Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.

Just a boy thing or keep an eye on this

My son he's a little over a year and I've noticed in the last couple months he has become so extremely aggressive,mostly it is when he doesn't get his way but there are times when it's just out of the blue...I am trying to take the tantrums with him being told no with a grain of salt (normally I either ignore him an...


Is your baby crawling yet?

September moms, at what stage is your LO? Are they rolling back to belly, belly to back, army crawling, doing the frustrated swimmer thing, crawling? Are they mobile yet or they pretty much stay in the place where you leave them?


My 15m old doesn’t say anything

Hi mamas! My 15m old doesn’t say anything. Not even mama or dada. He just babbles in his baby language but doesn’t say any word as such. Is this normal? I’m just very concerned



Anyone else’s 8 month old having full on meltdowns when going into their nursery because they associate it with having to go to bed or during diaper changes? Not sure how to manage this since he’s too young to understand saying no lol it’s rough. Also fussing all day long not entertained by anything for more than 39...


Daycare boo-boos…frequency

How often are your 2 or 3-year-olds getting hurt at day care? - scratches bumps falls toy fights etc. I feel like my lg is getting hurt more often than she should be….there is 1 kid that is WILD and violent…I think he’s the perpetrator more than half the time. I know toddlers are too little to know what they’re doi...



Does your lo say words like mama and dada or something that you know they mean


Sons development assessment nursery

Should I be worried that this is the age range the early years specialist and nursery have put him down for? He’s two and a half and his behind in areas speech being a big one.


Do you speak for your nonverbal kid in public?

My boy is 3 1/2, he is nonverbal but understands, we do great communicating at home but in public I've noticed kids his age will want to play, my toddler is also very shy, they keep asking him questions and will ask why he won't talk or why he's scared. Obviously they're kids and they aren't doing anything wrong but...


When did your little one start talking?

My son is 15 months and has started walking a day after his birthday but he isn’t talking. I read him lots of books and pretend play with him but he just isnt interested. Is it too early to be worried?


Pulling eyelashes

My daughter started pulling out her eyelashes.. anyone elses lo started doing this? And why would she do this? Sure it must hurt or feel uncomfortable 🥲


Toddler speaking..

My daughter is 17 months old, really good speech, also does a lot of makaton signs, but my point in this post is, is it just me but I have always spoke to her with proper words? I see and hear so many people call things for example, bot bot, choc choc, milky, dip dip, but I have always spoke to her using the correct...


Not talking, not pointing

Anyone else? What he does: Babbles Understands some words and some requests Understands introductions to some games we play together Normal name response Understands "no" (doesn't obey always) He's very sociable, plays peek a boo, chasing and hiding games etc Claps to one particular song almost always, other...


Naughty behaviour

My toddler has upped the level of doing things deliberately he knows he shouldn’t do. When he’s been told not to do something he will be determined to do it all day every day. How do you handle this? I tell him once or twice and then I remove him but he just goes back. I ask him where his listening ears are, he po...


Development delay

I feel like my son might be delayed. He’s almost 19 months and doesn’t really talk. He can only say a few words :( and it’s starting to make me feel nervous.


4.5 year old doesn’t wanna walk

My 4.5 yr old doesn’t wanna walk anywhere anymore. He stopped using the stroller when he was 14months because of how much he loved to walk. For the last couple months I’ve been having to use the stroller to go anywhere! He goes to school Monday-Friday and so if I have to go anywhere after I pick him up from school I...


My baby

My baby is only 2 months he said his first word


Red knees when crawling !!

Heyyy ladies I need some advice how I can I help my little one with his knees he’s 7 months old and has just started crawling. He loves is but his knees are getting so red , we keep moisturising them but am looking for what else we can do to prevent this for him !! Thank is advance ladies xx


How long after being able to use the baby walker independently did you're LO start walking?

My LO can use his push along walker without assistance, he can be a little wobbly but never enough to fall. How long did you're babys take to start walking after being at this stage? It's definitely a confidence thing with him as he has to be holding something and he just panics if he thinks he isn't holding onto s...


Almost 9 month old not crawling yet!

Should I be concerned?



Where is your 20/21 month old with speech?


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