, then I struggle to decide whether to give him something like a homemade savoury puree like swede and carrot for lunch or dinner. Are you giving your LO something ...


Picky eater all the sudden

At 12 months old my son used to eat everything and now he chews his food and spits it everywhere. We are constantly struggling between do we give him more and he just wastes food. I am trying not to get upset but itā€™s so hard when food is expensive and he is just throwing it all or spitting it all over the place A...


Meal timing/plan

My little one loves breakfast so is only consistent in eating quite a bit then (weetabix or toast), rest of the day he just survives on yoghurts and snacks. He will not try anything else. Still breastfeeding, does not like cows milk so try to give with breakfast Can you share timing of your meals or types of food y...


Huge win!!

today my 13 month old was independently playing and i had left some applesauce out for him in case he wanted a snack, well i realize he was being kinda quiet so i look over and he had grabbed the spoon out of the applesauce and was eating it all on his own!! he had never shown interest in trying to eat with a spoon ...


Baby food and snacking

What are you feeding your babies? My almost 13 month old is eating so much, she almost eats the same amount I eat lol I donā€™t know where all that goes! I need ideas for snacks and meals to add more variety! We prefer natural and homemade options, but open to hear about healthy prepackaged ideas you may know about...


15 month not eating

Hey yall, is anyone elseā€™s 15 month old suddenly a super picky eater and or will refuse to eat but continuously say theyā€™re hungry? My LO has really only wanted to nurse recently and hardly eats real food. Heā€™s been eating real food since he was about 10/11 months old and now suddenly doesnā€™t want it


Best baby pancake recipes

Ready go! (Include quantities for cooking pleaseā€¦ this momma is still learning. A pinch of this and a spoonful of that is hard! šŸ¤£)


Anyone's six months olds not eating much solids?

He wants food and gets excited but then looses interest fast and eats a bite or two!


Swallowing food

I have started BLW with my LO but he just spits out the food, is there a way I can encourage him to swallow? Thank you!


Anyone elses baby not liking starting weaning?

My little boy seems to not be taking to it. absolutely hates purees, and not interested in food. Iā€™ve been trying everyday for 2 weeks and everyday it stresses him out, he hates the high chair too. I was so excited for this new journey of weaning but itā€™s not going to plan


BLW stress

My little one enjoys her finger food but I just donā€™t think she eats anywhere near as much as those babies having puree. I understand before one is for fun but I put so much effort into making food for it to get chewed up and spat out. What age did your babies start eating significantly more?


16 mo refusing tea šŸ« šŸ« 

My 16mo has always loved food, tried ate everything & at the moment it is point blank refusal even of his favourite foods! please say this is a phase šŸ˜­ its draining!!


How do you introduce solids? I had a plan with my first child but my second son is getting a mixture of approaches due to his older brothers food introduction interference šŸ˜† toddlers love to help lol

I'm cooking though and cooking non purees things for semi baby led weaning store bought stuff constipated both my babies though so I'm not messing with that stuff anymore


What can I bake with blueberries and strawberries?

Hey! I am trying to bake almost like some sort of muffins or something like that for my 7 month old that he can pick up and eat, I have blueberries and strawberries. Any ideas?? Heā€™s had like banana pancakes before and has done really great with that.


Meal ideas 8 months +

Iā€™m aware as our LOs approach 9 months they should generally be weaning off purĆ©es and I am already working towards that. Iā€™ve done combination mashed whole foods, pouches and finger food pretty much since 6.5 months but Iā€™m worried already about those busy days when I return to work, itā€™s so easy to grab an Ellaā€™s ...


Extra Meals on top of nursery?

My lo starts nursery tomorrow full days, and wondering what people feed at home before and after nursery? They will give them 3 meals and 2 snacks, but he wakes up early 5-6am so I donā€™t see how he can make it til 8:30ish for breakfast at nursery, we normally give him porridge around 7:30am. And in the afternoon the...


weaning 6 months

my little girl was 6 months in december and iā€™m weaning with mainly puree but also trying to introduce baby led weaning with finger foods but is anyone else finding it very scary? i find the foods just look to big to be putting in her mouth iā€™ve tried carrot batons and packet wafers but as they are falling apart in ...


How many meals 10 months.

How many meals are your 10 months on? My baby really doesnā€™t care much about food and wondering if I just give her a bigger breakfast and lunch and miss dinner as she basically eats nothing for it anyway but will eat more for breakfast and lunch.


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