Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
Did you ladies circumcise your boys ? My hubby didn’t want to and I respected his decision. I respect everyone’s opinion because both have good reasonings but why did or did you not ?
MIL is a complete nightmare since day one! Husband had surgery and she told him not even a week after recovery that he had to go to another state with them or she would disown him. Called me multiple names to my husband over text. After I gave birth, she drove down 14 hours to visit and proceeded to make everything ...
Hello! Desperate for answers from women who have had ovarian cyst removal. I’m so skeptical on if I should get the surgery. I’ve read they usually go away on their own but I’ve had this pain for at least a year now. It only happens when I’m ovulating and during sex. My cyst isn’t too big, 3cm which is the size of a ...
Hi, just given birth with forceps delivery to a 9.5lbs baby and ended up with episiotomy and grade 4 tear. Wondering if anybody has any tips for recovering, when to start doing pelvic floor exercises etc Any advice appreciated!
6 mo fell off the bed when dad accidentally fell asleep with her on the edge, our bed is like a foot/foot and a half off the ground it’s really low down. She has her bottom two teeth and the top gum seems to have been cut (the top two are coming in rn) and she was bleeding. She has a bit of a bump on her head. She w...
This is my second pregnancy but I didn’t have this issue last time (had to be induced at 40+3) , I’ve been having consistent Braxton hicks since last night, im extremely hydrated and nothing I do seems to be working. They’re bearable, i can walk thigh them and they’re not happening constantly but when they do there’...
I notice every time i pump, and sometimes just randomly (like when i havent tidied up my place) i get these feelings of regret. Not regret about my baby per se, but random choices or things I said and did in the past that have nothing to do with her. I am divorced and i keep thinking about that relationship. However...
I just feel so emotional and teary eyed - Feel like my partner isn’t being nice to me when he prob is, but maybe he isn’t doing enough for me. Maybe it’s pregnancy hormones?
I’m currently in therapy for PPA but struggling now with depression also I just get so upset every day feeling like a bad mum and like I’m not managing as well as other people seem to be. I just keep breaking down and now starting to have episodes of rage where I just want to hit and punch and throw (obviously not h...
I feel so guilty. I screamed ‘fuck sake’ in front of my baby multiple times. I was so overwhelmed - she pooed in the bath, I was trying to clean her whilst she was cold and shivering, put her back in bath without mat l as it was poo covered and she was banging her head, tried to shower her but she screamed. I lost m...
Hi guys. I’ve been referred to the perinatal mental health team for counselling. Has anyone had this before? My health visitor thinks I have postnatal development. I didn’t think you could get it this late but maybe I’ve had it for a while. I had a very traumatic birth and I think it’s a build up of everything. Moth...
I’m probably being a hypocrite. We just had a second baby so I’m feeling a little emotional and unattractive. But at the same time I have a very low libido from breastfeeding. Baby is 4 months and we have only had sex like 3 times. Idk why I feel weird about it. He asked and I told him it was okay but idk. Someone t...
mainly if you are pumping/breastfeeding
Has anyone ever felt like they needed closure from bd? Long story short, it’s been about 2 almost 3 years since I stopped being with my bd. I gave myself a year to focus on my new life as a mom and to heal from everything that he’s done to me. That consisted on putting his hands on me pregnant and not pregnant, as...
Do anyone’s days just roll into one? Constantly shattered, getting max 3 hours sleep a night and constantly doing the washing, washing bottles, feeding him and next thing I know it’s the next day, I can’t drive till 6 weeks cause of c section, but how do you all get out of the house and find the time too?
I am 4 weeks postpartum. I feel ready to walk (as in go out for a walk) I have twice gone out and done small walks. 20min around the block. Both times that afternoon I started bleeding again. My bleeding has been on and off throughout my postpartum period. I mentioned it to the doctor and she said. Listen to your bo...
So for context.. my husband and his mum have never had the best relationship, she was never really part of our life before we had a baby. We'd see her at birthdays and Christmas and that was enough for us all. Then we had a baby and suddenly she wants to be involved and we now have to endure weeks visits. She wasn't...
I need good positive energy today guys. I have my final growth scan and depending what they see will depend on how my babygirl can come into the world and if I’ve done enough for her. It’s my first child and I’m bricking it! My last growth scan 2 weeks ago showed her growth has slowed, my placenta scans have all c...
I don't know what to do or if this is even normal ... It's like I'm slowly giving up on life. This is not only affecting me mentally but also physically as I barely sleep, baby wakes up countless time during the night. I'm so so tired and feel so lonely 😭
Does anyone suffer with health anxiety? I had a traumatic birth which has left me with such bad health anxiety🫠