Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
So my little one is 1 (I AM NOT READY 😭) in 3 weeks, when do you start phasing out the formula and go onto whole milk? **He is currently on 3 8oz bottles a day **
We give 1 weetabix or 10g of porridge with 50ml milk but some days she cries when it’s finished like she wants more. It seems like a lot to me but am I giving her enough?
Hi girls! I feel like a lot of people don’t know how to start offering, how to cut, how to cook and choose to offer puree afraid to risk BLW. There is a app called: BLW Meals. It is perfect! It shows you how soft the food needs to be, how you cut it to offer safely reducing the risk of choking. It is a free app...
How many bottles of milk does your little one have a day?
Post jabs, do you need to sterilise the calpol syringe? I’ve just been washing in warm soapy water and now concerned I should’ve sterilised as everything else as this age is (3 month old) thanks ☺️
Hello mamas, my little boy turned 1 on Thanksgiving day! And I actually don’t have our 12 month checkup until after the new year, but our WIC starts us out Dec w/ whole milk & no formula. So I have two cans left and I’m going to try to transition over. My question is, will the feeding times be less then formula? I’m...
Hey ladies, was wondering has anyone started the transition from formula/breast milk to whole milk? Have been told various times recently to start doing it, tried giving baby girl some yesterday and today but she has been teething and had a cold so idk if it’s that the reason as to why she doesn’t like it or not. Sh...
Hey mama’s I was wondering when do you increase your LO milk? My mom keeps telling me to increase it a little bit each week but I thought it was based off of how much your baby weights. My 4 month old is 14 lbs so he be getting about 35 oz in a 24 hour period. He is gaining weight and his pediatrician has no problem...
Long story short; my supply sucks and it's getting worse. I feel it's because he had a lip and tongue tie for the first 10 weeks of his life when I was trying to establish my milk supply. Anyway, my baby drinks 6 ounces every 3 hours, eats purees for lunch and dinner. I pump at 10 am and 1 pm at work. Today I got 2 ...
Hello, I’m looking for advice when and how much milk should our babies be having at 18 months old? I’ve looked online and can’t see what’s ‘normal’ when do the drop morning/bedtime bottle?
I’ve got 2 small bottles I’m wondering if I should buy a few more? How long do you use the small bottles for
I'm planning on changing to combi feeding with my 11 week old. He has been exclusively breastfed up until this point so I have no idea how much formula to give him, I know the box of formula says 6 ounces, that just seems like a lot so I was wondering how many ounces other babies are taking at this age?
Does anyone know what the teat size is on the Mam bottle that is free with the boots parenting club? I threw away the box and my LO seems to guzzle at the bottle so wonder if she maybe needs a smaller teat but I’m not sure if the bottle already has the smallest one
We’re starting to introduce a bottle of expressed milk to our 7 week old so that I can leave him with dad for a few hours but I’m really stuck on how to know how much to give him. This morning we offered him 5oz which he gulped down and immediately wanted more, so I put him on the boob and he fed for another 5 mins....
Do they tell you if your child is advanced or behind etc? I think my baby is advanced for their age but I am wondering if they will tell me this at the review.
Hello girls what’s the best formula for colic and constipation?
I’m now giving my son only a bottle in the morning (5 ounces) and one at night (7 ounces). In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, struggling with whether I should give a snack in between too.. What’s everyone else’s schedule like if they are also on two bottles / milk feeds only. Thanks!
My 13month old boy has always fed to sleep or been swayed to sleep. He’s always been a terrible sleeper and has never slept more than four hours at one time. I always need to feed him back to sleep. For those who are transitioning to dairy milk but with a baby that relies on a bottle at night, what are you doing? A...
Is anyone using teat ‘X’? We’re in size 3 but the last week she’s been taking a couple of sips then stopping and doing this for half the bottle then won’t drink anymore for 20/30 mins. Just wondering if the flow is too slow now as she drinks from a Tommee tippee beaker with water with is free flow. Or wasn’t sure i...
My little one who is 4m only drinks 4oz of milk and usually every hour, he is on cow and gate milk. He only ever drinks 4oz, if I try to leave a bigger gap between his feeds he screams because he is hungry, I read online that 4month olds should be having 6-8oz but mine isn’t. Am I doing something wrong?