Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
Ftm here, have no clue which ones are suitable etc. Ty in advance x
so my 14 months still continues to drink lots of milk at night! i have now switched from milk to only giving him water to which he cries and wakes up every 30mins now as opposed to every 2 hours! i am at wits end! but he still hasn’t picked up eating more during the day! He is anemic and on iron supplement , he will...
If your baby is on 3 meals a day, how many oz and how often are you giving a day?
Is anyone using toddler formula milk? I’m looking into this for my little one as his tummy isn’t agreeing with pure cows milk or milk alternatives. Do you still need to sterilise bottles with toddler milk and use the hot shot method? If so I might just get the ready made cartons as I’m so ready to ditch the Milton t...
How old is your little one and what is your routine? If you have one! x
Has anyone transitioned their 6mo to stage 2 formula? My LO is 6 months on 17th, and I have 2 tins remaining of Kendamil stage 1. I’ve been buying stage 2 here and there to build up a little stash as there’s often a shortage, so not sure if I should buy more stage 1? LO also has purées once a day and baby safe tea a...
I know they won't stay sterile so that will need to be done once baby is here and at home, but I'm being induced next week so wondered if now was a good time to give them a good wash :) I breastfed my first so this is a whole new world to me!
Hi!! So my baby has been consistently a 32oz formula baby for months and months even with real food and purées. He’s into food but very picky and doesn’t eat a lot. He’s turned one in just a few days so I’m trying to get him used to less oz since when we switch to whole milk I’ve heard you should really only do 16-2...
My 9 month old is currently on 3 bottles a day & 3 meals a day. His routine is: 7.30am Morning bottle 8.30am - breakfast 11.30am - bottle 12.30/1pm - lunch 3pm - offer a snack 5pm - dinner 7pm - bedtime bottle He’s recently only been drinking about 3oz of his 11.30 am bottle so just wanting to compare to others! ...
My little one has been sick the last few days and is gone off her bottles I’d be lucky to get 10oz into her throughout the day. She will take her water and eat but not formula. I’d started her on vitamins to make sure she is getting what she needs. I’m wondering what I can do formula should she be taken more ? She i...
When are the applications supposed to be submitted for our September 21 babies to start school. My son is the 19th September and his nursery just sent an email about the deadline being January 15th ?
Hey. Just wondering how much milk your little ones are having now?
Morning all 😊 I still haven't quite decided how I'll be feeding yet but had a question. On the NHS hospital bag list, they don't have formula. Do they provide that there or do you take your own? With my first I was adamant I was BF so never took any or thought about it to be honest. But after it not working out for…
We changed over to Aptamil comfort from aptamil last week LO was 7 weeks when we changed and had no issues with the straight swap. But I noticed today how much cheaper cow and gate was! Has anyone got experience of changing from one comfort milk to another? Or any reviews of cow and gate comfort milk? Need to s...
I've tried to do the ounce conversion on Google too, forgive me if slightly out!)
My baby boy is one on friday, he only has one bottle of formula at night now , he has cows milk in porridge and in meals, has anyone started giving it at night instead of formula?
If your baby is formula fed, how many Oz/ml are they taking in total per day? My LO (9 weeks old) was drinking around 650ml/day but now all of a sudden has gone up to almost 900ml 😳 My first born didn't drink that much until he was 3/4 months so I'm not sure if this is ok or I am overfeeding him. I know every baby…
My baby is on kendamill at the moment but in march i have to move in italy for couple of month there is no kendamill there so my baby will be 6 month can i transfer him to aptamil then 🥺? Any advice?
My baby is almost 7.5 months old and has 2x meals a day. We use the Ellas kitchen pouches. Sometimes she'll have some snacks during the day but nothing big. We've just dropped 1 bottle so she has 3x8oz Today she's only had 19oz of formula (550ml) Her schedule is Bottle-7 Breakfast -10 Lunch - 12 Bottle - 3 Bottl...
Hi Fellow Mums Out of interest how much milk/ how many bottles are your babies having at 11 months old? Mine still has 4. I make them 7 oz (210ml) albeit that she at times only has 3-4 oz during the day. However one of her bottles is at night anywhere from 12pm to 2am? She currently has; 7am wake, 7 oz (has 3...