Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
I'm cooking though and cooking non purees things for semi baby led weaning store bought stuff constipated both my babies though so I'm not messing with that stuff anymore
Hey! I am trying to bake almost like some sort of muffins or something like that for my 7 month old that he can pick up and eat, I have blueberries and strawberries. Any ideas?? He’s had like banana pancakes before and has done really great with that.
I’m aware as our LOs approach 9 months they should generally be weaning off purées and I am already working towards that. I’ve done combination mashed whole foods, pouches and finger food pretty much since 6.5 months but I’m worried already about those busy days when I return to work, it’s so easy to grab an Ella’s ...
My lo starts nursery tomorrow full days, and wondering what people feed at home before and after nursery? They will give them 3 meals and 2 snacks, but he wakes up early 5-6am so I don’t see how he can make it til 8:30ish for breakfast at nursery, we normally give him porridge around 7:30am. And in the afternoon the...
my little girl was 6 months in december and i’m weaning with mainly puree but also trying to introduce baby led weaning with finger foods but is anyone else finding it very scary? i find the foods just look to big to be putting in her mouth i’ve tried carrot batons and packet wafers but as they are falling apart in ...
How many meals are your 10 months on? My baby really doesn’t care much about food and wondering if I just give her a bigger breakfast and lunch and miss dinner as she basically eats nothing for it anyway but will eat more for breakfast and lunch.
Admittedly haven’t done much BLW and finger foods until now at 10 months. LO puts finger foods to his mouth and sucks on them, anything that is finger length but doesn’t understand the concept that when it gets smaller he can still eat it, he gets frustrated and just puts his fingers in his mouth. I guess he’s basic...
My little boy is 11 months old and OMG he is turning into a terror at meal times….. he is knocking the soon out of my hands, throwing his finger food everywhere, having a tantrum because he can’t just get up and go and play from his high chair, then if I try to give him a drink he’s knocking it out my hands… what ev...
Has anyone else’s baby had an eating regression? Any tips? He used to get on really well with purées, would eat quite a bit, and was making loads of progress with finger foods. He was actually swallowing and chewing things. He was actually doing so well I decided to cut out purées and go on to BLW. I noticed he wa...
When are you planning to start introducing solid/puree food?
Sorry but all I keep seeing is people giving their baby meals and snacks. Anyone of the younger babies still only on first tastes? We waited until after the Christmas madness and she still isn't really eating anything, just playing with it in her mouth. I thought weaning was supposed to be quite a slow process 🤔
I need some dinner ideas for my 2 year old (also have a 9 yo who I’d like to eat the same) preferably home made dinners but simple full of veg/healthy please! When I look online it’s all fancy stuff that I can’t see kids eating!
My little girls being sick but complaining she’s hungry what’s best to give her? She had some squash this morning but brought that straight up then wanted some blackberries and they also came straight back up too so I’m nervous giving anything. She won’t eat toast/any bread which would of been my go to
how much is your 6 month old eating?? like bottles and puree? x
Something this isn't sweet! Feel like I give him the same things all the time
Does anyone else have an extremely hungry baby? My boy is 4 months old (born 6th September) and is 17lb 1oz. He was born 8lb 11oz. He drinks five 8oz bottles through the day and this is hungry baby milk and it’s starting to seem like he wants even more than this 😂 he’s a chunky little thing (picture included) but…
My girl is starting nursery this week and is doing a day and a half I just want to know what to expect in terms of how poorly she’s going to be all the time … what are others experiences of this ? My girl has cmpa and is a fussy eater I’m worried she’s not going to eat much at nursery … has anyone seen an improvem...
Over the last 2/3 weeks my little one has discovered how to put her hands and fingers in her mouth, she loves a good chew but recently has been doing it so much so that she’s making herself gag every time! Does anyone else’s little one do this and do you try and stop it?
So my boy has had a puréed vegetable a day for 2 weeks now. I’m Looking for advice for what’s the next steps? Do I combine 2 vegetable? introduce fruit? If you’ve started with vegetables please tell me your plan going forwards? Thanks in advance!
My son doesn’t like physical soft foods he only likes baby food ! HELPP