Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

Formula to milk

Went and got my baby's 1 year check up & needles. My doc doesn't say much inless I ask him about something. I asked him about starting him on milk, and he said to water milk down 🙃. Am I just crazy or is this something people do ?! I'd assume so it's not as strong of a taste, but he said I shouldn't mix his formula…


Refusing Formula or cows milk

Hi, my little one is 13 months now and always refuse to take formula or cow milk every time when I try to give him. In the beginning when we started on 12 months he initially like it for a week and after that he didn’t even take a sip. He only wants breast feeding and I m really struggling at the moment as I haven’t...



How much is your little one drinking now ? My baby is on formula drinking 4 oz every 3 sometimes 4 hours. I tried slowly increasing to 4.5 oz and she was spitting up more. Curious to know what other babies her age are drinking and how often..


So much less formula

Hello! I started weaning my little one a week ago and since then she has taken about two thirds or sometimes half the amount of formula she used to take. She’s taking all of the food and seems to be enjoying it but a lot gets spit out so I have no way to know how much she is getting in. Should I be worried or is thi...


Sterilising bottles

Hi, I’m 38 weeks pregnant tomorrow and just trying to make sure I have everything ready for baby. I have a tommee tippee steriliser but the bottles and dummies are wet once it’s done. How is everyone dealing with this. It’s my first baby and I’m not sure how I can get the bottles dry and packed in the hospital b...


Follow on milk?

Do we actually need to start follow on milk after 6 months? Or can we stay on stage one? I've been told loads of different things about it 🤔


3 feed schedule

If your baby is on 3 bottles a day with meals, what does your feeding schedule look like? We were on 4 bottles at 7, 11, 3 and 7 but the last two days it’s been 7, 1:30/2 and 7ish.



So since birth he was on ready made bottles by kendamil then powder kendamil . There was no stock in any shops in our town or online so I switched to Aptamil , then I made my choice to switch to Aldi own one because of the good reviews . But they do not do follow on milk … shall I switch back to kendamil or Aptamil ...


Baby weightloss/expressing

My baby girl is 9 days old, she originally lost 7.5% of her weight, then gained an oz but unfortunately she has lost that again. We’ve been advised to supplement her feeds with formula however she seems to be throwing up after every formula feed. We use slow flow teats and follow paced feeding but she’s still throwi...


Is this ok to do?

Is it ok for my newly one year old to just have a bottle a day of cows milk in the evening? I have tried the last two days of just giving my little boy breakfast as soon as he wakes up instead of a bottle of milk and he seems all ok with this. Is this ok to do or does he still need that bottle in the morning? He’s ...


Feed times

Do you go off your baby’s start time of their feed or when they finish their feed from the next?


Kendamill shortage?

Does anyone else struggle to find kendamill ? I can’t find any from Friday and just got the ready to feed bottles for my boy but he doesn’t seem to like cold can i warm it up ? And how?


Formula after 1 month of opening

I just realised I've been using formula after a month of opening. Is this harmful at all? I literally use it once in a blue moon so seems a waste to throw it away. I EBF and only use formula when my mum is babysitting for a few hours (very rarely). Thanks


More unsettled with new formula

Has anyone else found their baby to be even more unsettled on nee formula? We have tried nutramigen and she went on hunger strike, tried aptamil pepti 1 and she would take a little but then spit up so we are now on SMA Althera and I’m still mixing it with her normal milk because for the last 2 days (she’s been on it...



So my LO is feeding every 2 hours, 4 oz formula, she will go 6 hours after her bottle at 12/1 am. For the past day or 2 she's started getting hungry after an hour and a half. Is it safe to give her 5oz already? She's 10 pounds. I don't want to over feed her but she's getting hungry way before the 2 hour mark, I've t...


Kendamil vs aptamil smell?

My son has been on aptamil advance and I always thought it smelled and tasted weird. Went to Germany for a few weeks and tried German aptamil duoadvance which is the most advanced version and it actually tasted and smelled sooo nice! Now back to uk have to use uk version. Thinking of swapping to Kendamil organic as ...


Line eyed

Baby is 5 months will be 6 months on the 13. Help!!!!!!


Can you overfeed?

My question is can you overfeed your baby formula? Unfortunately after a very traumatic birth with an emergency c-section and hemmorage losing three litres of blood I was forced to combination feed because my supply was low. I am feeding 75% formula my baby keeps crying all the time like she's in pain , arching back...



my baby is a week old tomorrow, and we are currently combi feeding, I spend pretty much the whole day breastfeeding and the late evening she has formula, I feel like she doesn't quite get enough from me in the evenings yet to really fall asleep ): i also had a c-section so im not sure if that is affecting my supply,...


Am I over feeding my baby?

According to my judgmental mother, I’m feeding my child too much. My October baby is my second and he was born 8ibs, never lost his birth weight and has continued to grow at a fast rate. At 4 weeks he was 11ibs😭! 0-3 months is very snug now so he’s in 3-6 month clothing. I express my breastmilk and give one…


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