Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
Trying to figure out cutting down feeds/ how many ml per bottle etc. and just wondering, do you count night feeds when working out daily milk intake? 🤔
What age do you transition from the lie flat part of the pram to the sitting up part? Or how do you know when it’s time to?
Has anyone given their baby small drinks of cows milk yet? Just preparing for ending our formula journey in May and thinking should I let him try little bits before hand? He already has it on cereal, in cooking ect.
Anyone have a good routine/schedule for their 3 month old?
What size tears are your 6 month olds on? I still have mine on size 2 but considering sizing up and he’s not finishing his bottles now. Seems to get bored
Sometimes she’ll wolf 150ml and other times is completely done with the bottle after 50ml, any advice!? She’s on an amino acid formula
I've recently moved from EBF to formula and have absolutely no idea on the amount of formula I should be giving in a 24 hour period. Do your formula fed babies still take a bottle in the night? Mine seems hungry because he was used to breast feeding during the night. I just don't want to overfeed.
Has anyone moved up a teat size yet? My LO is falling asleep during feeds more but he has colic, so worried to change from the slower flow and he guzzles it too quickly
Hey mummas, my LO is down to 2 bottles a day - morning when he wakes up and before bed. Is it bad that he’s still using bottles? He’s still not quite ready for a cup but he drinks water during the day from a sippy cup beaker thing but the straw limits the flow so he doesn’t choke. That’s the issue we have with a nor...
Hey mommy's, Hope you are all doing well. My bub is almost 6 months now and soon I need to get back to work, hence looking to introduce formula, but my bub doesn't take it I have been trying for a week now he refuses formula and wants to be breastfed. I really can't breastfeed anymore since I have fe health issues f...
My gp is keep making me switch formula and I'm just wondering how much is too much i don't want to damage my 3 month old baby by switching too much, can i really trust the gp? Any thoughts or advice?
My son is four week on Friday and I feel he might be having to many bottles as he is having 4oz of formula every one and a half to two hours, anyone else’s baby like this or is my baby just a fatty and like his food lol
hey, i’m currently going from boob to formula/bottles, the people that still give 3 bottles a day what time do you give these and how many ounces??? just trying to time the bottles i give right, thank you x
Anyone else paranoid about scooping formula? Is it too “packed”? How many scoops did I just do?….My thoughts for every bottle 🥴
It says that items must be used straight away from the steriliser… Can I get the items out and not use them straight away? Like does it have to be straight away?! I.e. using a breast pump on the go
Hi guys ! This may be a stupid question but is it okay to give babies cold formula ? Yesterday I made my babies bottle as he was down for a nap and I knew he’d be getting up soon hungry so I went ahead and put it in the fridge and by the time he got up it was a bit cold but I noticed there wasn’t nearly as many bubb...
I was trying to buy a formula dispenser but my husband yelled at me when I told him how much was it. I am very tired of getting up at night :( But it doesn’t seem like he cares at all. Would anyone have an extra one or maybe was looking to donate theirs? I would be very grateful
Looking at buying a rapid cool..... Can someone please explain the EASIEST way step by step on how to use it if my baby was having let's say 5oz of formula... I've been watching videos and it's so confusing lol.
my little boy suddenly wants to up his milk from 7oz.. screaming when the milk is finished and munching his hands after 3 hours.. but he can still last through the night without a milk.. help?🫨
hi all my LO is a terrible eater and still relying on milk ! So i am trying to stick to a routine to shift his mindset. he still cries for milk at night. What is your meal timing and if you have a fussy eater when did it get better?