Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
my younger sister dog Mia has been barking since the day my son born and came home (parents house). Mia had been trained under my sister but it’s doesn’t seem improved at all. she been spoiled since as pup and treat as baby in brat way. anyway, she still barking and jealous whenever my parents & other sister hold...
I put my all into my relationship and family. Always Made a lot of money, always been self sufficient, kept a job , Cooked, cleaned. For me now.. to be a struggling sahm. Not a dollar to my name. No income. No help. Can barely keep my mind clear for my baby half the time is crazy. I literally have no words on how I’...
How is everyone dealing with postpartum depression? Streams of water flows down my face and it hit me mostly in the middle of night and morning
Firstly sorry that we’ve got something in common re ectopic and wishing everyone lots of baby dust🫶🏼 I’ve just roughly 6 hours ago had my surgery to treat my ruptured tube from an ectopic pregnancy. Hoping those who’ve had the same can give me some insights to recovery please? I have a four year old and…
Anyone else really struggling with this tail end of pregnancy mood wise? My temperament is extremely short, I just always want to cry, and everything my partner says and does bothers me badly. I’m 34 + 2 and I just want to breakdown. I don’t want to be pregnant anymore and am scared of giving birth as this is my fir...
Anyone else’s baby still practically bald??
Just looking for support and seeing if anyone is feeling the same as me. I just had my 2nd baby and my husband and I have decided it’s going to be our last. I can’t help but feel emotional and sad that she’ll be my last baby. Never again will I experience pregnancy or these little newborn snuggles. A few friends are...
Hey everyone, i am first time mother of 16 week baby. I am having crazy hair fall and i am so worried about it. Please suggest something if you know anything xxx
So this week I am back to work and my baby starts nursery. Just feeling incredibly upset and anxious about handing her over and not spending every minute of the day with her :( at her settling in sessions she has been upset quite a bit which makes it all the more harder. Anyone in the same boat or has gone through t...
Anyone else having horrible acne a few weeks postpartum? I never experienced this with my first two babies. Nothing I do is helping treat it. Should I just let it run its course or does anyone have any tricks?
Why is my MIL so obsessed with having my son on her own? So we actually live with MIL, she sees my son obviously daily as we live with her. My mom and dad see my son once a week. I haven’t left my son with anyone yet (he’s 20 months old) but my anxiety just won’t let me😂but even though MIL sees him every single…
I took my daughter to a birthday party today (role play areas) and she wanted the trolley filled with kitchen stuff. However if another child went near it she was screaming and crying to the point I had to remove her from the room. The whole group (adults) stopped and looked. I went back in after she calmed down, th...
Has anyone started loosing their eyebrow hair after a year of giving birth? I lost some of the sides of my head and now look like I have side burns but now I’m loosing half my eye brow too. I’m still breastfeeding, I don’t know if this effects it😫
Does anyone else have a super fussy/colicky baby? I swear if my girl isn’t feeding or sleeping or in the bath she’s constantly crying. It’s so overwhelming, idk if she’s just colicky or if I’m not feeding her enough, she always seems hungry and always on the boob. It’s stressful and I feel like I’m the only one that...
What are y’all’s thoughts? I know I want to do it, I’m just so sad and unsure about how they do it 🥺
So we’ve had a holiday booked for a while now, just found out we’re pregnant. This means after a c section we will be going on holiday to a cabin (a bit of luxury) but with a 4 week old and a mum 4 weeks post section. Anyone done similar? Am I nuts still considering going?
My daughter screams her lungs out when myself or husband are not around. She usually goes to her grandparents every weekend and yesterday surprisingly she had a crying and very desperate moment looking around. We thought there was something with her and today we left her with my sister as we are moving and she did t...
So I’ve been getting intrusive thoughts but not bad ones. like when I cross the road, I always think what if a car hits my pram, I’m gonna have to throw myself infront of it😂 i don’t think of anything to harm me or the baby, it’s just I think about what if we die or i die really often😭 am i going insane ?
I found out a little over a month ago my daughter has autism and she’s on the move the moment she wakes up she’s always go go go 100% of the time always repeating herself when she wants something and it’s even harder when we aren’t home I don’t ever just have a break I feel like I’m about to be on the edge of a ment...
How soon can you be intimate after giving birth? I gave birth a month ago