Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
Has anyone else's little dropped to 2 bottles now? My little boy has decided the past 2 days he only wants one in the early afternoon and one at bedtime. We have weaned from breastmilk now for a week now during the day, still nursing at night wakes and he has been taking formula no problem. He's drinking about 1...
Hello! My 9 month old has seemingly gone off of her formula. It’s a real struggle getting her to take any and she’s probably only getting around 10-12 Oz at a maximum. She absolutely loves her food and is eating loads but just doesn’t seem interested in milk, not sure if this is something I need to call the doctor/H...
I’ve been cleaning, sterilising and air drying my momcozy electric pumps inbetween every pump (every 2/3 hours). Is this what I’m suppose to be doing? Or should I just do it at the beginning/end of every day? I feel like all I do with my life is clean and sterilise these bloody pumps 🤣🤣
My son is 10 months. He doesn’t want to barely drink formula. Already have an appointment with pediatrician because I’m not sure what’s up with it but I wanted to check and see what your feeding schedules are like with your 10 m olds? The lady at WIC told me 24 oz in a 24 hour time period which he did get yesterday!...
Any 10m dropped to 2 bottles? Is it too early to introduce a snack? She's just not interested in middle of day bottle anymore and tbh will work better that way as off to childcare soon so I'm reluctant to.force it. Morning and night bottle still equate to over 400ml.
Did anyone ever find a good replacement for the yellow metanium?? It’s worked amazing for my little boys nappy rash but we are almost finished what we have 😭😭
I’m a first time mom to 10 month old twins. My mother told me my babies shouldn’t be eating on a timer anymore, & should be eating more solids. Tonight is the first night that I did a different eating schedule. They had a bottle in the morning, then some eggs for breakfast. For lunch, they had a applesauce pouch wit...
Hey mama , what are we giving our LO that are sustaining them through the night ? My son drinks bottles like crazy but his eating habits aren’t the best. So I’m pretty sure he’s getting up hungry. But what are healthy options to put in his milk so he’s not waking up so much ?
ftm here and really need some advice! Struggling with this whole feeding schedule…I currently have a 2 week old baby boy and still finding our feet with the feeding schedule. He’s currently having 4oz every 3-4hrs. Is this too much for a baby of this age? He currently weighs 3700g and he has no issue with feeding, h...
My 10.5 month old has been breastfed but I’m needing to switch to formula as he starts at nursery next week and I’m going back to work full time. We’ve been trying for months to introduce a bottle but he just refuses. The most he will drink is about 20ml. He doesn’t take that much in with solids, especially at break...
My girl is now on cows milk and since transitioning on to it she has loved it and has now started wanting more bottles. I feel like I’m giving her too much milk now but I think she is compensating as she’s not a really big eater! For example she had 9oz before bed at 7pm and has just woke up again but I couldn’t...
Is it true you’re supposed to up an oz when your baby is consistently taking the full amount you’re currently offering? What do you do when baby takes 9oz, the bottles only go up to 9oz? My baby has just started taking 8oz consistently and only 2 months 😩
Hello! What bottles is everyone thinking of using for their babies milk when transitioning to cows milk and no longer using a bottle with a teat?
My 14month old is completely on whole milk now, every few days he's sick once he goes to bed. When he's sick it looks like scrambled egg I presuming this is curdled milk? Should I just drop his milk completely what do I do?
Why am I so confused?!😂 Do I still use the same bottles she had for formula? Do I heat up the Cows milk in microwave? How long do we give them Cows milk for in bottles? Do I need to sterilise the bottles?
Hi February mamas. Not long for us now💕. I just wondered how many of you are planning on taking a Perineum bottle to hospital? Have heard mixed things about them
I’ve seen a post saying that some allergy formulas shouldn’t use a hot shot? I’ve tried googling whether the pepti one does or not but I can’t find an answer!
My baby is 8m old has significantly dropped how much she’ll take and is now only drinking up to 3oz x3 a day (9oz total) whereas 3 weeks ago she was having 5oz x4 a day
My boy is 15 months old and we got told off too by the HV about the formula milk. I feel like it’s his routine tho he only gets 2 bottles a day, one in the morning and one at night to go to sleep and we are still using the bottles for that but he also drinks his water from a non spill sippy cup, but now I’m panickin...
I’m so sick and tired of these bottled. All those 4oz of bottles just on leaking even if I made sure they are all placed properly and tight. The 8 oz bottles are fine but those smallers ones are annoying and I got them new too!