Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.

Biting and hitting

My 16 month old has started to bite and hit. I’ve noticed that if we react and engage, he’ll do it more. When we say no, he’ll keep doing it. Should we just ignore and hope this habit stops?



Anyone else’s baby not saying dada or mama and constantly likes make mmm & ahh sounds (8months) should this be a worry?


Not holding baby properly

I have an issue. Several times I caught my husband holding our baby and changing hands or simply for a short time (but still!) without supporting his back, but only by the neck (holding with one hand). I constantly tell him that this is not allowed and even cry (it worries me a lot), but he does it again and again! ...


Need help!

My son constantly lines up his cars in a certain way all the time, he is extremely picky when it comes to food as well… my husband is autistic, could my son be too?



My 8month has alll the toys to play with but prefers to play with my keys, tv remote, phone chargers. (Basically everything she shouldn’t be playing with) anyone else’s baby like this lol


Is your 8m old crawling?

Mine has just started to craw not a lot but defffently getting there


Toddler behavior

Hey, I have a 21 month old son who is full of energy and always on the go. He’s cheeky and funny and a joyful little boy! In the last week or so there has been a few behaviors I’ve been concerned about, at the weekend we went to a soft play, he was the first child in there and as more came he started to try to hit t...


Toddler falls

Please tell me your own personal experience or someone you know baby/toddler falling stories. I was throwing away a diaper and within the time of me putting my 16 month old down and me throwing away the diaper she ran off and was trying to rip the mirror down.. she fell back from standing..She hit her head and my mo...


how many words was your kid saying at 1 year? (aside from mama and dada)

i am an autistic first time mom, and i am kind of paranoid about my daughter also having autism. it runs in both mine & dads family. she says some words, but not always appropriately (example: "drink", but doesnt want any drink thats offered to her) is this normal? poll for attention & short answers 🫶


Signs of autism?

My baby does this all night- very restless and thrashes his head/hands etc repetitively- any thoughts? Thank you 🙏


No Tears

My baby is almost 8 months old and doesn’t have tears is this normal?


Who has a tiny mighty 2 yr old ?

She has started … tantrums throwing herself down kicking all about and it’s I guess like they say “terrible two’s”



Is your June baby crawling yet?



Sorry if this is a long post. I’m just at my wits end. My little boy is 14 months old, & I don’t know if this is a stage or if it’s normal or not or if I’m just doing it all wrong. To start, he is such a happy boy usually, will independent play, liked to cuddle etc but lately he is constantly wanting to be picked ...



Should I be concerned. My little girl is 16 months old and hardly says anything. When she wants to she says mum, dad, what’s that etc but she doesn’t say it all the time, she usually just grunts or says it when she wants something. Keep getting told to check her for autism and stuff like that but think she just do...


If you use baby sign language and baby consistently says the beginning sound of the word while doing the sign do you count it as saying the word?

My little is 9 months and has started trying to say a lot recently. She has a lot of signs down but has started pairing sounds. She’s consistently adding “ba” to ball, “daw” to dog, “ni ni” to night night or sleep sign, a few others that aren’t as consistent like more and all done. I really want to count it cos she ...


Non verbal advice

My 19 month boy started saying Yh Yh Yh. He copied once on camera. Is this showing good signs of speech coming? He doesn’t copy us unless we blow raspberries or Indian laugh. We still think this video is a fluke.


UK ladies: toddler is calling everything a ‘scallywag’ 😂

My 3 year old recently started watching Octonauts and one of the characters calls bad guys ‘scallywags’ it’s not exactly a swear word but it’s not very polite… he’s not saying it to people but will say it when he’s engaged in play…. Partner thinks it’s bad… I find it hilarious tbh. What are your thoughts?


Anyones 8 month old saying first words yet?

Like an actual word and not babbling?


Falling off the bed

My 9 month old fell off our bed at 7am this morning she was asleep with her dad so I didn’t see the fall. She’s been a bit off it since Friday anyway and been more moany then normal. She was fine cried when she fell, hasnt got no bruising or swelling. But I can’t help but worry I should have phoned 111 or taken her ...


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