Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.
My little is 9 months and has started trying to say a lot recently. She has a lot of signs down but has started pairing sounds. She’s consistently adding “ba” to ball, “daw” to dog, “ni ni” to night night or sleep sign, a few others that aren’t as consistent like more and all done. I really want to count it cos she ...
My 19 month boy started saying Yh Yh Yh. He copied once on camera. Is this showing good signs of speech coming? He doesn’t copy us unless we blow raspberries or Indian laugh. We still think this video is a fluke.
My 3 year old recently started watching Octonauts and one of the characters calls bad guys ‘scallywags’ it’s not exactly a swear word but it’s not very polite… he’s not saying it to people but will say it when he’s engaged in play…. Partner thinks it’s bad… I find it hilarious tbh. What are your thoughts?
Like an actual word and not babbling?
My 9 month old fell off our bed at 7am this morning she was asleep with her dad so I didn’t see the fall. She’s been a bit off it since Friday anyway and been more moany then normal. She was fine cried when she fell, hasnt got no bruising or swelling. But I can’t help but worry I should have phoned 111 or taken her ...
Holy fk he won’t stop.
I took his clothes and nappy off as he washed his hands and got soaked. He had what felt like a 30 min tantrum. Head banging, trying to put his wet clothes back on, screaming. I sadly couldn't calm when he was hitting himself, scratching at his chest etc so I screamed for him to stop. I just don't know if this is no...
He looks so mad
My boy will be 3 months (on Saturday), and he’s still not grabbing toys or objects I put in front on him. Should I be concerned?
My LG has started whisper babbling a lot instead of normal babbling. It’s cute but is anyone else’s babies doing this?😂
Is anyone’s 5 month shaking their head vigorously left and right? Mine started a couple of weeks ago but I thought it was only while sleeping but now he does it when he is not sleepy or about to go to sleep or even when we’re holding him. Worried if this is normal?
I can’t deal with them. How long do they last😭😭
Anyone else’s LO do this?? My 14 month old has just started doing it😂🤷🏽♀️
Hey! My daughter is (basically) two and she is suspected to be autistic due to certain behavioral patterns and delays by her pediatrician. We’re in the process of an assessment/Diagnosis evaluation thankfully. However, she is non-verbal basically, she babbles and makes sounds but she doesn’t say any words. I’m hopin...
Does anyone else’s baby (11m) just moan all the time at the moment? He went through this at 5 months and it was hell and now we are back there and he makes an awful moaning noise and just seems sick of it and frustrated all the time!! Please tell me it’s not just me!
Really worried my little boy is behind on speech after seeing someone else post on here. I saw someone say their LO is saying around 40 words at this age and a lot of comments were saying around the same. My boy is 20 months and he literally only says about 5 words and even they’re not completely clear… I thought he...
Strange one.. my little boy occasionally looks across the room side eyeing. Stupidly goggled it… says autism so that’s fab 🙃🙃 I know I’m being stupid but can anyone reassure me please? Thanks 🙏
My 1 year and 9 month old has completely ignored his newborn brother. He does not look at him or give any attention. I want them to bond what do i do?
So my friend told me I'm not rasing my 1year old son correctly because I let him watch Ms Rachel and he said my son's going to be very confused while his growing up and when he starts going to nursery
How many words do your little ones have ?