Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.


Thoughts on formulas? I’m currently using similac but it makes my baby fart constantly 😂 as funny as it is, it’s a bit concerning. What are your favorite formulas you currently use? Any formulas out there that are gentle in the tummy? I heard kendamil is a good choice but I can’t seem to find it in amazon. P.s my…


How many ounces is baby taking

My little one is only taking 24 ounces a day and everywhere is saying they should get more than 32 oz . She turns 4 month old tomorrow


Formula in the evenings

So I've been told by health visitors that formula sits heavy on the stomach and is harder to digest, therefore makes baby feel fuller for longer. My 5 month old is only sleeping 1 or 2 hour stretches through the night and I'm struggling. I'm thinking of giving him one bottle of formula before bed but wondered if any...


Bottle teats

When did people up their bottle teat to 1? My baby is 6 weeks old and is still on teat 0 (she’s EBF but has a bottle if we’re out) she spits up still, but I find she’s suckling on the bottle a lot? Is this a sign I need to up to 1?



When did everyone stop sterilising bottles? My girl is 4 months on 9oz and I’m struggling to fit the bottles in steriliser🤣just seeing if it’s worth buying a different one.


Still trying to drop formula!

So our little one is almost 15 months and I’m really feeling the pressure that’s he should be getting ready to drop bottles and should have stopped formula by now. She’s still on 3 bottles of formula, and taking around 20oz of this a day. Nursery are trying her with whole milk but she’ll only have a little. We’ve t...


Sterilising baby bottles

Has anyone stopped sterilising bottles for baby? I know NHS says 12 months but it also says it's for formula so wondered what the general opinion is on sterilising especially if using breast milk


What’s everyone going to use for drinking cows milk once baby turns 1?

Will you gradually ditch the bottle or go cold turkey?


Teat size

What teat size is your little one using? My Little one is on a 0 but she seems like she needs to go up a size due to falling asleep mid feed and suckling really hard to get the milk out. But when I move her to a 1 she is sometime sick after feed. I’m not sure what to do weather to continue with 0 or move to the 1.


Formula fed babies

Has anyone used a formula thickener? My lo is taking 5oz and is 3 weeks on Monday, he feeds for about an hour and finishes or only leaves a tiny bit but then within an hour or even less his unsettling biting and sucking his hands for more milk. This seems a bit much for how small he is and how much his drinking an...


Dr brown bottles

Morning ladies. Anyone else use Dr brown bottles? And can they notice a difference with feeding etc? We’ve used tommee tippee advanced colic since birth but switched to Dr Brown as heard so many great reviews. She’s had her 2nd feed with the new bottles and can see her latch is better!



Those using infacol, are you giving it every feed? I find it definitely helps my LO, but not sure whether I should be giving her it every feed, or just in the evening when her symptoms seemto bother her.


Bottle timings

Formula feeding mums, what does your schedule of feeding look like? My little boy is 6 weeks, he’s on 5-6oz of infant formula (he’s a big boy!) every 3-4 hours so first bottle of the day is around 7am then 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm, 10pm, 1am and 4am. The 4am bottle is a killer for me because I have to get up for my to...



My baby is between the 6-8 week mark and is only having 3-4oz of formula each feed.. sometimes only 2.. we feed whenever she’s hungry and she gets fed every 3-4 hours. I’m worried that il get told I’m not doing a good enough job but I can’t force her to drink what she doesn’t want 🙄


Formula feeding

Hi, my baby girl is 2 months old and 2 weeks! She drinks formula! Was wondering how much does your babies on formula drink trough out the day! I’m scared if I’m giving her too much milk! 920/980ml a day. Is that much ? HELP ANYONE


Aptamil 3 toddler milk

Can someone advise me on how you actually make the aptamil 3 toddler milk I’m so confused. I have given up on the whole milk as powder and ready made is more easy accessible for us



Hi everyone, I’m currently pregnant with my first baby. I’ve decided I want to formula feed but so unsure on what one to go for. Any recommendations would be highly appreciated! 🤍


Advanced or normal formula?

My MIL kindly bought us 2 tubs of formula but she got us the advanced Aptamil and we use the regular. I can’t seem to find much online about what the difference is other than something to do with vegetable fats and animal fats. Anybody know what the difference is and if it would hurt to use them? Thanks!


Tongue tie

Anyone have a baby with tongue tie? My LB had his cut 1w1d ago. Because of this prior to having it cut i was having to supplement with formula after breastfeeding him. Since the divison he is still being supplemented and is having both breasts and than a 4oz bottle after every feed which is around every 3 hours. He ...


Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep

Does anyone know if this machine will allow me to use other brands of bottles? I had to get rid of all my Tommee Tippee bottles as my little boy wouldn't feed from them, so I only have Mam bottles, but I'm being given one of these machines to hopefully make night feeds quicker and easier.


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