Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

Hungry baby

How much is everyone’s newborn drinking/eating? Formula fed, currently on 5oz every 3 hours..


Introducing formula to EBF baby…

My LO is very nearly 6 months old and I’m looking to introduce some formula now and then - Mainly because I struggle with finding the time to pump inbetween her constant feeding. However, I have absolutely no idea where to start 🤣 Advice please?! Should I get a follow on milk as she’s 6 months old now? How many…


Teat size?

Hi Mamas! My LO has fiiiiiinally accepted a bottle at 9m after about 7m of refusing, and a kitchen cupboard of 8 different bottles we’ve tried on rotation 🤣🥳 What size teat would you recommend at her age? She’s taken 0/extra slow as that’s what initially came with the bottle and we have in the house, but she’s…


Making a bottle with the kettle

Hello I’ve started making bottles with the kettle how does everyone do it I am using Kendmil and followed the instructions. I’ve put the bottle in cold water to cook does anyone else do this? How long do you wait after the kettles boiled to make a bottle?


Bottle making

Hi everyone I’m so confused on how to make a bottle So I don’t know how to make it the prep machine way or the kettle way can anyone tell me step by step would be great 🫶🏼


Teat size

What size teat are July babies on? (Mam bottles)


Formula feeding

How many bottles / oz of formula are your babies having now ?


Formula needed is lower than prep machine 4oz

Hi, My little one is taking just under 3oz of formula per feed and I’ve been using ready made bottles for this. However I’m running out and wanting to use my prep machine but they only go as low as 4oz. How do any of you go about this with babies that aren’t drinking 4oz just yet?


Alternatives to calpol/ vapour refills.

Fed up spending so much money on calpol and the vapour refills in cold and flu season! Any alternatives that are cheaper? I always want to reuse the refill tablets by soaking them in olbas oil or something. Would this be dangerous/fire risk!? 😂🤷‍♀️


MAM bottles

What size teat does everyone use for their 6/7 month old? Mine is on size 2 but seems to be falling asleep during every bottle so do I move upto size 3?


Prescription Formula

Has anyone got any experience with Aptimil Pepti 1 prescription formula, my 5 month old just been prescribed it. He seems to be doing well on it. I was wondering how much the pharmacy usually give you at once as I’d like to have stock in and if they have pre-made bottles available? I was going to buy some but it’s c...


Milk feeds

Hi Mums, How many milk feeds your lo takes a day? my baby is 14 months now and he takes 3 feeds, Morning, afternoon and before sleep at night. Just wondering as we will be travelling on Christmas for 7-8 hours flight, not sure how he can take one while flying? Thanks.


Teat sizes and drinking

My LG feeds every 3/4 hours, on a size 1 teat. But she rarely finishes a bottle and only ever does about 3 ounces maybe 4 but becomes really irritated quickly. She burps, she farts in between feeding. I pace her and then she just gives up and doesn’t have any more milk. I switched to veriflow teats thinking maybe sh...



how much milk are you giving your lo throughout the day ? whether it be breast milk or formula .



Any good clean ingredient formulas you recommend??


Bugs in formula

Breastfeeding but on vacation and I need to supplement. I went to the local walmart for a can of formula. And went to give my baby a mix bottle and the formula has bugs in it. Had any one experience this?


Adding in formula when BF..size of bottle

LO is 18 days old, for several reasons we have started introducing bottles. At the moment this is for roughly feeds that are between 6pm-ish and midnight (typically 2-3 feeds) we’re mainly doing the ready made formula (Aptamil) but I’ve just started expressing so the last two days we’ve done a bottle of breast milk....


Giving bottle of expressed milk

My husband gives our boy a bottle of expressed milk usually around 9-10 PM. However with his naps stretching longer and now eating on the breast closer to this usual bottle time- we saw that he spit up a considerable amount of the bottle and is restless after. For those breastfeeding and giving a bottle at night - ...


Kendamil shortage rant😡

So the past two weeks has been such a struggle to find the kendamil classic formulas it’s been ridiculous and lucky that I was stocked up. Had to use ready made bottles the past 2/3 days but today I finally was able to get hold of a pot. But I noticed the pot has changed (lid is different, scoop and scraper is wider...


This stage is hard

Controversial opinion but I find the 3-6 month stage harder than the newborn in lots of ways. Lots of smiles and joy but also … Clingyness, fussyness, immunisations, possibly early teething, rolling and sleep regressions. Trying to get them to nap several times a day. Most partners are back to work and so flying sol...


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