Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

How many oz/ml does your baby take??

My baby is 8m old has significantly dropped how much she’ll take and is now only drinking up to 3oz x3 a day (9oz total) whereas 3 weeks ago she was having 5oz x4 a day


Struggling with feeding

My boy is 15 months old and we got told off too by the HV about the formula milk. I feel like it’s his routine tho he only gets 2 bottles a day, one in the morning and one at night to go to sleep and we are still using the bottles for that but he also drinks his water from a non spill sippy cup, but now I’m panickin...


Sick of Dr Brown bottle - leaking

I’m so sick and tired of these bottled. All those 4oz of bottles just on leaking even if I made sure they are all placed properly and tight. The 8 oz bottles are fine but those smallers ones are annoying and I got them new too!


Mam teat question

Is there a test that’s in between size 2 & 3? Cos 3 is too fast but she’s getting frustrated on size 2 😩 thank you x


Food, snacks, formula, cows milk - HELP!

Feel like I have completely lost my way with this whole thing. I don’t know what I’m aiming for anymore! My LO isn’t a great eater, still loves his milk, so I’ve been focusing on trying to reduce his milk to get him to eat more. It’s not really working but I’m hoping it will at some point. But where he currently sti...


Ran out of formula

We combi feed and give one bottle before bed every night. We’ve just ran out of formula and our baby is one in a matter of days. Would you restock or go to whole milk? We have introduced whole milk with the night feeds recently but only bit by bit.


Weaning help

I have bought this it says mix with baby normal milk but can I not just mix it with full fat milk?


Crying after bottle

My LO cries every single time I take the bottle away after a feed or during to burp. I’ve learned to just give him a paci and he’ll be okay. He won’t cry anymore and continues like normal. He is 8w old. I just want to know if I’m doing something wrong. He drinks one bottle of formula a day and every other bottle is ...


Bottle/ cup use

My LO has not mastered turning up her bottle or sippy cup to feed herself. She'll do it for short periods but not to finish a bottle. I believe we're partially to blame because we usually hold the bottle to feed her unfortunately to speed up the process but seems we've shot ourselves in the foot. My mom says she j...


Rapid Cool

Is there a knack for reading the measurements inside the bottle?! I find it so difficult especially as when i start pouring the boiling water the steam covers the numbers! Am I missing something?!


Do our 1 year olds need cows milk

My baby has always had milk before sleep (for naps and nighttime sleep) but since I started mixing in cows milk to start weaning, he hasn’t seemed as keen Now I’ve changed from the bottle to a cup on the advice of the dentist and I really have to encourage him to drink it Is there a guidance on the amount of milk...


Bottle Sterilizing, baby dish soap/detergent

Anybody still using the above? When do yu plan to stop? Im still sterilizing only bc my baby is in daycare.


Kendamil Formula

I want to know who uses this formula and what you think of it. I’m looking to switch my son from Similac 360 Sensitive to Kendamil cause i have noticed him spitting up a bit more even after burping and having him sit up 20 minutes after eating and i’ve heard good things about kendamil.


Son is refusing formula.

I had to start supplementing because my milk has started to dry up. I’m barely making enough per bottle now. He is refusing formula & milk with formula mixed. What are my options if he won’t take formula?


I have a question

My baby boy is one month and a half. Is it too early to take them up to the mountains?


Baby bottles

Is it okay to re use baby bottles on the next baby We had our daughter 2 years ago and still have all the mam bottles would it be okay to re use for our baby due in June? We will get new teats obviously


Anyone starting the early stages of nesting?

I’ve been having dreams of my home being a literal mess and feeling as if I have to clean up constantly but I feel it’s kind of early to be nesting as much as I am. I also am not the neatest person ever as I have ADHD which causes me to only half way do most things but I feel the strong urge to throw everything away...


Sterilizer machine or dish washer

So it’s almost that time to start washing bottles. Is a bottle sterilizer a must have or can I use my dish washer?



Hi all, How many bottles is everyone buying? I will be formula feeding. I have 6 mam bottles 160ml 5oz and 6 tommee tippee bottles 9oz 260ml. A mixture of both brands to see what baby likes. Is this enough or is it worth getting some more bigger mam bottles?


Stopping bottles

My little one is now 1 and I’m wondering how you go about stopping the bottles. Like she LOVES her morning bottle so can’t imagine stopping that yet, do I just replace them with breakfast and hope she has enough? Struggling with all this transitioning and what we’re supposed to being doing. Any help is appreciated.


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