Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.
My baby doesn’t clap hands, crawl, wave and will only sit if I put him in the sitting position (will sit for a few minutes). I’m getting worried. If I put food in front of him - like a plate of pasta, he will just pick it up and throw it on the floor - he will pick up things like toast and cucumber though. Feel like...
I was served my notice from my flat & I've got a house sorted, with a garden etc. It's a fresh start. I've slowly been doing the house up over the 28 days I had to leave the flat like when my daughters been at nursery/at her dads. We moved in Monday. She absolutely loves her new big girl room (she's 2 & a half), lo...
Sorry for such a long post, just want some perspective. I’ve been working on a book for nearly 4 years. I’d get a lot of writer’s block so it was never a daily thing, but when I got pregnant I completely lost interest in all my hobbies and stopped writing. For the past few months, I’ve been very occasionally writi...
My finance has asked his mom 3/4 times does she want our Lb overnight do we can have a date night, she just ignores the convo and changes the subject, it’s really awkward! I’d rather her just say no!
So a little bit of background (sorry it’s a long one!!!) I have a sister who is 3 years younger than me (aged 30). We have never been close as we’ve always been worlds apart, she was kicked out of school for doing drugs, got pregnant at 16 and has since had 3 kids with 3 different men (no judgement on that, but it’...
But looking for a hoover recommendation not to expensive and needs to be lightweight I have hard floors and carpet
My partner doesn’t care about his medical health so I do it for him like making him go to the doctors and stuff. I have health conditions and when eve I am sick and need to go to urgent care centre he gets upset and gives attitude. For a while now our toddler has been experiencing nose bleeds. Today own was worse. B...
Wondered if anyone else is having nursery problems? My child still hasn’t settled and she’s 3 months in, they have no outdoor play and it’s the same four walls constantly and my baby just so isn’t used to this. They’re always very negative when I pick up about how her day has been as she is always upset, they often...
Last week, my sister called to ask if I could go to a shop for her. I said I couldn’t go because I have severe PGP that causes a very dramatic limp and limits me greatly. I also suffer with HG and medicate myself several times a day, meaning I sleep a lot or am constantly drowsy if awake . I did go to this specific...
Is it selfish of me to have my parents watch my baby while his dad and I are really sick? We have horrible cold/flu symptoms and my baby had a fever 5 days ago so I think we got something from him. He’s 8 months old and he’s really congested but otherwise he is playing and acting normal. He’s not eating as much as h...
Send help lol. My 3 yr old and I are both crying 😭 lmao. I’m seriously at my wits end with this kid. It’s fight over everything, no matter how firm I am on boundaries and consistency. The melt downs are extreme. He’s on his last strike at daycare and here I am barely hanging on. Like how did my whole life end up…
so i've been having problems with my partner (bit of background info - there's something on his mind but when i try to speak to him about it he says he doesn't know how he's feeling. i've convinced him to get a doctors appointment to speak about his mental health which he has done but the appointments next thursday...
So my mil was nice to us (so I thought?) before we had a baby. We basically had to pull teeth to get her and my fil to the wedding bc they don’t like to fly. When we gave birth we had a no visitor rule at the hospital for both sides of the family but they saw my daughter within a week of coming home. She made a stin...
My stepson (7) is usually besotted with my newborn (8 weeks) but yesterday we were trying to get them to eat quickly before taking them back to their mum's. They were walking about and playing so we said no playing until you eat your food so they did and in that time I gave the little one to their dad so I could go ...
So my partner said he has taken an extra shift(he told me yesterday for today) although he wasn’t feeling too well. Anyway his alarm went off twice and he snoozed it. One alarm went off just before the kids woke up the other went off just as I was getting up with them he sort of woke up but I get he turned the alarm...
Do you ever just feel like “things would be so much easier if it were just me and my baby” ? My daughter’s father and I just haven’t been on the same page for a while now. I’ve made mistakes such as not being supportive when he wants an overnight job, leaving me to raise our 16month old and HIS two children 5,6. He’...
Hi, I’m currently pregnant. I do all the cooking. I do all the cleaning. I do all the laundry. We split the bills 50/50. I look after our child we have at the moment and he plays with him for about 10 minutes a day and that’s it. And that’s only because he knows I will have a go at him if he doesn’t. He leaves his ...
I have 4 weeks to go and feel like I can’t do anything because my husband is always working and says it’s not safe for me to go out alone, not that I would get very far as it is a struggle to walk for long! I just feel so cooped up and uncomfortable. I know baby will come soon but then I will be cooped up with a bab...
Hey guys just needing to vent a little bit. The father of our one yr old child lives in a different state, from the moment I was pregnant he gave false promises (I will move to you guys but put no effort in and instead moved further away), he says a lot of stuff that sounds good in the moment but never follows throu...
Baby woke up crying and usually when I get him to lull him back to sleep he stops crying. This time he didn’t which made me think he hit his head in his crib. I wake up my husband to feel his head and he tells me no because he’s so tired from working all day. This frustrates me so much I yell at him and call him an ...