Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.
Hi all I’m finding during the witching hours baby is sucking hands and going crazy when near the nipple but latches on and then gets angry and comes off. Is this normal ? Any way to help settle him ? Usually he will settle and be awake so we do other things to entertain him but this angry crying is hard to settl...
My son just started crawling over the weekend, he does a combination of stomach crawling, bear/spiderman crawling, and one leg scooting. However his big toes are suffering. The nails keep peeling back to the point where it looks red/uncomfortable. He isn’t fussing about it but I don’t want his nail beds to be messed...
How can i politely tell people not to kiss my son? I don’t want to cause a bad atmosphere, but also not sure how to word/say it 😕
Anybody else’s little ones having tantrums over the littlest things? Give you a list of todays: couldn’t sit on my lap when on the toilet, finished his milk, filling up his water bottle, took a remote away from him
Hi my 16 month old daughter struggling with vocal things she does point at things she want sometimes but she also screams at things she wants and cries. How do i get her out of the screaming at things? Does anyone else experience this with their toddler? 🥺
My 15 month old always wants to be under me more... cuddles, kisses, etc. Just want me to pick her up and sit and lay with me all the time. I have about 8 weeks left, so maybe she knows another baby is coming lol anyone else experienced this?
Is anybody else super overwhelmed with all the expectations of your baby at a certain age due to social media. Every day I have this panic on that she’s just turned 6 months eight days ago but she’s just not in a hurry to do much. She’s rolling from front to back and needs a little help from back to front but she’...
Anyone else
Anyone else have a 5 year that acts like this. This is almost every day.
Is anyone else’s LO just being very loud and vocal? My LO is just shouting and screeching loads (when he’s happy). Is this normal with your LOs ? Hes 14m. Also going through tantrums as well 😭 so hard on holiday 😂😅
My daughter is one years old she can say a few words Dad Daddy Nan Rara ( it’s what she calls my dad) Pub ( I don’t go to the pub 😅) Bub Bubba I did And a few others how ever the is absolutely no sign of her saying mum 😂😂 anyone else little one the same 😅
My son sometimes crosses his fingers like this? Is this normal please? Anyone else baby does this? Thank you xx
Do babies really have a sense off things? Last night my 21 month old pulled down my pants and started rubbing my belly saying aww baby, he’s also been kissing my tummy saying aww baby. He’s not been around any one pregnant nor do I know anyone pregnant for him to see this? Haha, I’m not due on for 2 weeks but quite ...
My 16 month old has started to bite and hit. I’ve noticed that if we react and engage, he’ll do it more. When we say no, he’ll keep doing it. Should we just ignore and hope this habit stops?
Anyone else’s baby not saying dada or mama and constantly likes make mmm & ahh sounds (8months) should this be a worry?
I have an issue. Several times I caught my husband holding our baby and changing hands or simply for a short time (but still!) without supporting his back, but only by the neck (holding with one hand). I constantly tell him that this is not allowed and even cry (it worries me a lot), but he does it again and again! ...
My son constantly lines up his cars in a certain way all the time, he is extremely picky when it comes to food as well… my husband is autistic, could my son be too?
My 8month has alll the toys to play with but prefers to play with my keys, tv remote, phone chargers. (Basically everything she shouldn’t be playing with) anyone else’s baby like this lol
Mine has just started to craw not a lot but defffently getting there
Hey, I have a 21 month old son who is full of energy and always on the go. He’s cheeky and funny and a joyful little boy! In the last week or so there has been a few behaviors I’ve been concerned about, at the weekend we went to a soft play, he was the first child in there and as more came he started to try to hit t...