Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.
My LO is 9 months old and isn't yet crawling, should I be worried? He gets around by belly crawling, bum shuffling, rotating 360 on his belly but he won't craw.... what should I do? Any tips?
Anyone have a toddler that don’t understand that if they climb something there is a down?? So my lo is 2yo and he will happily climb all over the place but doesn’t understand that there will be a drop if he’s climbed something? Just wondering if anyone has any tips on teaching him that there is a down before he se...
My 11 month old is still preferring to crawl :( is yours walking?
Is anyone’s almost/2 year old not really talking? He is saying words but not all the time and when I try to get him to say something he won’t 😂 but then out the blue will say a new word. There’s no other concerns with him. He’s exceeding in all other areas. Just a little anxious as his friends talk loads
Was your baby crawling at 9 months old?
Walking delay?
It’s always been a bit of joke between the family that my little one is in to everything and anything. She literally doesn’t sit still, always faffing and fiddling and if she is sat still she’s always looking for something to faff and fiddle with. She literally will not sit still. When I have thought about it when...
is this terrible twos bcus it cant get worse than this 👀
My little one is nearly 6 months and for the past few days keeps doing an ear splitting screech every time I set him down. Just wondering (hoping) if it's a phase that anyone else has been through? He doesn't seem unwell- no temperature, feeding as usual, no stomach upset. He used to be quite happy to sit in his cha...
he is 21 months ok so Kinyaa’aanii Says ball (clearly) Two (clearly Knock knock (clearly ) Mamma (clearly ) Bye bye (clearly Bubba clearly Apple (clearly) No (clearly ) Clap clap (clearly) Dog (clearly ) Up (clearly ) Baa baa Quack quack But he says not clearly but can’t tell what he is trying to say Open Stop ...
Does anyone else’s 2 month old cross eyes sometimes ??, please answer I’m kind of paranoid lol
Any mamas in here got a crawling baby yet?? My girl born 19/06 is soooo close! She gets up on all fours, rocks back and forth then just does a little froggy hop 🥹🥹 it’s adorable but can tell it frustrates her!
Omg the tantrums send help. I’m tired of the meltdowns and flinging his favourite toys when angry or hitting his brother. I’m ready to run away
My LO babbles a lot but isn’t saying any words and doesn’t try to repeat either. He understands what I’m saying though (I think to an extent) Concerned he is behind and i’m trying to do all the suggestions made with trying to help him talk but nothing. I suppose i’m looking for any tips but also solidarity with not ...
Best way to encourage my baby to say baba, dada or mama.. as she’s still blowing raspberries, screaming and saying ahh! Should this be a worry?
I feel as though my daughter should be walking by now. She stands by herself and everything. Anyone else’s kids not walking yet?
My 20 month old has randomly started laying on the floor and started screaming, crying and rolling around. This is sometimes completely out the blue and nothing triggers it. Should I be concerned? Has anyone else experienced this?
My little boy goes to pre school 2 mornings a week ( started in October 24) he seems very happy and settled there! His key worker just mentioned that he hasn’t said a lot of words whilst his been there and wondered how he was at home but he is constantly talking etc I have no concerns with his speech. He is very con...
go to settings > display and brightness and turn off “raise to wake”. This stops the screen from turning on when picked up or moved. Then go to settings > accessibility > tap to wake. This makes the phone way less interesting when touched as the screen won’t come on. After doing this my baby doesn’t want my phone ...
My baby gets super purple feet, even when she’s slightly cold. Is this just us or is there any other babies like this?