Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

Formula Weaning

Hey All! Has anyone else’s baby weaned themselves off formula? My baby is 9 months tomorrow and it’s been over 48 hours since he’s accepted a bottle. For the past few weeks he just seems disinterested in it no matter how I give it to him but still normally took it before bed, up until now. Anyone else experiencing...


hungry baby

Has anyone found that actimil hungry baby works? My 4 weeks old is currently on normal actimil from birth. Shes 4 weeks today, i try to give her 4 ounces but shes waking every 1-2 hours for a feed and then keeps wasting the formula. I’ve managed to give her the full 4 oz this morning and it’s only been an hour and s...


Have any Kendamil Mum's tried their new Bonya Formula?

How you going about getting hold of Kendamil with the shortages? Has anyone tried their new Bonya formula instead?



How long after a feed can I feed my baby the rest of a bottle if left at room temperature?


Omeprazole with milk??

Can you add the liquid form omeprazole to formula? I keep reading conflicting information but he just will not take it via syringe or medicine dummy he screams and screams it’s horrible to see 😢


Sleeping hours

It’s anyones 4 week old waking up every 2-3 hours per sleep and it’s formula fed? Or it’s just mine… she’s currently in between 120ml and 150ml per feed please advice


Milk/food schedule

How much milk is everyone’s lo’s drinking? What does a typical day look like food/milk wise. My lo was having 4 bottles a day and not eating much so I dropped a bottle which has increased his food intake but now he’s not showing much interest in milk, more so his bedtime bottle. He’ll have about 2oz and decide he’...


How much do your Little ones drink?

I’m becoming a little worried My 4 month old daughter used to consume around 950ml in 24 hour period (around 33 ounces) But over last 2 months she’s dropped down to 680/750ml (24/26 ounces) She sleeps from 8pm/9pm until 6/7am and doesn’t wake to eat during night nor does she like to be woken for it! We went for ...



Hey my lil one still drinks milk from his mam bottle in the mornings and evenings before bed around 200ml per time. Should I be stopping this? I dunno what to do cos I’ve tried other sippy cups etc but he just refuses outright 😫


Kendamil classic vs organic milk

Ladies help, There’s a lot of buzz around this milk. The classic one is £12 is pretty much impossible to find in supermarkets. The organic is £15 and it’s everywhere. When I google the difference it says: Prebiotics: The Organic formula contains GOS prebiotics, while the Classic formula contains both GOS and FOS ...


Cows milk 🥛

My little boy is 13months and will not drink cows milk, he’s still have formula has anyone got any tips on getting him to drink it?



What week should we be sterilising bottles/pumps/dummies ?


How much are your 7 week old drinking?

Mine goes anywhere between 3-5oz


Formula fed many oz/ml?

My baby is 4 weeks today and is having 4oz. Sometimes after she's giving hunger cues for more so we give an extra oz. However after this she seems uncomfortable and wakes up very refluxy and to spit up. I suspect she wants the extra oz to actually suck/soothe herself to sleep (as we haven't given a dummy yet). How m...


Bottles / bottle feeding

So I'm planning on bottle feeding when baby is here, how many bottles is everybody else planning to have? I've already bought the mam easy start set but obviously want to make sure I've got enough 😂


How much does your baby eat?

My boy is having 5oz of breastmilk but is sometimes upset so today I’ve gave him 6oz But I read that babies shouldn’t need more than 5oz of breast milk at a time is this normal? He definitely likes a bigger feeds before bed too, he sleeps from 11pm and wakes anywhere from 5-7am for a feed then has another 2/3 hour...



We have dr brown bottles for my wee girl and they leak everytime I make a bottle. Does anyone have bottles they recommend for breastfed babies?


Vomiting after increasing feeds

My baby is 9 days old and has been taking 3oz bottles anywhere from every 2-4 hours. Yesterday she was draining her bottle and looking for more so we gave her a bit extra to try and settle her and she vomited. Same thing happened last night - she had nearly 4oz, wouldn't settle and was still showing feeding cues so...


Kendamil shortage

Hi mamas. It’s become harder and harder to find Kendamil formula lately & I’m at a point where I think I’m just going bite the bullet change formulas. Which formulas are you guys using?


Milk substitution

Hello, I ran out of funds and formula to feed my son. At this moment he drinks Enfamil Gentleease. Does anyone know what I can give him instead. Or can I give him regular cow milk. I know he will be hungry in the morning and I just wanna know what options I have. He is 8 months old.


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