Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
I know this will be normal in some way. Just wanting to rant share feelings etc Baby was born 4th January I already have a son who is 20 months old. I can’t stop crying. I have overwhelming fear I’m going to lose my baby as in from ill health. I did with other one (feel this way) . But also I’m really upset that...
Does anyone else feel a bit let down by their parents? My parents promised me they’d be there and help me after I had my baby (I never asked them for any help mind you) however they’ve totally gone back on this now. We are lucky if we see my parents once every month or two. Baby cries if they hold her and they get ...
Has anyone found their attention span has really suffered post-baby? My LB is one in a couple of weeks and I started back at work last week. I find it so hard to stay focused on a task at work now and it’s driving me nuts. I think partly it’s because I’m thinking about him and how he’s getting on but I also just thi...
So my baby will be 9 months when it’s my friends wedding that I am apart of. Of course kids are not invited which I totally respect. My little one does not take to the bottle and is exclusively bf. I am a little stressed and worried how to navigate since my mom will be watching her but will have to bring her over so...
Hi mamas! My baby is losing hair at the back of her head. NHS states this is totally normal as they gain more mobility with their neck/head, but I can't help but feel like I've neglected her😭 She was born with a full head of hair and everyone comments on it (and then can't believe I had no heartburn😂) Had anyone…
But I’ve had this friend who is my first borns godmom. I haven’t seen her since last April, at my first son’s birthday. That is also the second and last time she met my second born who was 3 months at that time. Well yesterday I had a birthday party for my second born since he’ll be 1 tomorrow and I didn’t even bo...
Just wondering if this has happened to anyone before, I had an episiotomy and the skin stitches have dissolved but leaving the skin wound open all internal ones closed. I went to hospital yesterday they leave it to heal on its own.. has this happened to anyone before and what was the healing like.. hoping the pain s...
I just need to vent. I don’t have any mom friends where I live to vent to. I have been feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated the past week. It’s like I truly don’t know how to stop my toddler’s meltdowns. I feel like I’ve tried the getting on her level, consoling, being firm, ignoring. I’m tired y’all. I was not pr...
So I keep hearing people tell me if I get rid of our baby stuff early I will get pregnant again! I definitely do not want this to happen as I had a traumatic birth experience. Does anyone have any knowledge of this old wives tale and just how true it is?
My little girl was born a week ago and her dad has been amazing, however, I am concerned he has postnatal depression. The birth was traumatic and he thought they had decapitated her with the forceps. She came out floppy and unresponsive. Our baby has had a bit of a cold and last night he became obsessed with liste...
My two year old is really testing my patience at the moment. She easily spends 80% of the day screaming and crying.. most of the time what seems for no reason. When she’s alone, when we’re present, when we’re home or even out, doing activities, watching telly, eating, cuddling.. you name it.. she cries. I’ve tried ...
I have always had a good relationship with my MIL, but I knew there may be issues once my baby was born as she has different cultural expectations as she isn't originally from the UK (for instance, being hands on with the care of the baby). She came to stay with us 2 weeks prior to me giving birth. A few things ha...
After having a kid, the hard part is just watching your marriage fall apart, everyone says you will see if your meant to be after having a baby and I didn’t know that they were telling the truth
Hi all, I’m 28 weeks, had a stitch at 22 weeks. I’ve been using the pessary rectally all along and after the stitch my consultant said to continue rectally. However, I have bowel disease (ulcerative colitis) which has flared up and I’m unable to keep them in an hour now. I don’t see my consultant for another few day...
My husband has that salt and pepper thing going that I thoroughly enjoy. Today I discovered a box of hair dye!!! He plans on dying it!!! I’m devastated. I am very pregnant and realize I’m probably being hormonal but every time I think about it I just wanna cry 😢. He’s tired of people asking if he’s stressed or…
I am going through it! Toddler and infant both sick, now husband and I are too. I've been the one to get up for the kids 95% of the time. I am over this! Thankfully they have stopped puking, and their fevers have all broken and they are on the mend. But I need sleep and baby won't stop crying! I have to be up for wo...
Does anyone dissociate when their baby cries? I can’t seem to help it but whenever he cries I zone out so the cries are muffled. My husband makes me feel bad about it saying I shouldn’t do it but I literally can’t help it at this point. I know he’s crying and I do help him of course but I’m just not all there when h...
Hello my baby is now 14 months and I suffered horrible PPD starting right after she was born. I am still struggling and feel it will never get better at this point. I see a therapist and a psychiatrist though it does not seem to be helping. I am a single mother but her father is very supportive and does great with h...
My baby burn by hot water..it's second degree partial thickness burn..just curious to know if its look like healing ? Or does she get no scars in future.. m very sad and hurt .... 😢
My mom lives with us (me, my husband and two kids). Whenever I get my toddler girl up and dancing, my mom will pull out her camera to record. Today, we were dancing in the living room, my mom walked in (her room is on the first floor), realized she forgot her phone, ran back to her room to grab it, and came back o...