Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
So little Aspyn turned 1 last week and switching to whole milk is not working for us🥲 anyone got any tips and tricks? I started off just adding one ounce and then two ounces to her formula and she refuses to drink the bottle
What size teat is your 5 month old using? I ebf. How on earth do I know which size to offer first if introducing formula without testing a whole bunch of sizes and possibly wasting money on teats? 🙃
Should we be feeding on demand if exclusively formula feeding? LO is 3 days old.
My July baby is nearly 8 months and is still on 6 bottles sometimes even 7. He drinks 6oz every time. I've tried to increase it but he just won't drink any more than that. He's also having 2 meals a day breakfast and dinner. I want to start decreasing his bottles so he drinks more in one go but I really don't know h...
Looking for some advice if anyone has any please 😟 I'm trying to switch baby to formula after 5 and a half months of exclusively pumping. We have started with 1 bottle of formula a day but my baby HATES it. She screams, hits the bottle away, spits it out. When I give her BM she guzzles it immediately so I know she…
How to introduce bottle at 4 months. It’s so hard. My daughter is refusing to bottle. Any tips and tricks, please?
I’ve recently seen a post that lots of other babies are having 3-4 bottles per day….Why is my child having 3 meals a day and big meals (today for example breakfast = porridge, lunch vegetable curry and yoghurt and dinner chicken roast dinner and rice pudding) and still having 5 bottles 😂 at 5am she had 6oz, 9:45am…
Just thought I'd put a quick post here letting you all know that Aptamil formula is £9 in Lidl so a lot cheaper than in other supermarkets
My little ones 10 weeks tuesday and she is on size 0 teat on mam bottle but drinks slow and then gets tired and doesnt finish her bottle .ive tried her on size 1 but she js gags her milks coming out from side of her mouth and i feel she cant breath because milks coming out to fast for her .. anh tips
I’ve made the bottle as instructed… but there’s bits of residue left around the bottle has anyone else found this to be grainy? And is that ok? He’s just had his first bottle of it and was really sick is this normal? I suppose his little tummy has to get used to it?
Do I need to sterilise bottles and breast pump equipment? Conflicting advice online so I’m not sure. Baby is just over 6 months old and has started solids if that makes a difference?
How many bottles does your little one drink a day and how many oz per bottle? (Excluding nights because my little is sleeping through the night currently without waking to feed)
Is 5oz too much for a 3 week old? He’s draining 4oz every bottle and around 5-8pm when he’s having these 4oz he’s crying for more an hour later, I want to up him but I dont want to give him a sore tummy
Hi mamas, Have any of you used infacol for your little ones? I'd like to hear your experience if you did, please. These days I feel like my boy is drinking his milk/formula too fast though we try and pace him and burp him in between and after, but he gets gassy and wakes himself up if he can't pass it day or nigh...
When do you change to size 2 teats? My little one is 11 weeks today and is combi fed. Thank you for any advice
So yesterday a family member had my little one for the evening (8 weeks old) Usually he is breastfed with the occasional bottle of formula. He usually has one bottle of formula and evening with my partner. He had three bottles of formula and a bottle of EBM as we were out for the whole evening. Usually he sleeps bet...
How much and how often are you feeding your babies! My LO is only taking 2-3oz every 2-3 hours! At night she will also sleep 4 hours between feeds!
When you are noting down how much you LO has fed do you include the volume increases or not? So if making 150ml and they drink it all are you noting 150 or 160 with the volume increase of the powder?
Changing from prep machine to nuby rapid cool and just have a query about the rapid cool! Hot-shot method - How are people working out their hotshot? Some people say it should be 10ml hot shot per oz and you measure this in the lid but isn’t this so awkward if you’re out and about? Taking the teat off whilst trying...
I’m struggling right now, my little girl turned one a week ago and the health visitor said that we needed to go onto whole milk so we have and it’s been such a struggle, she’s drinking it fine but she’s gone from waking once in the night for a bottle, having 4oz ish of formula and going back to sleep, she’s not waki...