Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.


Does anyone else’s baby (11m) just moan all the time at the moment? He went through this at 5 months and it was hell and now we are back there and he makes an awful moaning noise and just seems sick of it and frustrated all the time!! Please tell me it’s not just me!



Really worried my little boy is behind on speech after seeing someone else post on here. I saw someone say their LO is saying around 40 words at this age and a lot of comments were saying around the same. My boy is 20 months and he literally only says about 5 words and even they’re not completely clear… I thought he...


Side eyeing

Strange one.. my little boy occasionally looks across the room side eyeing. Stupidly goggled it… says autism so that’s fab 🙃🙃 I know I’m being stupid but can anyone reassure me please? Thanks 🙏


Toddler ignoring baby brother

My 1 year and 9 month old has completely ignored his newborn brother. He does not look at him or give any attention. I want them to bond what do i do?


So apparently I'm not rasing my son correctly

So my friend told me I'm not rasing my 1year old son correctly because I let him watch Ms Rachel and he said my son's going to be very confused while his growing up and when he starts going to nursery



How many words do your little ones have ?


My toddlers tantrums are unbearable

I am struggling with the right way to deal with my toddlers tantrums, I never anticipated it could get so bad so early on. It’s usually when she wants something that she cannot have and when she wakes in the middle of the night for any reason and demands to open the door and go downstairs straight away. She gets so ...


Face grabbing

Anyone know why my boy he started pulling and grabbing at his face, sometimes his left ear. Seems a bit frustrated



Anyone's little one still not walking, I am hoping when he starts nursery next month this may help! My son is just not interested in walking he will crawl and sometimes walk with his walker Are your little ones walking?


17.5month old not walking yet

My 17.5month old isn’t walking yet and I’m getting really worried now. He does hold onto things and walks holding onto things and stands up. But when we try to encourage him to walk he falls to the ground in a tantrum and would rather crawl or be picked up. At nursery, his key worker said the same thing that he has ...


Gestures/ talking

Are your 15 month olds talking much? Mine will babble (mostly to himself) say ma or mom when he wants something and dad. He listens and will follow commands like “can I have that” or “bedtime” but he will only clap, high five, and open hand point for gestures. He did start early intervention a couple weeks ago but ...


Vibration soothe

My 6day old settles with the vibration on her Moses basket.. I turn it off and she starts to stir so curiosity how long is ok to leave the vibration on? I’ve tried googling but can’t find anything recent about it


PSA: kitchen extractor fan to stop the screams

just wanted to say that we go through the worst witching hours every single day but the second i stand in the kitchen and rock her with the extractor fan on for a couple of minutes, she’s flat out obviously won’t work for every baby but i’ve done it for months and works without fail so just incase you need somethin...



Hello, my little boy is 1 on the 27th and I wondered what stage all your babies are in with the movement. He still only 'army crawls' and crawls on one knee. Cannot stand on his own. But he can wave, clap, babbles a lot. Been looking at photos of my friends little boy at this age and he was walking 2 weeks before he...



Does anyone else's nearly 3 year old not interested in playing with other children and also has a communication delay. Could this be austism?


Toddler speech

People keep telling me my little boy is quite advanced with his speech. He does love to talk and will Parrott back any word we say, he doesn't always understand it but he can say it. Even when my mother in law says words in Spanish he will repeat them. He also speaks in short sentences, 5 or 6 words like "mummy my w...



I have a son who is 3 with autism he is says a few worlds but not any sentences. I was wondering how to get him to stop being aggressive. He head butts, hits ,kicks, bites,punches and throws thing at me. He also smashes his head off of the wall and ground and anything in sight when upset. He smacks himself and will ...


Slapping and pinching face at night

My 10 month old keeps slapping and pinching my face through the night and whilst going to sleep… how can I get him to stop? I get very annoyed during the night at him


Talking & walking

My boy isn’t talking or walking yet - he crawled at 11 months. He pulls up on things and will go sideways for a couple of steps but no talking or walking.


Started talking then stopped

My baby started saying mama and dada a while back and seemed to grasp the word cat But at some point he seemed to just stop Hes very communicative and vocal otherwise, always pointing, grunting, happily babbling, waving, laughing, great eye contact, game playing etc but just stopped with actual words He’s al...


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