Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Sex after episiotomy?

I currently have a 3 week old and my stitches seem to be healing fine but now I’m very careful with anything down there and I’m a little nervous about being sexually active with my partner again that it will hurt or it won’t feel the same? Any advice or experiences


Back to work

Soooo I’m a single mom of 3 I have 2 teenagers and my baby is 9 months… it’s been a min since I worked a whole day. I’m low key having a separation anxiety from my baby and it’s driving me crazy. Also I’ve been exclusively breastfeeding since day one and she refuses to drink from the bottle…I need advice🥺


Ever since giving birth, does the subject of birth make you emotional?

Idk if it's just me, but ever since I gave birth 3 months ago, the topic makes me so emotional now. Like tearful. Even if i watch a movie where someone is giving birth or watch a tiktok of someone in labor, it makes me so emotional. Am i just really sensitive or does anyone else experience this😅


Struggling/ venting

I'm 31yo with an almost 1yo. I'm down to 4 diapers I have to literally beg people for money so I can get diapers and I just feel like a failure. I know new moms struggle but it's taken a toll on my mental health a lot. I already have Major Depression Disorder anxiety and ptsd. Now it's like I fake a smile every now ...


This hurts my heart so much

My husband is an over the road truck driver and when it comes to sex, it doesn’t feel like he’s sexually attracted to me. I already don’t see him for 3-4 weeks. When we have sex, he doesn’t get aroused. He doesn’t stay on hard and it takes forever for him to nut. I asked him was it anyone else and he said no. He sai...


TTC and mental health

Does anyone else find TTC a real strain on your mental health? We’re trying for baby no. 2 and I feel it’s even worse this time round. Goodness knows how much I’ve spent on pregnancy tests, desperate to know before my period is due 😩



Those who have had an episiotomy, how long did it take to not feel as painful and how does it look once healed? I’m on day 4 and it’s still painful/stings. Not constantly but after I’ve been for a wee or getting up and down from sitting/lying or if I try and do too much. It’s also really swollen and raised where it’...


Terrified of SIDS

My baby is 6 wks and I’ve been having so much SIDS anxiety . I had to delete tik tok bc it was showing up on my FTP so much it was scaring me. I’m so scared of this happening and it keeps me awake all day and night just watching my baby sleep. When does the anxiety go away? What are some things that help you get to ...


Feeling inadequate

I'm so proud my little one started nursery this week she is nearly 7 months old. She done so well and doing things she hasn't done with us at home. I'm so proud but can't help but feel I've done something wrong she eating her food when we try to feed her at home she hasn't shown much interest same with water. She do...


Cryo or EMS sculpt

Has anyone tried this? I have about 10 lbs more to lose and I have ALWAYS had this stubborn pouch at my lower belly that I heard the two treatments can help but I’m nervous. I am still working out and no plans to stop but it’s more for healthy lifestyle but are the results temporary/permanent?


Just need to talk

Does anyone on here struggle with their mental health? Just always feeling like a rubbish mum or get annoyed easily, I always wake up wanting to be the best mum ever and don't sleep at night because I feel like I could have done better but then my son just whines all day no matter what I do and I end up just getti...


Intimate Care

Personal question - it's slowly getting a bit harder to keep 'down there' tidy. Normally I fully shave but that won't be possible in a few weeks and personally I'd rather not let it go wild for the final couple of months. Has anyone tried hair removal cream on their pubic area? Is it safe during pregnancy (obvious...


Postpartum Aches and Pains

Anyone else having really achy joints and muscles postpartum? Particularly for me, my lower back, pelvis/pubic bone, leg muscles and knees are SO sore/achy, and I had my baby via c-section early January so the soreness in my pelvis doesn’t exactly make sense. I still feel as though I’m pregnant having those last tri...


SIDS anxiety

I’m absolutely terrified of SIDS. I know a lot of first time mums are but it’s become so bad, I can’t even look at posts mentioning it because I get anxious. I’m so scared of her sleeping away from me and I’m scared of sleeping myself that I feel like I don’t get a good sleep. I have been thinking of getting the...



Just need to vent a little- I’m 40, we found out we were expecting closer to Christmas and recently got our sonogram at 8 weeks- everything is perfect, so far. We have a 6 yo- been trying for a second for a year now. I asked my husband to tell his parents but no one else- I’ve since had strangers congratulate me bec...


Rant because im fking stressed

Just found out I'm pregnant with baby #2. This one was not planned and it's honestly a terrible time. I have to take my 1 year old to physical therapy twice a week. I'm dealing with a lot of nausea and throwing up. Everything makes me wanna puke, I can't even step in the kitchen without almost puking. And it's not...


How to survive newborn phase with an active toddler?

I am nearly 40, had a c village , partner goes into deep sleep at night so no help...he is helping with a toddler at day time but soon will go back to work, so after c section he is with me only 2.5 toddler is very active, screams and cries often, Does not give me chance to relax...I have dep...


Day Care Jitters 🥺😓

My munchkin starts school next week and I knt get my anxiety under control 😰😓 all she knows is mommy. Now, she ain't pay me no mind when I bought her up to the school and she was interacting with the kids but I know once she starts looking for me ☹️🥺😢 it’s like what do yall do to redirect her attention when she…


Still healing after child

Is anyone else still struggling with stuff? I still can’t wear tampons they just fall out 😂 and I can’t wear any other colour apart from black otherwise I just sweat loads and you can see the patches :( my hair still falls out. Anyone else? He’s almost 2!


Does anyone have constant dark thoughts of baby being still born.

I’ve talked to a therapist but still have this awful thought. I’m even considering an elective c section as I’m worried something will happen during labour


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