Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
Mine goes anywhere between 3-5oz
My baby is 4 weeks today and is having 4oz. Sometimes after she's giving hunger cues for more so we give an extra oz. However after this she seems uncomfortable and wakes up very refluxy and to spit up. I suspect she wants the extra oz to actually suck/soothe herself to sleep (as we haven't given a dummy yet). How m...
So I'm planning on bottle feeding when baby is here, how many bottles is everybody else planning to have? I've already bought the mam easy start set but obviously want to make sure I've got enough 😂
My boy is having 5oz of breastmilk but is sometimes upset so today I’ve gave him 6oz But I read that babies shouldn’t need more than 5oz of breast milk at a time is this normal? He definitely likes a bigger feeds before bed too, he sleeps from 11pm and wakes anywhere from 5-7am for a feed then has another 2/3 hour...
We have dr brown bottles for my wee girl and they leak everytime I make a bottle. Does anyone have bottles they recommend for breastfed babies?
My baby is 9 days old and has been taking 3oz bottles anywhere from every 2-4 hours. Yesterday she was draining her bottle and looking for more so we gave her a bit extra to try and settle her and she vomited. Same thing happened last night - she had nearly 4oz, wouldn't settle and was still showing feeding cues so...
Hi mamas. It’s become harder and harder to find Kendamil formula lately & I’m at a point where I think I’m just going bite the bullet change formulas. Which formulas are you guys using?
Hello, I ran out of funds and formula to feed my son. At this moment he drinks Enfamil Gentleease. Does anyone know what I can give him instead. Or can I give him regular cow milk. I know he will be hungry in the morning and I just wanna know what options I have. He is 8 months old.
Hi ya she's 13 months old now and has left drinking milk after her viral infection. She's on formula milk. Any advice how to give her milk? im very worried
How much are your newborns feeding? Lg born 3/12 and struggling to get more than an ounce each feed- is this normal?
Hi all, After sterilising my bottles, if i wait for the bottles to air dry, it takes 12-18hrs to fully dry. Do i need to wait for it to fully dry prior to use or can there be some remaining condensation/water droplets from the steriliser? Is that safe? Thank you
Is anyone combo feeding? I’m trying to get my little one’s used to formula and then slowly wean off my milk. Any advice on how to. My supply is a lot
Hi ladies haven’t had my baby yet but how am I supposed to keep pre made bottles warm when I go into hospital don’t want to breastfeed so bottles it is
Any breastfeeding mamas thinking or have introduced a bottle of formula before bed? Has it helped with their sleep? Any additional comments with feedback / discussion would be great!
Hey! How long is water sterile? If let's say I boil the kettle, put in a flask and let that cool down to room temp, would that be ok? Trying to find a easier way to make bottles whilst we're out and about. Thanks!
Hi all, Just wondering how many bottles a day your 9 mo are having and how many oz? My lb was under the weather the weekend and we took him to the docs and when she was asking if he was eating and drinking ok she asked how many bottles he has a day ‘out of interest’ and when I said 4 she said he could do with dro...
I'm thinking about pre-making bottles and storing them in the fridge for night feeds so I can just quickly warm one up when needed. Does anyone do this? If so, did you do it from birth? I'm just a bit worried as I've read bacteria can still grow even when bottles are stored in the fridge.
My daughter has been prescribed neocate LCP formula. I have read the prescription for this milk and you can’t use boiling water. Does everyone else use this milk for there babies? How do you prepare your bottles and what do you do when you are out?
Yes, pronounced slightly differently but basically the same
Hey What age was your baby when you first drove with them in car by yourself? Im feeling really nervous to drive with my LG in car by myself but my family live in north London and I’m in west which is at least 45min drive. My baby has colic at the moment and scared she’ll cry or become unsettled mid journey….