Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
Hey, Quick question for you ladies , if I’m in a different area from my town that I live in and my normal chemist/ doctors ain’t near by, is it possible to ring up the chemist your by for prescribed milk from a different chemist ? Only asking because I’m at my mums and stuck here possibly for another day and I’m s...
We’re in the US.
She's 13 months and still refuses to hold her own bottle. If you give her a sippy cup, she will hold it but when it comes to a baby bottle, NOPE. Anyone else experience this? Will she eventually hold her own?
This is probably a silly question but imma bit confused 😂 My little girl has started teething I’m pretty sure, we have mitts but how do I wash and sterilise them safely! She’s 3 & a half months old so how do they need to be sterilised & often and how do I dry them too make sure they still okay too use? Thank you all
Anyone else finding that the new kendamil isn’t mixing properly??? When my little one finishes the bottle I always find powder residue no matter how well I mix or shake it
I originally used tomee tippee which was terrible and my daughter would be soaking wet. I then tried doctor brownz bottles but still find she spills out the sides not as much. I tried a mam bottle but again the same thing
So my little one is 3 weeks old today and we keep upping his bottles due to him draining them last night he had a 5 oz bottle an hour and a half later he had yet another 5 oz bottle I know they say a baby will stop when they are full but he drained both 5 oz bottles (10oz) within an hour and a half ! Some one help s...
Hi all, just wanted some advice/past experiences with the Tommee Tippee Prep machines. I never used one with my eldest 2 and managed just fine making bottles. But people have recommend the Prep machine to me this time round, so I’ve bought one to give it a go, but also seen some negative comments about them with co...
Does anyone know if you have to hot shot with the nuby rapid cool? The official instructions online for the rapid cool say to add the boiling water and formula to the rapid cool and shake and serve. It says it follows NHS guidelines but I’ve seen so many people hot shot so I don’t know if I’m missing a trick?
My 1 year old doesn’t want whole milk! It’s her first time trying since I changed from the formula. Any suggestions?
Has anyone got any recommendations for a good anti reflux formula for baby. My LG spits up small amounts after most feeds ( even when burped and upright for 30 minutes - if she goes on back or in bouncer she’ll bring up Milk ). However she’s also very gassy with trapped wind and don’t want to make this worse. She’s...
How much is your baby ea trying? Formula or breast? How old is your baby? My little guy like a monster who is constantly eating im over tired from it maybe he’s not getting enough n he is formula fed born November 25th currently 6oz but keeps bugging for more after an hour !!
I've read so much h conflicting advice, but since I've started weaning my little one she isn't taking as much milk as she's obviously had good and not as hungry, but how many ounces a day should she still be having? We're on 12 ounces so far with one meal and she will probably only have another 2 bottles which will ...
Our 5 week old girl (9lb 1 if relevant) is showing signs of needing to go up a teat size from MAM 1 to 2. Size 2 is recommended for over 2 months so not sure if it's a bit soon? She's becoming very frustrated while feeding and is taking ages sucking and sucking but barely swallowing. Has anyone else gone up a size ...
Hi! So my LB had a rocky start to breastfeeding- lost over 10% of his birth weight within the first two days but we got the hang of it, supplemented with expressed milk and cup feeds for 2 weeks until he had passed his birth weight. Since then, he’s been on my boob every 1-2 hours during the day and every 2-3 at nig...
What’s everyone’s milk and meal times? My LO has 4 bottles a day (8am, 12pm, 4pm, 8pm) and a couple of meals/snacks in between but I’m finding it slightly difficult trying to fit it all in, especially if I go out anywhere. Just wondering if anyone has cut a feed out so I could give her 3 instead of 4?
Has anyone else's little dropped to 2 bottles now? My little boy has decided the past 2 days he only wants one in the early afternoon and one at bedtime. We have weaned from breastmilk now for a week now during the day, still nursing at night wakes and he has been taking formula no problem. He's drinking about 1...
Hello! My 9 month old has seemingly gone off of her formula. It’s a real struggle getting her to take any and she’s probably only getting around 10-12 Oz at a maximum. She absolutely loves her food and is eating loads but just doesn’t seem interested in milk, not sure if this is something I need to call the doctor/H...
I’ve been cleaning, sterilising and air drying my momcozy electric pumps inbetween every pump (every 2/3 hours). Is this what I’m suppose to be doing? Or should I just do it at the beginning/end of every day? I feel like all I do with my life is clean and sterilise these bloody pumps 🤣🤣
My son is 10 months. He doesn’t want to barely drink formula. Already have an appointment with pediatrician because I’m not sure what’s up with it but I wanted to check and see what your feeding schedules are like with your 10 m olds? The lady at WIC told me 24 oz in a 24 hour time period which he did get yesterday!...