Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.


Should I be worried my son isn't speaking in sentences. He does say some words and he will repeat words but if I ask him to say two words together like "mummy please, I love you, more please" he will only repeat one word These are the only phrases he says " all done, no way , oh no, shut up" He's always been adva...



Anyone’s baby still not walking yet? Mine cruising round the furniture but will not take a step and hasn’t really stood without holding anything yet is this normal?


13 month old biting

I’m at a loss and I have no clue what to do. My son is 13 months old and when he gets frustrated he just attacks he starts hitting or biting or even pulling hair and we tell him no and that it’s not ok. He is very emphatic so as soon as anyone says the word no or ow he starts crying. He will give hugs and then do it...


Sad baby

4 week old only seems to be happy when on the boob or with a dummy in his mouth ☹️☹️ why won’t he just lay happy?


Backwards crawling

Seems like my girls gearbox is set only to reverse 😂 Trying everything to encourage her to crawl forwards but nothing is working. Anyone else experiencing this? What can I do?


I have a crawler

My little boy crawled for the first time last night, and now he won’t stop, honestly it felt like such a proud mom moment. He was born the 29th of July, and I’ve seen other babies crawling for ages and he’s finally done it


Usual 4 year old behavior or otherwise?

4 year old doesn’t want to learn how to ride a bike, likes rolling with feet on ground instead. Doesn’t like putting on certain clothes (long, sleeves, new fur vest given as a gift, puffy jacket but eventually puts it on etc) Doesn’t like getting hands “dirty” with paint, water on hands or arms at times unless ...


2 year old not talking much?

Is anyone else's toddler not talking much? My little boy turned 2 on 3rd Feb and I'm a sahm and some days I just feel like I've failed him because he's not talking as much as others his age or even younger 😭 He says things like i love you, where are you, lie down, throw, stretch, dog, duck etc and is constantly…


Still putting everything in mouth, autism and adhd concerns

My toddler is still putting everything in her mouth and she tends to chew on her fingers a lot. Is this normal at this age or should they have outgrown this by now? She’s exhibiting some concerning behaviours like shrugging her shoulders becoming irritable and sleepy during the day. She’s not sleeping through the ni...


Do 2 year olds lie, maliciously?

Hey guys I'm posting incognito because I've came across my sisters on this platform, don't want them going back to my mother about it before I get a chance to approach her. But anyways, the past 3 or 4 weeks now my son is point blank ignoring everything I say when he normally listened beforehand. He'll listen to hi...


Toddler tantrums with new baby

I’m not sure if it’s related but our toddlers behaviour has gotten much worse this week. She’s 28m and baby is 10w. Will her tantrums affect baby ?


Not crawling

Morning! Just wondered if anyone else was in the same boat. 10mo LG has absolutely zero desire to crawl. My eldest was on hands and knees at 9mo so this is new to me. He didn’t walk unaided until nearly 16m so I know it all varies but the 1 year review questionnaire we have to fill…well I won’t be ticking much atm…



I posted this a while back (says 2 weeks ago) and she started walking about a week ago! Don’t get me wrong she still mostly crawls and we still have to encourage the walking however she’s definitely taken her first steps, and she’s done ‘a few steps’ (10ish) loads of times now. No running yet but it’s definitely a s...


Overly active 2 year old

My 2 year old boy is constantly running, jumping, climbing and touching everything in the house he also puts lots of things in his mouth. He refuses to nap also these days. Just wondered if this is the norm?, he previously had a play pen until he outgrew it so not sure if it's just a case where he's got more freedo...


Is this normal?

I’m driving myself crazy because my son does this literally as soon as he wakes up in the morning until he goes to sleep. he does this more than anything now and I don’t know how to help him. I have tried putting him in his swing or his chair or tummy time he seems to only do this when he’s on his back or sitting do...



Does this sound like moaning/whining? My friend said it doesn’t and now I’m concerned it may be vocal stimming linked to autism?


Stressed 😢

I know babies learn things at different rates but I’m so stressed out I’m up all hours of the night trying to find an answer 😢 my 15 month old seems to be delayed in a lot of things. He’s not clapping or waving but he does high five. He rarely answers to his name and has no words just occasionally babbles mama. I…


I want to hear your experiences!

Hi mamas. My son is almost 16 months old, 13.5 adjusted due to prematurity and has been recommended for an autism evaluation. We have 5 scheduled because I want multiple opinions to ensure a proper diagnosis. I know every child is different but a lot of children share similar traits. My questions are: When did y...


Does this look like normal behavior?

She's 10 weeks old


18 month having HORRIBLE tantrums

My 18 month old son is having the WORST tantrums. He go to the dr on Tuesday for his 18 month check, but is this normal for this age? I get worried it’s a sign for something else, he is saying words and hitting milestone but the tantrum are insane… is anyone else experiencing this? I only have one mom friend and her...


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