Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

Second time mums - How are you preparing?

I’m due our second baby in about 6 weeks! I just wondered how you are preparing your eldest little one (or ones!) for the new arrival? My son is 2 for context.


Formal (Night time feeding)

During night feeds can I pre make my babies bottles and put them in the fridge to then warm them up using the bottle warmer in the nights as I don’t have a prep machine yet


Is it okay to completely stop formula on the day they turn 1?

My little girl absolutely loves cows milk and drinks it way quicker and finishes it more than formula. It just seems a bit weird that one day she has to have formula and then the next she's onto cows milk? Is this okay?


Moving up an oz

How do I know when I need to move up an oz of formula? My 4 week old has between 3-4oz every 3-4 hours so I make up all bottles at 4oz, she usually doesn’t finish the whole bottle however she has drained all 4oz bottles over the last 24 hours. She seems satisfied and falls asleep afterwards and still goes about 3-4 ...


Anybody switched to size 2 teats

My LO takes forever to drink and I’m wondering if it’s ok to switch She’s 6 weeks


Sterilising question!

I have a couple of dummies, a breast pump and some bottles/teats to sterilise but not sure whether i’m supposed to only do this right before use? I wanted to be prepared and have them ready in advance so whenever we come home from the hospital it’s ready to go if needed, but i’m sure i heard you have to re-sterilise...


Unused baby formula

Hi, any ideas on what I can do with 3 packs of unused baby formula? (living in St Albans)


Munchkin bottle

For those that gave there little on a munchkin bottle, how did you teach LO to tip it up to get the drink out? My LO is sucking it but not tilting it x


Which size MAM teat 6 month?

I’m going to try one last attempt to get my 6 month lg onto the bottle (currently ebf) and I’m a bit stuck which teat size to buy? Size 4 or size X although it says x is for thicker liquids? Tia


Do I need to change bottles? If so what brand does everyone recommend

Hey so my baby has started to make a massive fuss during his feeds I’m currently using tommee tippee bottles I’ve change the teets to the leave 2 teets and he still makes a fuss. He won’t latch on to the bottle for long I’ve even tried the advanced anti colic bottle but still won’t latch for long. He’s not got tongu...


Help needed!!

Woke up this morning and my LG won’t stop crying. I’ve tried more milk, some calpol as she’s teething, changing etc all the usual things but nothing and I don’t know what else to do? Please any help or advice would be massively appreciated. She’s almost 5 months old.



Sorry if this is an obvious question but if I’m packing dummies for the hospital bag, how do I keep them sterilised? Or do I not need to bother sterilising them?


milk obsessed!

Is anyone else's toddlers obsessed with cows milk? he has a beaker when he wakes,normally one before his nap then one before bed and in the day he will often ask for more.I roughly calculated his total of milk yesterday and it was almost 1L! I know they should not have too much milk but he loves it!


3 week old feeding question

My little man is nearly a month old and is having 4oz formula sometimes 5 if he is reallt hungry and occasionally having breast in between feeds. He feeds 3-4 hourly and tolerates that amount, no colic, no trapped wind, gaining weight fine and regular dirty and wet nappies. The midwife and health visitor said he’s...


What size mam teat?

What size teat is your 7 month old using for the mam bottle?


EBF introducing a bottle

Hi all, my LG is almost 5 months old and I’m heading away for a weekend when she’ll be turning 6 months. Up until this point I’ve not given her a bottle, just EBF. I’m starting to pump now to get a supply stashed away ahead of when I’m going away, and to practice giving her a bottle. What teat size should I be using...


Formula feeding!

Hi ladies! My baby boy arrived 2 weeks early on 7th January, has anyone else had trouble with there little one taking a bottle? Every feed is hard work just wondering if anyone has any tips or if I’m doing something wrong Thanks!


Formula help

I’ve recently gone from EBF to formula and have dropped 1 breastfeed a week so that my little boy gets used to it. Any tips on how I can get him to take a full feed? I am often reoffering the bottle many times. I have tried longer periods between feeds but not much luck. I am particularly wanting him to take more at...


Airport milk

Does anyone know if they open pre made baby milk bottles at security? If so the milk will expire in a couple hours.


Formula at 14 months old

Is anyone still giving their 14 month + formula still and the stage 1? We mentioned to the health visitor we would like to carry on for a little bit due to her not eating much at the time of her review and were worried about her intake. We are going to start transitioning to cows milk but just wanted to see if anyo...


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