Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.


Intrigued to know whether anyone else’s baby still isn’t waving/pointing/clapping? My boy has just turned 14m and he is crawling/cruising along furniture but not independently walking yet and he’s babbling all the time non stop but no actually words as such just yet, but when it comes to waving/clapping/pointing he ...


Advice for reactivity on walks

Merlin, our gentle giant, spent a week in kennels over Christmas and now coming home is completely different on his walks. He’s always been a little jumpy around big vehicles but is now reacting to every single car, bike, truck, even people who walk too close or too fast near us. I’ve been going back to basics with ...



My son is saying around 30-40 words and putting words together. We read loads and practice words etc. However we’ve noticed he can’t make certain sounds for example a ‘L’ sound so for light he says bight or ight, and our dog is called Bella and he’ll say Beya. And the ‘w’ sound so for water he says bater. Just won...



My 8month likes making zombie noises and grunting all the time!! Is this normal ??? 🥺



Baby used to be fine in the car, but now as soon as we put her in the car seat she screams blue murder. Any suggestions on what we can do to stop this? It's making me not want to leave the house😢


Hitting, scratching, hair pulling, biting

My 9 month old will sometimes slap/grab my face and pull my hair& bite. I don’t think she does it intentionally to hurt me but how do I stop this behaviour?


Does anyone else’s toddler do tics sometimes?

Like throat clearing


Love this age 🥰

They say each age you love but I just love this age at the moment!! She’s starting to speak more and it’s just the little things. I ask her something and she’ll say ‘yeah’ then she does it. It’s not massive conversations at the moment but I feel like she actually understands what I’m saying 🥰🥰🥰


My baby is not saying anything, she is almost 14 months, im a stay at home mom. I read, sing & talk to her all day and not a word. She said words in the past like mama, dada, but not repeatedly. Any advice or anything that work for you?

She is also not walking yet.


Is your 6 month old obsessed with standing?

Is this a normal thing?


9month old screaming

My nine month old is screaming and throwing herself back. Is this a tantrum? Is this normal? Also she’s not very well at the moment and isscreaming every time a spoon goes near her mouth. I’m struggling to feed her. She won’t even have a yoghurt



Is this advanced or on track? My daughter is 15 months old. I’m a first time mom so I dunno what I should expect. She says the following words: Mama, dada, meow-meow, airplane ( sounds like arrrr pluh), night-night (nihhh nihht) more and done She can sign sleep, more, done, dog, monkey, elephant, panda, dada, ma...


Help please

My son will be 2 in less than a week and most likely autistic. We started behavioral therapy and speech therapy last summer and project impact in November. He’s highly sensitive and has multiple meltdowns throughout the day where he bangs his head. They used to be short lived and he’d calm down within minutes. We ju...


Hitting biting pinching throwing and screaming

Help me before I lose my mind. My son can say whatever you tell him to so he’s not screaming out of wanting something. He’s 17 months what can I do to get it all to just stop


Just a boy thing or keep an eye on this

My son he's a little over a year and I've noticed in the last couple months he has become so extremely aggressive,mostly it is when he doesn't get his way but there are times when it's just out of the blue...I am trying to take the tantrums with him being told no with a grain of salt (normally I either ignore him an...


Is your baby crawling yet?

September moms, at what stage is your LO? Are they rolling back to belly, belly to back, army crawling, doing the frustrated swimmer thing, crawling? Are they mobile yet or they pretty much stay in the place where you leave them?


My 15m old doesn’t say anything

Hi mamas! My 15m old doesn’t say anything. Not even mama or dada. He just babbles in his baby language but doesn’t say any word as such. Is this normal? I’m just very concerned



Anyone else’s 8 month old having full on meltdowns when going into their nursery because they associate it with having to go to bed or during diaper changes? Not sure how to manage this since he’s too young to understand saying no lol it’s rough. Also fussing all day long not entertained by anything for more than 39...


Daycare boo-boos…frequency

How often are your 2 or 3-year-olds getting hurt at day care? - scratches bumps falls toy fights etc. I feel like my lg is getting hurt more often than she should be….there is 1 kid that is WILD and violent…I think he’s the perpetrator more than half the time. I know toddlers are too little to know what they’re doi...



Does your lo say words like mama and dada or something that you know they mean


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